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Everything posted by Spiffyman

  1. I agree with Z. If I were to use his mods, I would use the performance versions. I was going to download this to see it ingame, but I stopped when someone said the normals were broke. I'm waiting to see what happens here. If nothing happens relatively soon, I'll just reduce them myself and use it, but I doubt most STEP users will want to do that.
  2. Oh wow. Those screens do look really good.
  3. I prefer this mod to the textures from Tobes' texture mod in STEP (which I have enjoyed for some time). All of my textures from that file are now completely overwritten by this mod+STEP mods, so I'd suggest we replace Tobes' mod with this one.
  4. I'll just jump in here and say that Simple Multiple Followers works well for me. I heartily recommend it as well.
  5. Apparently I posted in the wrong thread (sorry mods!), but it seems like Smaller Ice Spikes 50% size is already implemented in Requiem, so it can be listed as included. So the mod is only needed if you want to use the 30% sized spikes.
  6. Just thought I'd mention this, as I didn't see it explicitly mentioned in the thread (I did see a comment implying a conflict though)- Smaller Ice spikes is not necessary if you should the 50% size. This is because Requiem already seems to have shrunk the size of ice spikes by 50%. If you want 30% size, then Smaller Ice Spikes would be needed.
  7. I completely agree with your mod choice for follower management. Reddit says you don't want Frostfall or RND because of scripts, but I would really suggest getting Kuertee's Eat and Sleep mod (same author as follower mod). Soon, it will interact with the follower mod. Followers will need to eat/sleep too and if you don't get food for everyone or try to skip out on sleep for too long, your followers will complain and if you ignore them, they will leave you and walk off to the nearest inn to get some food/rest and await for you there. Other than that, the list looks good. I am in deep with getting a Reqiuem setup going as well to see if I can spot any issues in a STEP+REGS install.
  8. I checked this out in game, and I have to say I love it. When you are not close to the grass, it looks great. I can see some issues if the grass is closer to eye level though. Here is a screenshot of just that. I thought about it while walking around the town more and I decided that I could live with that as it looks great from every other perspective.
  9. I noticed in the EaTC section, it doesn't mention using the EmbersHD patch (if using the forges addon). As STEP core uses the forges addon, wouldn't it be best to list that in the patches to install?
  10. This mod lets you name horses you own, which your followers could use, but something like EFF is needed to actually enable them to use it. I would definitely use this mod over Convenient Horses, but I like Horse Commands by Kuertee because it is lightest script-wise and accomplishes what I need- so it wins for me.
  11. Regarding light sources without bulbs, isn't this a question of finding meshes that should give light (candles or other meshes that include flames)? I have no skill in Skyrim's CS, but in the morrowind CS, I would look through the objects (statics and activators especially, and obviously lights) to find such objects and then I would check each of these items for their locations in the game world. This is what I did with Morrowind and Tamriel Rebuilt to find all the agricultural crops placed throughout the game world. You would still have to look at each of them in the render window to see if a light source is attached to it, but it simplifies finding the should-be-lights. It takes a lot of effort to look through it all, but it does save time finding them as you don't need to run through the game on foot to stumble across them.
  12. I didn't see the news about this, so this thread confused me for some time as I thought mods couldn't be sold. But I guess this is a real thing. I'm not pleased to hear this either. The contract with mods was that you CANNOT sell them. This was clearly understood when modders started making the mods. Putting them behind a paywall now that they see a chance to sell them is very unethical as they already accepted the unsellable clause (I can't blame authors too much here though, as I want a chance for some money too...). My problem is that mods have all sorts of issue- save game bloating, script errors, the need for cleaning with TES5Edit, etc. I can accept this as the modder made it in his free time and is providing it for free. I can take some time to fix things in CS or other tools if the need be (I've even gone and made personal versions of a mod to make it compatible with other mods I use. Were I expected to pay for the mod, I refuse to have to any of that. If the mod has issues with it, I won't buy it. It's a very different equation when you expect me to pay for it and fix it myself. I'll go without that mod. I'll watch this unfold, but I will likely not be pleased with the outcome... EDIT: I am not inherently against modders getting paid for their efforts, buts its that flood of cash-ins that will cause chaos in modding for a while. Once the dust settles, I'm sure an agreeable arrangement will be settled upon.
  13. If Skyfalls isn't needed, why is it still in the dev guide along with DynDOLOD? Wouldn't Skyfalls (and probably Skyrim Distance overhaul) be removed now that Dyn was added?
  14. If you think that bridges mod gives less reason to go in the water, you can always try the immersive fallen trees mod. If you're roleplaying, you're character may be less likely to cross a unstable looking fallen tree than he would to cross a suspicious plank bridge. So there may be times where you would rather swim across than risk falling some distance from a fallen tree into the water. If you don't roleplay, I suppose either would leave you with your concern though.
  15. Some of these textures could be really nice (though I'd really have to check them out ingame to know for sure). These looked nice to me: snowy ground leafy ground dirty water Quite a few ground textures were not acceptable for me though, so at best this would be a mod to borrow just a few textures from.
  16. Checked this out ingame. For several of the lady's in Whiterun, I saw little issue, but there is were a couple that had a noticeable neckseam. Here are two screans of the most noticeable one (first screen has shade, so I followed her until she was in the sunlight for another screen. Shady Sunlight
  17. Looks really interesting based on the mod page.
  18. I'll have to check this out ingame again now. :D
  19. Like the above poster, I'm curious why this mod is not more widely used, particularly in STEP gameplay packs. This seems like something that would come in handy for conflict-heavy packs like the Requiem pack. If the author ever adds support for "FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS" for MCM changes saveable to an ini (for porting over to a new character/computer/etc), this would be even more useful for packs and the ini could be hosted by STEP for users. However, the author seems to not be maintaining this mod for now, so it may not be added...
  20. I'll have to look at these ingame somehow (consoling them to me I suppose), but off of the screenshots, I prefer this to Super Realistic Ore Textures. I do like the Corrundum from SRTO better, but this one looks more like the original texture.
  21. Did we ever get permission to edit WSCO to tone down the shininess of it? I that is a much less complicated way to go about this replacer.
  22. I'd just like to say that if you ignore the polititical (or however you want to describe the above issues against the author), this mod is really good. In fact, quite a few of his mods are pretty good. You'll want to carefully clean them, as the author doesn't believe in doing that himself. You also have to accept that you are using an exiled author's mod and as such, you will not find support for it from other mods (patches and such). But if you choose mods which overlap with his minimally, it really does make a nice game.
  23. Oh, so that's a thing then. I was wondering if changing textures but that comment makes me thinks it's a parallax issue rather than a texture issue.
  24. I have enboost enabled.
  25. I like JK for quality and consistency. An example of his consistency: in his work he seems to grates around any forge area (for civilian safety I suppose). He is developing towns surprisingly quickly lately too. His quality work hurts performance though, which is unfortunate.
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