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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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  On 8/30/2016 at 4:44 AM, hishutup said:

My 970 was able to outrun my proc most of the time which is clock for clock the same as the i5 as far as the game is concerned.

So maybe the 970 vs 6600k is the breaking point when comparing GPU vs CPU

Today, my 980ti just sits there most of the time, theres enough headroom to use ENB without any fps dip.

Im hoping that SKGE's shadow shader/engine alleviates some of the issues. Supposedly, the way skyrim's shadows works, is very unusual.


EDIT: I was going to run some tests with my old system but I sold the GPU and gave away the other components.

ENB without any FPS dip? Not possible because ENB does require more CPU power as well as GPU.

My 970 is really struggling hard in many places such as Markarth outputting just some 30 fps with dips to 20. Without ENB it's steadily over 40. Even 1070 one is not enough for ENB heavily modded Skyrim, tbh.


Nice to see you are still around CJ. I haven't tried using the REGS version of Nernies expansion but I will see how it works with ICAIO.


Like Teabag I use Inconsequential NPCs but not Interesting NPCs. The only problem I have is with the patch for Cutting Room Floor; it's fairly old and outdated. The CRF changes in the part of the mod that includes the Thalmor Headquarters aren't always compatible with the Inconsequential NPC changes there.


I use two Arthmoor mods that provide expansions of existing places, Soljund's Sinkhole and Whistling Mine.  They add some immersion, there don't seem to be other mods that change these, and these sites are ones that ICAIO isn't planning to change.


I haven't tested whether Understone Keep Fountains and Rubble, Better City Entrances, or Better Docks are compatible with ICAIO but I expect there would be some compatibilty problems with these.


I use the Location and New Location mods in REGS except for the Sky Haven Temple mod; I instead use a different Sky Haven temple mod that was previously in REGS. Like Teabag and others I'm not using the Thirteen Oranges mods.


As I mentioned in my last post, I use Inns and Taverns. I also use Frostfall, and in the northern parts of Skyrim it isn't possible to walk very far without having to stop and build a campfire. The stops are frequent enough that walking gets quite tedious (and unrealistically often). Having a few Inns and Taverns in these areas seems more realistic and lore friendly than expecting everyone to run or use a horse, and even then spend a lot of realtime in the game managing campfires. When the modular version of Inns and Taverns comes out I might remove more of the sites in warmer areas. Even with these northern Inns and Taverns it's is still necessary to stop fairly often and build a compfire when using Frostfall, but it seems a little more realistic to me.


I use the STEP mods in the REGS Enchancement section plus Better Fast Travel, which adds some additional locations for fast travel.


Most of the need for compatibility patches with REGS seem to be for lighting mods. STEP favors Relighting Skyrim and there aren't many existing patches for this with the mods in REGS. There are a few more for ELFX Exteriors (used in SR:LE), but there is still a need for lighting patches.

  On 8/30/2016 at 1:14 PM, nsibley said:

Also when you say removing one inn, could you share how you did that?  I really just want to make immersive citizens and expanded towns and cities work together.  I would like the other mods from regs, but I can live without them with the exception of ETaC.  I really love that mod.

A post on Sept. 12, 2016 on the Nexus page for Inns and Taverns by winterlove provides the details on this. The existing ETaC patch for Inns and Taverns eliminates the compatibility issues except for a few minor problems (which can be fixed with a small manual patch if desired). The patch:

  • removes the ETaC Karthwasten inn leaving only the Inns and Taverns inn (Pick and Shovel); and
  • moves the inn from Inns and Taverns in Stonehills so it doesn't conflict, resulting in two inns in Stonehills.

There will also be two inns in Shor's Stone, one from ETaC and one from Inns and Taverns at opposite ends of the town.


Once the modular version of Inns and Taverns is available if will be fairly easy to remove one or more of these three inns from Inns and Taverns if desired. There might even be a version of the Inns and Taverns mod that does this; otherwise Mator's Merge Plugins mod can be used with the modular inns to create a single plugin for the revised Inns and Taverns. The ETaC Nexus page has an excellent detailed description on the steps for merging plugins that include navmesh (NAVM) records.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'll add a second question: Can i just remove ICAIO from STEP:extended without problems? Or do i need to edit some STEP patch?


Things like ETAC or JKs Skyrim or Dawn of Skyrim are way more important to me than some uninteresting AI mod. I can't believe STEP choose to include this mod and break all the important compatibility. /bashes head against desk/


I just spend a whole week and all my free time installing STEP Extended and now i find out that i can't build on top of it. My dreams are shattered...  ::(:


PS: Or could i just install the Lite Version of ICAIO, without breaking the STEP Extended install? The mod description says it should be compatible w- everything.

Edited by jjensson

STEP has patches available that do not have ICAIO as a master. So the answer is, yes. Just remove ICAIO and reinstall the STEP Compilation. It should detect that you don't have ICAIO and install the non-ICAIO patch.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/28/2016 at 1:06 AM, jjensson said:

Wow - thanks for the quick reply. ICAIO Lite is not an option?

I just installed it as lite version, and the STEP patcher said "no ICAIO". I just hope that means that it does not need to patch anything rather than it's not prepared to deal with my choice.


Sorry for the self-reply, i cannot edit my post anymore.

Edited by jjensson

As I mentioned in some previous posts, most REGS mods don't seem to have any significant compatibility problems with ICAIO. The mods in REGS whose ICAIO compatibility I haven't seen discussed and might have compatibility problems are:

  • Understone Keep Fountains and Rubble
  • Better City Entrances
  • Better Docks
  • Windhelm Lighthouse
  • Faction: Pit Fighter and Faction: Pit Fighter Travels Add-On
  • The Oblivion Realms Series - The Gate of Solitude

I don't use the Gameplay-Affecting Quests so I don't know about their compatibility.


The STEP Core or Extended patch takes care of compatibility among the STEP mods, and I don't think the REGS mods I didn't list add many compatibility problems with the exception of lighting compatibility. Almost any mod that affect locations need lighting compatibility patches, and I'm not aware of any pre-existing patches for the mods in REGS and the full version of Relighting Skyrim. There are compatibility patches for a few of the REGS mods with Enhanced Lights and FX, but not many.


Thanks for the explanation.


I have to say though - kudos to you guys for including a customizable patcher. Two years ago it would have been very difficult for me, as a hobby modder, to fix such a change on my own (which explains my reaction above - apologies for that). All your hard work for STEP is greatly appreciated!


So you know that whole discussion that skyrim is limited by cpu for some reason(time expensive stuff), SSE I dont get the same 20 fps BS, I get well over 150 fps with JK full.

Yes, it wasnt updated but I was just seeing if the added objects would impact the framerate the same which it didnt as it maxed my gpu.

Yes, I am happy with SSE now.

  • 8 months later...

An updated version of the REGS Pack is now available, and it will again be evolving and maintained. For this update the guide was brought up to date and only a few mods were added or removed. There have been many changes and additions to mods relevant to REGS since the last time the guide was updated, so can we now continue the discussions on mods for the guide.


I want to particularly thank CJ2311 for all the work he has done n creating and evolving the guide, and also for all the work that most of us never saw that he did in creating complex patches with the Creation Kit and helping the mod authors whose mods appeared in the REGS guide. I was quite pleased that he recently gave me permission to update and maintain the REGS guide.


Great news, REGS has always been my favorite pack. I am currently working on a SSE setup and packs for that, very much WIP. REGS has always been a great inspiration for quest/city/world mods for me so I'm very glad for this. I see you are keeping REGS compatible with ICAIO. I had personally decided to drop ICAIO to be able to use worldspace mods without issues, but seeing the mods currently on the list and that you will use ICAIO, I will add it back. How do you deal with worldspace conflicts where ICAIO and another mod edits the same object?


Possible additions, artmoor's village mods? I haven't tried them myself. Beyond Skyrim - Bruma. Again, I haven't tried it.


Last question, do you have any plans on an SSE version?

Posted (edited)

It nice to see a REGS update. We did try and use as much as REGS as we could that didn't heavily impact on FPS.

I will just say that Apple Green was dropped from SRLE LOTD ages ago due to me not liking it all that much. However there is still a patch for CACO for it on our Nexus Page which I am happy for you to use it as you see fit I am sure Astakos wouldn't mind either (he was the original author of the patch best double check with him to make sure).


Also just beware that our CR Subguide hasn't been updated since early March and is unlikely to be updated again (at least I wont. Darth wont nor Nozzer)

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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