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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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V2.0 is out, you can get it on the wiki page.



  • Complete remake of the REGS Cities module and patches.
  • Removal of the standalone modules.
  • Full compatibility with STEP:Core.
  • Compatibility patch for STEP:Extended added.
  • Fixed some bugs with the terrain (and by extent, the navmeshes).
  • Removed some clipping objects.
  • Probably some other stuff that I forgot to list...
  'Alkira said:
  'Nearox said:
CJ is currently doing the compatiblity testing with STEP while I am/will be doing SRLE during the next few days. In the spirit of each of those' date=' we will provide a .esp file for STEP users and a conflict resolution guide for SRLE users.[/quote']

Good evening' date='


Kind of Plug&Play Pack then, huh? Cool:thumbsup:





Yep, totally plug and play, in fact I even added esp replacers for some of the mods that had broken navmeshes and needed more than a simple cleaning.

...What can I say, I've never liked explaining how to do stuff :P


Solitude Docks District is getting dropped in the next update, the area was getting too performance hungry (FPS dipping to 20 from 50 there), besides, it didn't fit that well.


Currently thinking of additions I could make to the cities.

I'm planning to create a bathhouse for Solitude. Since that's something the game actually lacks.

If you have any suggestions on what additions/changes the cities could use, please post them here :)



Basically, it's just the Immersive College of Winterhold and ETaC which have conflicting NPC records with Bring Out Your Dead as well as quite a few conflicts with More Salt Please.


I think more salt please makes changes to almost every vendor list. I'll talk with z about dropping it or look into building it another way maybe through leveled lists if that is possible.


Guys, I would really recommend "no salt" as an alternative to "more salt please" - it allows you to cook meat without salt. This is more realistic, achieves the same end, and conflicts much less as all it does is edit meat recipes to remove salt.





Basically, it's just the Immersive College of Winterhold and ETaC which have conflicting NPC records with Bring Out Your Dead as well as quite a few conflicts with More Salt Please.


I think more salt please makes changes to almost every vendor list. I'll talk with z about dropping it or look into building it another way maybe through leveled lists if that is possible.


Guys, I would really recommend "no salt" as an alternative to "more salt please" - it allows you to cook meat without salt. This is more realistic, achieves the same end, and conflicts much less as all it does is edit meat recipes to remove salt.


Neither would work with RND properly and salt was the only preservative around besides vinegar and I guess magic might work on Nirn. I'm going to make my own version that will solved compatibility problems. I'm out of town and will be able to get to it tomorrow probably.



I currently have SR:LE installed and then added REGS. I kept encountering CTD's heading over into Riverwood. They would have in that cell but in different locations, whether I entered a building or was out in the area to much. I disabled ETAC and as of now everything is running smoothly, would there be any conflicts with SR:LE and ETAC, or is it just I ran out of VRAM, if so is there something I could do like resizing ETAC?


More coolness on the way. Next release will at least have the following: 


- Removal of SDD due to being too performance intensive (20fps cost with STEP/SRLE on R9 280X)

- Inclusion of Hearthfire Chimneys (CJ custom made it to be compatible with ETaC, the file is already available at Hearthfire Chimney's nexus page if you can't wait to try it out)

- Inclusion of Understone Keep Fountains and Rubble (a small thing was fixed)



@geeee785: If you run out of VRAM you should notice considerable stutter. It usually does not lead to CTDs (though it can). More testing needs to be done for SRLE. Might be running into issues with Wet and Cold, Frostfall and other script intensive mods. It's too early to determine that but please try disabling those and report back here if it helped!


Nice to know that you solved it. 


Hope you liked the Whiterun exterior area when you passed by on your way to Dragonsreach. The majority of the pack work was related to that :)


Yes, it makes the area's more lively. I really can't stand how little there is in the towns and villages in skyrim, now their are far more houses, stands, stores. I will now be able to cross that off my list of things I enjoyed about oblivion more then skyrim


Can't pinpoint an exact cause yet but wanted to say that I experienced quite a few CTDs (which didn't happen before) around Dawnstar/Sea Of Ghosts area since installing the pack on top of SR:LE and a few other mods (*Interesting NPCs etc...)


Anyway, thanks for the pack, great idea, will update if I can find any bug reproducibility.


Yep testing of SRLE - REGS is still under way. 


What you are experiencing is more likely to be the result of a combination of scripted mods + ETaC. In particular, mixing mods that add NPCs (Intersting NPCs, Inconsequential, Poplaed Skyrim series), apply many scripts to those NPCs (e.g. Wet and COld, Frostfall etc.) and new content mods (ETaC - Dawnstar) may cause the engine to overload. 


Dawnstar used to be a particularly sensitive area in earlier versions of ETaC and before the memory patch. What I can say is that in our testing we haven't experienced any CTD yet since the intial release version 1.0. STEP Core + REGS is stable - although it has to be said that STEP Core barely has any scripted content.


You should try to (perhaps temporarily) disable the mods Wet and Cold, Frostfall and NPC mods and test whether instability still exists. Please do report back here so we can gather from your experience.


I installed most of the REGS mods, and it is too much for my system. I think it is ETaC, as it was in Falkreath where I got my first CTD. I have not felt a need to turn on FRAPS for many months, as I could consistently run between 40-60 (and mostly 50ish), but I knew something was happening so I turned it on. It was dropping to high teens depending on which way I was looking. A shame, because it was nice to see a town different than it has been during so many prior play throughs.

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