EssArrBee Posted August 23, 2013 Author Posted August 23, 2013 What other lighting/weather mods are you guys using with PNENB? I've been using it without interiors plugin and just using the ELFX and the ELFX Enhancer.esp for darker dungeons. I've been meaning to test out ELFX with the PNENB plugin to see which is best, but my game has been so stable I don't want to touch it at the moment.
ibleedmonster Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 I'm useing 350+ mods, among them climates of tamriel, I use PNENB's plugin with it, it does fine, if you install it via bash then it "shouldnt" cause any adverse effects if you remove it for some reason. If I'm not mistaken elfx is compatible with all of them so you "should" be able to stack them. I'll load that up in a second and let you know.
DoYouEvenModBro Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 0.208 is out. Apparently BORIS basically just recreated 0.201 since a ton of people were reporting all different issues with 0.202 - 0.207.Â
Aiyen Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 People are "stupid" in lack of a better term. Many people think that just because they still have CTD´s and freezes that it is all ENB´s fault and it it badly optimized etc. I do not envy Boris to have to listen to all that in order to filter out the vital issues that may be there.
DoYouEvenModBro Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 Quote People are "stupid" in lack of a better term.Many people think that just because they still have CTD´s and freezes that it is all ENB´s fault and it it badly optimized etc.I do not envy Boris to have to listen to all that in order to filter out the vital issues that may be there.Agreed. Well put.Â
c0c0c0 Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 Kinda frozen by that update. I'm running .206 right now, and it's mostly okay. Is the general consensus here that .207 is definitely better than .206, and that .208 is step backwards?
TehKaoZ Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 I'm running .207 and it seems to run pretty well. I haven't done extensive testing but it's pretty damn smooth so far with no crashes. I didn't download .208 at all since from my understanding Boris did go backwards to .201 code, which i remember not working well on my system.
Neovalen Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 .207 has been the best out of all the 200 series by far.
DoYouEvenModBro Posted August 23, 2013 Posted August 23, 2013 Well now there is a 0.209 so I just have no idea what's going on. According to Boris' new version, it says: "Published 0.209 binaries. Modify VideoMemorySizeMb if you have performance issues, freezing, etc. Recommended value is a bit less than your vram size or bigger than it for 64 bit systems." 1.) Is this the RESERVEDmemorysizeMb (nevermind found it. not sure how i looked over that :P) 2.) For a 3gb GPU am I supposed to put 3096?
c0c0c0 Posted August 24, 2013 Posted August 24, 2013 .207 is da bomb. I'm going to need a reason to "upgrade".
phazer11 Posted August 24, 2013 Posted August 24, 2013 That's one thing that kills me about most modders (and people in general) they "update", "upgrade", "trade-up" etc far too often and then they complain when there are problems, especially when it's mostly their fault anyways for being too indulgent. I'll be using .207 until there's an actual better version out there.
ibleedmonster Posted August 24, 2013 Posted August 24, 2013 'EssArrBee said: What other lighting/weather mods are you guys using with PNENB? I've been using it without interiors plugin and just using the ELFX and the ELFX Enhancer.esp for darker dungeons. I've been meaning to test out ELFX with the PNENB plugin to see which is best' date=' but my game has been so stable I don't want to touch it at the moment.[/quote']eh so boris put out 2 more ENB versions since this morning.. lovely... ok so this is what I have.PNENB .207tweeked video memory down from 512 to 496 this seems to be my "sweet spot"removed skylighting and skyand NOT using PNENB.esp CoT full install ELFX installedNOT using ELFXenhancer.esp this gives me 32+FPS around shore's stone area near riften where its kinda intense.interiors are 60FPS in skyrim options I also turned shadows down from ultra to high, and turned decals down from ultra to high currently have added moar mods =) so with these settings I am running:372 mods 169 plug-ins 2048 and 1024 enviroment textures with 1024 normals <-- used TPC w/SRO. 2048 and 4096 textures on weapons and armorslots of body mods CoTPNENB and am @ 32+ FPS outside in intensive areas and 55-60 FPS indoors. if anyone can update me later on how well .209 works I may consider it but atm I'm not messing with this stack any further.
Aiyen Posted August 24, 2013 Posted August 24, 2013 the 209 version is the 207 .. just with the added feature that you can input your VRAM instead of it being autodetected. There are some issues for people with Titan´s where the game cannot detect more then 4Gb. Boris made it because he got tired of trying to explain people that dx9 is not 64bit.. and it does not have commands that allow further memory use. There was also a few cases of 4Gb cards only registering 2Gb... So if you have that issue then you can upgrade to it.. or just stick with 207 since they are the same.
Phyzziks Posted August 25, 2013 Posted August 25, 2013 Hello everyone, yesterday I decided to look into Skyrim/STEP again, since the summer has taken a break and it'll be rainy next few days. My Skyrim is modded by STEP 2.2.5 and runs pretty good, except for some CTDs after some time, which, I tink, is caused by full RAM/VRAM. I'd like to test this patch, which hopefully reduces and/or fixes the CTDs. I installed RCRN & RCRN Plus, which seem to use a pretty old ENB-Version. Can anyone tell me, what I need to do, to get ENBoost running? Remove RCRN & RCRN Plus completely, install new ENB and then install ENBoost? Thinkin about a complete fresh install of Skyrim + STEP 2.2.6 with just base Mods and some extras like SkyFalls, but not yet motivated to redo all the work :D
whocares7 Posted August 25, 2013 Posted August 25, 2013 For my setup 209 version is the stablest so far. Also i'm noticing some performance gain, moving smoothness, but i can't figure out why cannot load save in exterior area. Every time i get ILS. When i try to move from interior to exterior area there has not problem. Does anyone have the same issue ?
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