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Any mod is open for as much debate as the users want to put into them. Just because one person thinks it's a "no-brainer" doesn't mean everyone will feel the same. Besides, both your votes are tallied correctly. ::P:


I am one of those that don't feel it's right for STEP; Core or Extended. You've got to stop and think that hundreds of people are going to be using it if it's included in STEP (I think we sometimes forget this because only a handful and users get involved in the process). If only a few are interested in it, then it's better suited for personal mod lists, not included in STEP. I'm against this enough that I would consider skipping it in my STEP installed if it were to be added. There is enough change with this mod that it doesn't flow with overall Skyrim design, imo.


I PMed Z a couple days ago to toss in his thoughts if he has time. No word yet. The tally is close enough that we might have to wait for his thoughts or exclude the user votes and go with a strictly staff vote as we have had to in the past (sorry, this is nothing against non-staff members but it's one way we resolve things in a tight race or a crunch).

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I still do like them. I just think that the official STEP Extended pack should not deviate this far. As to Radiant bottles, I really haven't been in favor of that mod either, so that argument doesn't persuade me.

haha! Those was exactly my thoughts as well! Those bottles are far too saturated...but that's another topic.

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For what it's worth, here are my thoughts.  I haven't had a chance to look at them extensively in game, but from what I've seen so far, I really like them.  I don't see them as so different from the vanilla style that they wouldn't work for STEP.  As several others have also said, the Riften windows are the only ones that seem a bit off to me. 


I think the thickness and texture of the glass in most cases makes a lot of sense.  I also like that this mod provides a very reasonable explanation for why you can't actually see through the windows in the game.  I'm in favor of including this mod in STEP.

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Yeah I don't get the debate that went on if this was extended. We shouldn't be wasting that much time and nitpicking like meth heads on a bender for extended mods. That's was farmhouses and caves are for!!! ::P:

Yeah, for real. Doesn't really make sense to me to have one window mod for Core and one for Extended but anyway..


I think the thickness and texture of the glass in most cases makes a lot of sense.  I also like that this mod provides a very reasonable explanation for why you can't actually see through the windows in the game.  I'm in favor of including this mod in STEP.

My thoughts exactly. Makes up for the game's limitation of not being able to show what's on the other side. Well.. there is that Immersive Interiors mod.. but still.


As for the Solitude windows I think RW actually succeeds in making the Blue Palace look more like a palace than VW's undetailed textures. I don't think they are in your face like Tech says, I think that, specially with the toned down glow maps, they fit Solitude pretty darn well. And Windhelm? Well, that's a no-brainer. 


I vote yes.

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Really? Are you sure? Staff only?


Having been to a lot of castles, that are amazingly cold, and have really thin window panes... I can't say I agree this mod fits. Don't these guys burrow underground to escape the cold? It was that way in Bruma at least.

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Really? Are you sure? Staff only?Having been to a lot of castles, that are amazingly cold, and have really thin window panes... I can't say I agree this mod fits. Don't these guys burrow underground to escape the cold? It was that way in Bruma at least.

Exactly. Most don't care about realism around here though. I'm one of the few and it's a hard battle sometimes. :) Realists...band together! Haha!
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Also I would assume glass was not cheap. Everyone having thick windows would probably not be possible bar Solitude which seems quite wealthy. I'm not a super realist, but I can at least see there are a lot of holes in this redesign from real life and in-game perspectives. By the way we all know why we can't see through the windows, even with this mod. That will never go away.

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Exactly. Most don't care about realism around here though. I'm one of the few and it's a hard battle sometimes. :) Realists...band together! Haha!

Realism, huh?  Then why are we even looking at glass textures?  Let's find some translucent hide or horn textures for the windows because, realistically, no one living in a medieval time period except the very rich (say the Blue Palace and a few other noble homes or temples, and only the very wealthiest of those) would have glass windows.  Also, I suspect that few of the glass windows currently in castles are original.  It seems unlikely that glass panes, particularly thin ones, would survive that many centuries.  In my experience with older homes, after about a 100 years the glass starts slumping and falling out of the panes.  Now small pieces of leaded glass might fair better, but not some of the larger panes of glass seen in Skyrim (the larger of which I don't think would even have been technologically possible in medieval times, realistically speaking). ;)


EDIT: Actually, I think it was the technology to make thin, clear glass that was difficult and expensive.  Romans and Egyptians did have some glass windows, but they were thick, dark, and not at all transparent.  Making glass is an ancient technology, but it took a bit of time before people figured out how to make it thin, flat and transparent.

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