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I might have to. I'd re-install the O/S but I don't have a working CD drive right now either.


Oh well, all part of life's rich wossname, I suppose...


I might have to. I'd re-install the O/S but I don't have a working CD drive right now either.


Oh well, all part of life's rich wossname, I suppose...

Is why I keep my OS on a flash drive.

Posted (edited)

Posted Image


What does this error mean? How can I fix it? @_@ I haven't even installed any mods other than up to step 2.C of STEP 2.9, and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.


I pressed Sort Plugins, then Apply. This pops up along with a blank report viewer window.


It seems that it's attempting to create report.html in Moddingresourcesreport, but it never does create a report.

Edited by Skyrunner

Unfortunately, the current LOOT version a new version of Internet Explorer to display its report. You evidently don't have that newer version. Next version of LOOT is supposed to fix this I believe.


Works fine with Chrome... at least I have not been having any issues like this yet. 

Edit: oh I forgot I actually do have IE installed as a backup due to certain sites sometimes refusing to work on anything else! So that might be why! 


Oh, well. Guess I will be making a work around then... I refuse to install Internet Explorer. I've terminated it with the utmost prejudice.

That is just soooooo dumb. People just don't understand anything about the monopoly ruling against Microsoft that do this. IE comes with more than just a browser, it has many components and features that other applications, including browsers, need from Windows. You only get the updated versions of that stuff by keeping IE up to date. It is a security and compatibility risk that you aren't even aware of. All you have to do is keep a version installed and never use it, but make sure you install any updates with Widows Update to keep everything okay for other browsers. Just turn the IE features on in control panel (I think), update, and then turn them off again so other apps can use the components needed. Microsoft still has to comply with the monopoly ruling they got years ago, so there is a bunch they can't do with integrating certain things from IE into Windows. Stupid, I know, but that is what happens when you own >90% of the marketplace.


Oh, don't worry about my security. I've got it handled, I know what I'm doing. Also nothing's broken, since I do the components manually so don't get your pants in a bunch.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, the current LOOT version a new version of Internet Explorer to display its report. You evidently don't have that newer version. Next version of LOOT is supposed to fix this I believe.

Really? I reinstalled IE11 just for LOOT, but it still doesn't work? That kinda sucks... Edited by Skyrunner

Oh, don't worry about my security. I've got it handled, I know what I'm doing. Also nothing's broken, since I do the components manually so don't get your pants in a bunch.


No need to be rude..


This is what the LOOT FAQs recommend:


LOOT's report is blank. How do I fix this?

LOOT uses Windows' internal web browser to display its report. This web browser is basically Internet Explorer, but it's present even if you have Internet Explorer disabled. If it's not displaying LOOT's report properly, this may be because it isn't up-to-date.

The report display has been tested using IE 11, which is available to all Windows 7 and 8.x users. Windows Vista users can only update as far as IE 10, and though the report should display with this version, it is untested.

To update the internal web browser, make sure Internet Explorer is enabled in the "Turn Windows features on/off" control panel, and install the latest updates available through Windows update. That should be enough to fix the report display, and you can disable Internet Explorer again if you so wish.


I can't tell you if this works for me when I'm home, maybe you can test it now and report you feedback, please.

All arguments on installing / updating IE aside, it's easy enough to manually view the most recent LOOT report in your browser of choice.


If you get the blank report displayed in LOOT, do the following to get the correct "URL" to add as a bookmark:

  • Right-click in the LOOT Report Viewer window, and select Properties in the contextual menu.
  • Carefully copy the text next to Address: in the Properties window. You need the all of the text for it to work. My text was:


  • Open up your non-IE browser, and paste the copied text into the URL field, and hit return to view the LOOT report
  • Make a bookmark / favorite of the "URL".

Although using Windows built-in browser to view the report seems slick, I'd prefer an added user option for the report to be opened externally in the current default browser.

  • +1 1

Currently I'm more than half way tempted to hack on the LOOT source and make a command line only version. It would better fit my workflow when I'm modding.


Anyone interested if I do?


LOOT fails to show the report after it have sortet plugins. Thus I cannot see what mods I need to clean, other than those specifically pointed out by STEP(The official DLC's and BirdsandFlocks).

What is causing this? I'm launching it through Mod Organizer, and I've the newest version.





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