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Fear and Loathing in New Vegas - Feedback

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Nope, still dies.


Is there something I'm doing wrong before starting it? Starting it by itself in it's own folder and putting everything from it in the F:NV folder results in it dying the same way. Should I just use old FOMM then? Would it work alright through MO?

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Check to see if it does work with MO. I couldn't get it to work that well with MO, but had success with every version of FOMM - Fork. The fact that FOMM - Fork doesn't work and FOMM does work, tell me that you need to reinstall .NET Framework 4.0. The Fork version updated to that during it's second release.

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FOMM seems to work for me. Odd, but eh. I'll play some F:NV later and see if everything runs fine.


Edit: Seems like the main menu has disappeared. I get the mouse icon but all the menu options are gone. However it seems I can click on them, I get the sound and the box but I can't see any text.


Edit2: Seems like I did the Fallout.ini Darnified UI Font Tweak wrong, I think I stopped just short of the end of the last letter or something. It works now. Thanks for everyones help.

Edited by Crimson13
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I think I might be able to drop a couple mods that are included. Most of the stuff in the mod is pretty good. I didn't care to much for the second version, but it seems that extra textures really help. I would like to see just how far the unrated version goes, Fallout could use a little more depravity. 

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The game certainly alludes to plenty of depravity, and the genre is supposed to be dark and horrifying, just seems Beth went light on their in game treatment. Well, light in some regards, combat can involve dismemberment and flying gibs. F03 was classic with the pneumatic fist weapon scattering ghoul eyeballs and jawbones far and wide.

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Thanks for that, Livnthedream, knew it was on its way but didn't know it had been released. I've installed it now and am probably starting all over again to get the full experience.


Well that didn't last long. Waiting for Robert compatibility now. Anyone else tried to make a new character only with NVR3? Got like 3 choices, 2 Caucasian and one Hispanic. Had to activate the FCO plugins again, to actually have something to choose from for my new character, which so far have worked perfect, even though stated otherwise on the site. But I think there sure is some potential in this mod, as soon as the compatibility patches are released. Like EssArrBee I wasn't that enthusiastic about NVR2, it was a clear improvement over the vanilla character design but nothing impressive. But this I really think could be a whole new experience. It could really make New Vegas closer to the game it should have been.

But until at least the Roberts patches are out, I will probably be setting my New Vegas gaming on a temporary hiatus, so that I might get a whole fresh experience, without ridiculous clipping skin. 

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