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Eliian last won the day on July 7 2022

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  1. Oh nice! I did not know your could do that. Thanks.
  2. For AFK mods I use the "send me version updates" button. Being notified by email is great for me. I understand not everyone will like that.
  3. Looks good. The roads look proper and appear less muddy than before.
  4. This mod is not quite there for me. The hit or miss aspect bothers me too much. I would rather have all animals be derpy swimmers lol.
  5. Looks great! It is ok for Radiant Candles to overwrite two glazed candle meshes? I figure so just making sure.
  6. Just a small typo.
  7. I don't think this is needed with STEP either. Even with adding mods like Inconsequential NPCS I have not run into this issue. Likely only for users of Interesting NPCS and such.
  8. Looks great to me. I appreciate the replacement of the key "handle" spot. The added design/texture is an improvement over the plain, kind of stretched originals.
  9. Very cool. I saw the update but did not realize it was a rework. More character/playthrough excuses
  10. I have personally been able to remove all traces of Tundra Homestead from the various patches. In this way I removed Tundra Homestead from my game. Player homes are not for me. There have been no issues and I did this long ago. I have not tried putting another mod in the same place. I will say that your xedit skills will have to be quite careful and thorough.
  11. Updated today -1.7.0 For Skyrim 1.6.640 and probably later versions
  12. Has been updated whew! Version 3.2 Updated for 1.6.629+.
  13. I used better stealing all of the time in old skyrim. I remember a nice bonus feature. Shopkeepers did not send murderous thugs after you for stealing an apple lol.
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