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I'd recommend using Mature Skin or BI Phenotypes instead if you're looking for more human-like textures.

I've not been keeping up. Mature Skin doesn't work on Vanilla bodies (neither the CBBE nor the UNP versions...both leave seams). ::P: I can check out BI Phenotypes though.

Posted (edited)

Seams where? I didn't notice any. D:

That is weird though, seeing as how AFAIK, dimon used the same UVmaps as those from the vanilla body...

Edited by CJ2311

UNP version created a seam on the neck. CBBE version created seams on the wrists. (remember that these are installed over XCE and all the fixes that mod includes...so not technically pure vanilla :ermm: )


Oh lord... Bi Phenotypes doesn't even have proper directories set up.... Authors really need to learn to create FOMODs if they're going to do this stuff.


Is that with the textures only or with the normal maps + textures? I guess I should've mentioned I only use the textures. ::):

Both. Tried it both ways.


Mature Skin UNP over STEP:Core

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Mature Skin CBBE over STEP:Core

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SG Textures UNP over STEP:Core

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Hmmm...it would appear that I never noticed those wrist seams until now. I could have sworn they weren't there before... <_>

Posted (edited)

I confirm the seams with BI Phenotypes, here is the Base UNP with an added grainy specular map (I was hoping one of the optional maps might make a difference)


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I have tried variations of navetsea's textures from this mod and while the seams at the arms and legs were less noticable, the neck seam was unbearable. Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP looked nice but showed a visible neck seam as well.


I have finally looked at the SG Textures, too. The neck seam is the least visible compared to any other texture I have tested so far. Arm and leg seam are more visible than with the Real Girl texture mod - but that mod has a more identifiable neck seam.


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Added: The coverwomen textures show a very hard neck seam, even with the seamless unp addon.

Edited by thommaal

OK, finally getting around to this. I wanted to look at the vanilla-XCE-CNHF compares first hand for starters. The results are that I officially hate have some serious reservations about the female body now :|


3 poses:


vanilla  >  XCE  >  CNHF


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Even with XCE, the vanilla body has some big drawbacks for me ... check out the armpits in the back shots. I never liked that horizontal belly fold either. Realistic for a post pregnancy housewife, but not an ass-kicking, strong woman of Skyrim. Vanilla facial scars are better than XCE though.


CNHF body is very good. Only the arms bug me (shoulders look great though). Like vanilla, they are too mushy looking and lack the elegant curve that any normal arm has (male or female). From the front, the arms just look like they have been broken a few times or that they belong to a once obese person that has had lipo and skin reduction surgery. I did increase their size a bit though during char creation. From the back, the CNHF arms look fine though.


XCE definitely has issues with grayness though. Unfortunately, XCE facial textures are superior with regard to sheen and detail though. Alas, they are too gray to mix and match with alternate body textures.

Posted (edited)

I remember having the worst time getting rid of the seams and I never found a single source of textures that worked.  I ended up with a mix and match of textures.  If I recall correctly the biggest help was allowing these two texture mods to overwrite the others in this order:

No More Ugly Bronze Shine  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29791/?

Dry Skin (less dry) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31782/?


Below is what I ended up with and while I would like a little bit rougher look I end here...for the time being.


My full texture mix mash goes something like this:

UNPB Body NMM BAIN Installer v2-5-2 FIX-37900-2-5-2

UNP BASE Main body V1dot2-6709 textures only

1dot51body textures-6709-1-51

All in One Face v4_0b Face Pack for UNP body-17704-v4-0b


High Res Female Face Makeup for SKSE-31665-v1-0

Hi Res Female Lips for SKSE-31665-v1-0

Barbarian Skin little fur-24318-1-04 NORMALS ONLY

Dry Skin - UNP-31782-1-3 Less Dry

No More Ugly Bronze Shine

Edited by dunz

NO more bronze shine was for the original skin textures from UNP, but so many other mods have come out that imporve the skin you don't need it. Plus, if you use ENB, then you can't use that mod with SSS.


I should also note that the images I posted previously don't show it, but I did not notice any seams in my testing .... but I did not look super hard either, so that is testament to the basic idea that it does not matter unless the seams are obvious without a closeup shot and a lot of scrutiny. Even Techs examples earlier were of little consequence IMO. Those terrible vanilla meshes around hands, feet, inner thighs and armpits are much bigger issues, and XCE does not fix all of them.


CNHF body is very good. (..) 

But its problems with the vanilla armours are prominent. Of course, if STEP plans to incorporate a play-style that turns Skyrim into "Death by Snu-snu in the lands of the Warrior Babes", clothing beyond bikinis ceases to matter. Hmmm ...


I should also note that the images I posted previously don't show it, but I did not notice any seams in my testing .... but I did not look super hard either, so that is testament to the basic idea that it does not matter unless the seams are obvious without a closeup shot and a lot of scrutiny. Even Techs examples earlier were of little consequence IMO. Those terrible vanilla meshes around hands, feet, inner thighs and armpits are much bigger issues, and XCE does not fix all of them.

You shouldn't have any seams on the basic body replacers themselves. You'll start noticing them when you get to putting skin textures over the vanilla body. (after you've tested armors on CNHF to see the gaps at the wrists youself ::P:)

Posted (edited)

TechAngel85, have you tried out the XCE-compatible vanilla version of "Battle Hardened Body Mod Vanilla UNP UNPB UNPC CBBE ADEC" yet? The only problem I detect is a plastic-like, smooth shine to the feet. The XCE-feet seem to be a problem for many texture packs, I think they don't use the same grittiness as the body.


I have added the SG textures to the battle-hardened "femalebody_1_msn.dds" and the result is pretty good but not perfect. The feet have definitely improved and the body still looks more warrior-like than before.

Edited by thommaal

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