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I had a similar issue to @paradoxhound where Camilla and her brother were both trying to use the counter when I first arrived in the shop. Problem was he ended up a few inches back from the counter and not actually leaning on it, this also prevented Camilla from reaching the door to go outside.


She did appear there after I left though.

  • +1 1

I've had some issues with Lydia after making her my Steward for Lakeview Manor. Ever since doing that, she's been spotty on being a follower. I found her roaming the Reach one time, then another she just showed up in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun to kill one skeleton and left. She did the same thing another time. Whenever you talk to her, she has all the same follower dialogue she's always and but has become completely useless since I made her my Steward. I finally just released her from being a follower and haven't seen her since. I have no idea if this mod was the cause but it might be something to check out.

Posted (edited)

@ Neovalen: You got a animation bug coupled to a pathfinding bug, the animation bug occurs without my plugin and is quite rare. In the Riverwood Trader, the pathfinding algorithm has trouble to find a solution to navigate around the counter due to a lack of space around it.


@ TechAngel85: Lydia is one of the rare NPCs living in Whiterun that I didn't improve (for now, she just uses "survival insinct"), because I don't know what to do with her. Someone already reported something about her:

JalapenoJeff wrote: A question about Lydia.

I use a customized version of her, called (the esp file) as MHBLydia. It's mainly an appearance mod that changes her hair, face, makeup.
But I added by myself to this mod a package that is the same package used by one of the guards of Whiterun, and makes her patrolling aorund from BH front, to Temple of Kynareth, then down to the market and again. Daytime only.

I noticed that, before installing your ICAO, she didn't follow this package. Now she do, and I'm a bit curious to know why, considering that nothing else is changed.
Btw, she also stands looking for goods, sometimes, right in the market place (daytime) and I suppose this is a behaviour you added to her. Am I right?

Source :https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2792539-immersive-citizens-ai-overhaul/page-64&do=findComment&comment=26710719


A lot of mods edit the AI of Lydia without telling it. A good example is "Breezehome FullyUpgradable". So it may be hard for you to find the culprit.

Edited by shurah
  • +1 1

I'll check into it if I have time. For now, I'll just stick it out without a follower as I have to go meet Delphine anyway. I'm at level 15 and barely starting the storyline due to another mod that pauses the story for a time to allow for better gameplay. Just been doing random quests and building up Lakeview until that time.

Posted (edited)

If I understand well, she is now your steward, right?
Can you send your mod list please? It might be useful for me to try to understand where the problem comes from.

Edited by shurah
  • +1 1

I am at work now, but will send it when I get home.


She is my Steward now, but you're still suppose to be able to make stewards followers again. She's just acting like a woman that's gone senile and wondering about. Haha!


I think I had an animation and pathfinding type of bug in Riften as well. Bran-Shei and that guy who chops wood were stuck over by the bunkhouse going through there regular routine like they were at the woodchopping block and the vendor booth.




The really weird part is that the game still registered that the guy was still chopping wood at the chopping block. I was trying to get some would and it said that someone was using it. I could hear the guy working, but had to run around to find him. 


I've ran into some NPCs just standing around and seemingly gazing into the void. The most notable one was a NPC standing on the road just down from Honeybrew. I can talk to her and guards were just walking around her. I watched her for several minutes before moving on. I haven't checked to see if she's still there or not.


I need to keep a note of the small oddities I run into because there's no way Shurah could check everything possible in the game. Bug reports will be valuable.


Overall this mod is great! The Bare Manor is full of life now. Even guards stop in. Have the bard play something and watch half the room start dancing!


What's the Bare Manor? Do you mean the Bannered Mare?  :rofl:


Saadia walks around with a tray of drinks going from table to table. That was a pretty nice touch.


Yeah, that's what I meant. That was a nice touch too. I think you could okay the whole game and still see sine new things you didn't notice before with the NPCs. I've found myself talking to them much more.


@ EssArrBee: For now, only "go home" & " survival instinct" are used by Riften's citizens. This bug was created by the AI designed by Bethesda's developers.

@ TechAngel85: All the travelers & patrols generated through random encounters are heavily buged (after some time, they stop to move) since the 11/11/11. I didn't take the time to fix them and no one in the USKP team has the knowledge to fix them. For information, it took me more than one hundred of hours just to fix the Khajiit caravans.

  • +1 2
  On 7/8/2015 at 8:45 PM, TechAngel85 said:

Wow! Exactly how long did you work on this mod before releasing it?

I guessing it's DynDOLOD level of hours.

The mod is awesome++, though I reported it as a bug seeing Sigrid having lunch with the kids and then wonder off shortly after Hod turns up and the talk turns to the rebellion. Later Gerdur coming to keep an eye on me while I was working with Alvor. Ralof may trust me but it felt like Gerdur didn't. It maybe my over active imagination but I felt a tension in Riverwood between the two civil war factions that was missing before.

FYI Carlotta's Market Stall Fix Whiterun seems to work even though it moves the browse marker.


@TechAngel85: I stopped to count the time spent on this mod a long time ago. A quick estimation give me more than 4 000 hours.

  • +1 3

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