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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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35 minutes ago, sheson said:

Thanks. I will need to look at this some more in the coming days. I still would expect it to match better.

Your textures say "244" while we've talked a lot and used "224" a lot. Perhaps you meant 244 and that's why it doesn't match better?

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52 minutes ago, DoubleYou said:

Your textures say "244" while we've talked a lot and used "224" a lot. Perhaps you meant 244 and that's why it doesn't match better?

It's just the filename. The threshold it was created with was 224.

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4 hours ago, DoubleYou said:
  1. Original texture from mod with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  2. 128.dds with 224 NiAlphaProperty
  3. 244_new.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  4. 244_old.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  5. 128.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty

original texture (2).jpg128 with 224 NiAlphaProperty (1).jpg244 new (2).jpg244 old (2).jpg128 from sheson (2).jpg

  1. Original texture from mod with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  2. 128.dds with 224 NiAlphaProperty
  3. 244_new.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  4. 244_old.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty
  5. 128.dds with 128 NiAlphaProperty

original texture (1).jpg128 with 224 NiAlphaProperty (2).jpg244 new (1).jpg244 old (1).jpg128 from sheson (1).jpg

For top row, 3-5 looks like changes also to the full models in the foreground. Nothing was changed about the full models or the textures they are using?

I think #2 is the best match with full.

The goal should be getting the best match without having to use a custom texture, obviously ... but also without having to make changes to the LOD model NiAlphaProperty.

Apologies for dropping off of testing. I spend daytime on weekends working on my house.

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15 hours ago, sheson said:

Use whatever tool that allows editing of NIF models. NifSkope seems like the obvious choice.

If you read https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model you would see screenshots from NifSkope that show the NiAlphaProperty blocks as children of the BSTriShape blocks.


Ok thanks...

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Don't know what I am doing wrong. I have a crap load of mods, they all work fine, the game is stable (as much as I experience playing it). When I try generating DynDoLoD with Grass LoDs, the total volume generated is 40+ GB and I get single framerates. It takes many hours to generate too, I ran it all night, all other apps closed. If I do not generate grass LoDs, then all is fine and the game is stable with DynDoLoD

I tried disabling mods that have nothing to do with DynDoLoD, for example animation mods, combat mods, CBBE 3BA and many such mods. I also disabled the various mods that enhanced textures and meshes. Tried only with mods that add/modify locations, tree mods and grass mods, still takes a log time and gives 40+ GB of data. This time the system froze and DynDoLoD generation was giving me some entries stating something like " could not read...out of memory", I had to force shutdown my system and reboot. 

I have a decent i7 (8700K), 3080ti (12 GB), 32 GB DDR4, I think there is something very wrong in what I am doing. Could you please help?

apologies for tons of mods I have installed, I am a bit greedy, but they work good for me. Any suggestions are welcome

Thank you.

Logs.zip modlist.txt

Edited by Kaizersoze27
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2 hours ago, Kaizersoze27 said:

Don't know what I am doing wrong. I have a crap load of mods, they all work fine, the game is stable (as much as I experience playing it). When I try generating DynDoLoD with Grass LoDs, the total volume generated is 40+ GB and I get single framerates. It takes many hours to generate too, I ran it all night, all other apps closed. If I do not generate grass LoDs, then all is fine and the game is stable with DynDoLoD

I tried disabling mods that have nothing to do with DynDoLoD, for example animation mods, combat mods, CBBE 3BA and many such mods. I also disabled the various mods that enhanced textures and meshes. Tried only with mods that add/modify locations, tree mods and grass mods, still takes a log time and gives 40+ GB of data. This time the system froze and DynDoLoD generation was giving me some entries stating something like " could not read...out of memory", I had to force shutdown my system and reboot. 

I have a decent i7 (8700K), 3080ti (12 GB), 32 GB DDR4, I think there is something very wrong in what I am doing. Could you please help?

apologies for tons of mods I have installed, I am a bit greedy, but they work good for me. Any suggestions are welcome

Thank you.

Logs.zip 952.12 kB · 2 downloads modlist.txt 54.77 kB · 1 download

Unfortunately you started DynDOLOD one more time after generating, which replaces the debug log, so I do not have any of its information from the generation. Nevertheless, if your load order and settings cause DynDOLOD to run several hours and produce 10s of GB of output you are obviously overdoing/putting too much stuff into LOD.

Really read the documentation, for example:

Change the Density dropdown to a lower value in the advanced mode of DynDOLOD under the Grass LOD checkbox to thin out grass LOD for better performance.
In case the grass pre-cache was generated with SuperDenseGrass = True, expect really long object LOD generation times. Lower the density to 33% or less.

https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#Troubleshooting, especially the parts about out of memory.

Also https://dyndolod.info/FAQ DynDOLOD/TexGen Questions - High memory usage / Out of memory 

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On 8/27/2022 at 12:14 AM, sheson said:

Do not use "lod" in the name of textures if you want them to be treated like full textures being downsized and adjusted for the object LOD atlas.

I would be interested in directly comparing the actual texture of the 4k input to 256 input and if 4k has no change or just a very small change in the alpha channel. Use pipette to get the alpha value of a pixel.

So, with this we know that the 4k input has an alpha change that is ever so slightly making things thinner. Looking forward to the 256 pixel input to compare to.

Also upload the 256 input textures again together with the output so I do not have to wonder I got the right one from earlier posts.

Finally got around to repeating my tests. This time, I succeeded in reproducing @DoubleYou's result.

I removed the Specular flag from the source AA treeaspen01 model and set Glossiness to 80 to make it consistent with treeaspen02-09.

In my testing, I either use the AA 4k source texture or a 256px version of that taken from that mip level of the 4k texture to use as a LOD-specific version (named as "autumnal.dds" rather than "birch03_c_lod.dds" per sheson's advice to remove "_lod" from the file name). This way, the source alpha of my 256px texture is direct from source without any resizing artifacts. This LOD specific texture was saved without mips, since DynDOLOD only needs the top level.

I also used a version of the AA 4k source normal WITHOUT alpha and the 256px mip from that as Source for LOD-specific normals (also saved without mips). See source normals.

  1. Full AA source texture, NiAlphaProperty=128 - logs
  2. Full AA source texture, NiAlphaProperty=224 - logs
  3. 256 mip source texture, NiAlphaProperty=128 - logs
  4. 256 mip source texture, NiAlphaProperty=224 - logs

1 full-128.jpg2 full-224.jpg3-256-128.jpg4-256-224.jpg

DynDOLOD is definitely making a thicker alpha when processing the full AA texture. Check out the alpha of the source against the DynDOLOD renditions snipped from the respective atlas of each run. I have labeled then in an obvious way as indicated above --> z-tests.7z

  1. 0 source-256 mip.dds (source used for #3 & #4 tests above)
  2. full-128.tga (#1 test starting with 4k AA source texture)
  3. full-224.tga (#2 test starting with 4k AA source texture)
  4. 256-128.tga (#3 test starting with 256px mip of AA source texture)
  5. 256-224.tga (#4 test starting with 256px mip of AA source texture)

So I stand corrected in that NiAlphaProperty changes do have impact, but only marginally when the source texture is 4k. The impact is much closer to expected when the source texture is smaller resolution.

From the screens, the #3 test produces the best transitions in game (which is great, because ideally, I don't want to customize NiAlphaProperty). In a perfect world, DynDOLOD produces a LOD version on the atlas that more closely approximates or exactly matches the 256 mip alpha of the source 4k texture.

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6 hours ago, z929669 said:

Finally got around to repeating my tests. This time, I succeeded in reproducing @DoubleYou's result.

I removed the Specular flag from the source AA treeaspen01 model and set Glossiness to 80 to make it consistent with treeaspen02-09.

In my testing, I either use the AA 4k source texture or a 256px version of that taken from that mip level of the 4k texture to use as a LOD-specific version (named as "autumnal.dds" rather than "birch03_c_lod.dds" per sheson's advice to remove "_lod" from the file name). This way, the source alpha of my 256px texture is direct from source without any resizing artifacts. This LOD specific texture was saved without mips, since DynDOLOD only needs the top level.

I also used a version of the AA 4k source normal WITHOUT alpha and the 256px mip from that as Source for LOD-specific normals (also saved without mips). See source normals.

  1. Full AA source texture, NiAlphaProperty=128 - logs
  2. Full AA source texture, NiAlphaProperty=224 - logs
  3. 256 mip source texture, NiAlphaProperty=128 - logs
  4. 256 mip source texture, NiAlphaProperty=224 - logs

1 full-128.jpg2 full-224.jpg3-256-128.jpg4-256-224.jpg

DynDOLOD is definitely making a thicker alpha when processing the full AA texture. Check out the alpha of the source against the DynDOLOD renditions snipped from the respective atlas of each run. I have labeled then in an obvious way as indicated above --> z-tests.7z

  1. 0 source-256 mip.dds (source used for #3 & #4 tests above)
  2. full-128.tga (#1 test starting with 4k AA source texture)
  3. full-224.tga (#2 test starting with 4k AA source texture)
  4. 256-128.tga (#3 test starting with 256px mip of AA source texture)
  5. 256-224.tga (#4 test starting with 256px mip of AA source texture)

So I stand corrected in that NiAlphaProperty changes do have impact, but only marginally when the source texture is 4k. The impact is much closer to expected when the source texture is smaller resolution.

From the screens, the #3 test produces the best transitions in game (which is great, because ideally, I don't want to customize NiAlphaProperty). In a perfect world, DynDOLOD produces a LOD version on the atlas that more closely approximates or exactly matches the 256 mip alpha of the source 4k texture.

We determined that the order of when the threshold adjustment is done needs to be after the mipmaps are created and not before that so it has the desired results.

Normal map textures do not contain alpha information that is used for alpha blending/testing with the standard shaders. The alpha information is in the diffuse texture.

What you see is that DynDOLOD is creating mipmaps differently to how the mipmaps of the full texture were created. You could say the alpha of the mipmaps of the full textures are too thin. Either way, they do not match perfectly. We know this can happen, hence the suggestion for the threshold adjustment in the LOD model. Now that people know how to create mipmaps with alpha-to-coverage,  I'll  add a shape name command so a LOD model can instruct to keep using the mipmaps from the source texture instead of generating them.

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9 hours ago, jkp993 said:


I'm getting this error. I don't want to install 2022 version of unofficial sse patch because I have not updated to AE. What should I do?

Screenshot (177).png

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.
Do not post screenshots of messages, use the "Copy message to clipboard" link and paste the message as text as explained in the first post.
Click the "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" to open and read further explanations about the error.

This message informs you about an error in the load order.

Either use a version of Requim.esp that was made for the older versions of the plugins in the load order or update all plugins to the required versions. Or use/create a patch. I would assume that there has to be some kind of documentation or guide how to setup the mod properly and what its requirements are. Maybe it also has instructions for the different game versions / load orders.

Unrelated: Do not install third party billboards, use TexGen to create all desired/required billboards. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Tree-Grass-LOD-Billboards

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dyndolod64.exe has these erros, not sure how to fix them

<Error: Range check error while processing scripts\osex.pex>

  1. [03:21] <Error: File not found scripts\ccbgssse038_assassinenablescript.pex ccbgssse038-bowofshadows.esl ccBGSSSE038EnableTrigger [ACTI:FE037835]>
  2. [7:41 PM]
    [03:20] <Error: File not found scripts\cceejsse001_activatelinkedref.pex cceejsse002-tower.esl ccEEJSSE001_BakingSurfaceTrigger "Baking Surface" [ACTI:FE00E806]>
  3. [7:42 PM]
    [03:20] <Error: File not found scripts\cceejsse001_activatelinkedref.pex cceejsse002-tower.esl ccEEJSSE001_BakingSurfaceTrigger "Baking Surface" [ACTI:FE00E806]>
  4. [7:43 PM]
    [00:33] <Error: Range check error while processing scripts\osex.pex> [00:37] Processing 21531 base records for 2972 object LOD and 295 dynamic LOD models [00:51] <Warning: Billboard for model Meshes\landscape\plants\fallforestshrub02.nif has different CRC32 SkyrimIsWindy.esp TreeFallForestShrub02 [TREE:000AAE90]> [00:51] <Warning: Billboard for model Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree01.nif has different CRC32 SkyrimIsWindy.esp TreeReachTree01Winterhold [TREE:00109716]> [00:52] <Warning: Billboard for model Meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestdead05.nif has different CRC32 SkyrimIsWindy.esp TreePineForest05Dead [TREE:000B927E]> [00:52] <Warning: Billboard for model Meshes\landscape\trees\reachtree01.nif has different CRC32 for textures\landscape\trees\reachtreebranch01.dds SkyrimIsWindy.esp
Edited by Nutt_lemmings
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10 hours ago, Nutt_lemmings said:

Whenever Dyndolod3 texgen is about to finish it gives me System Error. Code: 1155. I can still manually zip the files and add them into mod organizer but the game textures flicker and the trees look like 2d models even when close. this error only happens when I try using dyndolod3 and not dyndolod2.

Ei4NI.txt 199.95 kB · 3 downloads

Moved to the DynOLOD 3 Alpha thread.
Check the first post which logs of the entire session and debug logs to upload.

The TexGen log says:
Error: System Error. Code: 1155. No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.

The OS does not seem to know how to open HTML files. Associate a webbroweser with them.

No logs uploaded for DynDOLOD. See https://dyndolod.info/FAQ answer for "Object LOD model and full model show at the same time causing texture flicker" and "Billboard tree LOD shows in active exterior cells"

7 hours ago, Nutt_lemmings said:

um not sure why but removing Immersive College of Winterhold fixed it.

edit: Also found a patch to fix it here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38655 

What did removing a mod fix exactly or what is it that was patched exactly? The texture flicker caused by large reference bugs?

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5 hours ago, Nutt_lemmings said:

dyndolod64.exe has these erros, not sure how to fix them

Read the first post which entire log of the session, debug log and bugreort.txt if it exists to upload when making posts.

As explained in the documentation DynDOLOD reports certain error in the load order. See https://dyndolod.info/Messages

The osex.pex script maybe be corrupt. Check if it works in game without errors and it doesn't have errors in the papapyrus log. Otherwise try reinstalling/recompiling it.



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