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Everything posted by MightyCrow

  1. In the changelog for v2.3, under post release, mods, where it mentions smooth shores patches, it links to a page which says to install all mods except worldspace transition tweaks. Doing so installs the Depths of Skyrim Patch which is missing its master. SkyrimSE:Smooth Shores Patches - Step Mods | Change The Game (stepmodifications.org) Using the link from the main mod page, advises to install all mods except Depths of Skyrim Patch. SkyrimSE:Smooth Shores Patches/2.3 - Step Mods | Change The Game (stepmodifications.org) Which is right?
  2. sScreenShotBaseName=C:\Screenshots\Skyrim\Step-SkyrimSE
  3. For some reason, I can't change the Screenshots location. I get this error in the console: This is what my PO3 INI looks like: This is what BethINI Pie says: To confirm this path exists: If I change the PO3 INI setting to false, the screenshots go here: I have checked all mods with INIs and can't see any that modify the screenshots path.
  4. Most of Arthmoor's mods are now back on the Nexus and up to date. The Paarthurnax Dilemma at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Cutting Room Floor - SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Gildergreen Regrown at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  5. Yes, see attached. Also attached file conflicts page. I have re-installed the mod and still same issue. I'm using latest STEP 2.3. I wonder if it has anything to do with the imminent update to Nemesis?
  6. I have tried that. Attached are screenshots of the program. I am using MO2 version 2.5.2. I've also attached my plugin options, ran from within MO2.
  7. Hmm, mod instructions show invisible markers is recommended, so why is that not part of the FOMOD options? Instead we have Question Marks. Which one does STEP recommend?
  8. ice skating fixed for real is not recognised by nemesis. or at least there is no option to select as per the instructions in the step guide.
  9. I thought I had hidden ELFX plugins, but somehow managed to leave one enabled. I've disabled it now, thanks. Thanks for the update.
  10. Btw, my fix is still required at present to get magic hand fx from Embers XD, I assume this requires and updated STEP Post Processing patch and will be updated in the next version?
  11. Also on this topic, is it correct to not install the ELFX patch? I assume so but wanted to check? It is checked by default.
  12. Thanks for updating the guide. There appears to be an odd sentence about UNIQ in the guide. See screenshot below.
  13. There is a new option in the FOMOD, White Glow. It is recommended to leave it at Particle Light. See attached screenshot.
  14. The FOMOD layout appears to have changed. Attached are screenshots of the new layout. The instructions may need tweaking to match the new layout.
  15. Hmm, then I'm not sure why it's not working for me. Are you using the full Step guide with up to date mods?
  16. I have a bug with this mod. The shop, Rorlimir's Finest Sundries is permanently locked. I have reported the issue to Arthmoor but he insists this was fixed in a prior version. Can anyone else verify this? During the day it should be open. I have tried to probe xEdit but I am not sure how to check the door schedule. I've found the lock data but not sure this is the right place to look.
  17. Another bug, although it could just be a Skyrim bug. I use wireless headphones. If the headphones turn off/disconnect for any reason or i turn them off, when turning them back on there is no Skyrim game audio. There's not even any audio coming from my laptops speakers. I have to completely restart the game. If I load up the game without turning on my headphones, when I turn them on, the sound does not come out my headphones. I have checked my audio settings and headphones were definitely on and Skyrim was set to output to said headphones.
  18. The Unofficial Update has it's own mod page now that is being regularly updated. I would recommend installing this as a separate mod. Cathedral Weathers and Seasons Unofficial Update at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  19. When using the bookshelf in the Apothecary in Breezehome, I am able to duplicate books if I: 1. Add a book to the bookshelf. 2. Read the book. 3. On the read book screen, take the book. 4. The bookshelf resets with the book back on there. 5. I am able to repeat this to get unlimited copes of the book.
  20. Ok. Is it safe to change during a play through? do you or anyone else have any recommendations for settings?
  21. What does this mod actually do in a STEP install? My understanding is it does nothing unless the ini file is tweaked, which Step doesn’t advise?
  22. Do I need to run DynDoLOD again?
  23. Oddly that actually reduced my FPS to 30! NormalMappingShadowsQuality was originally set to 1. ShadowQuality was originally set to 2.
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