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Okay, fair enough. You can use Fallout 4 Edit, which is what I have been looking at to try and make the water clearer underneath. Also, the radiation is too much and should vary of water source. If you lot have any suggestions on what is a good amount for ocean lakes, rivers and streams, please say. 10 rads per second is the normal level for nearly everything bar the glowing sea. I think I will leave the glowing sea as want to respect the original values there.


Well, when I get time to do that anyway, I really can't  be bothered to manage mods at the moment. Oh and they seem to be talking about YouTube on that forum? No, it isn't right but you know what garbage YouTube harbors. It attracts kids and people who clearly have serious issues. 


I am waiting on Neo sending me some death threats about Star Wars Battlefront. I'm literally terrified to mention bad stuff in his thread as Neo and his cult will seek me out! No one is allowed to say anything or it's met with a spine-chilling silence; the worst kind of reply.  :lol: You massive Star Wars geek Neo!  ::P:  I mean... Love you!  :innocent:


*Force Chokes The Bird*

You don't know the power of the dark side!


That being said, I have gotten said death threats on Youtube a dozen times on Fallout videos... the fanbase really is toxic in a lot of ways... not just Rads.


I started playing FO4 right from the beginning so I could see what kind mods were going to be the first to make changes to Beth's sloppy, half-assed work. Here is what they (Bethesda) claimed boldly..... " their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.".....I would love to hear them back up this claim with facts.I look at the game  only to see what the modding community will do for the game....They will make the game GREAT!


Loot in this game is terrible. Guess that's another thing to add to the "modders will fix it" list. Overall, while the gunplay and visuals are a lot better (along with animations that aren't complete ****) in 4, I much preferred New Vegas in almost every way. Writing, RPG mechanics, quest design, companions and location design (most of the locations felt like they were part of a unified game world rather than a series of amusement park rides). 

  On 11/29/2015 at 2:56 AM, Jax765 said:

Loot in this game is terrible. Guess that's another thing to add to the "modders will fix it" list. Overall, while the gunplay and visuals are a lot better (along with animations that aren't complete ****) in 4, I much preferred New Vegas in almost every way. Writing, RPG mechanics, quest design, companions and location design (most of the locations felt like they were part of a unified game world rather than a series of amusement park rides). 

TJ, one of the main devs of TTW, released a Loot Levellist mod TJ's Levelled - Leveled List Tweaks that addresses some of these. 


What is supposedly wrong with loot now? Is it because it isn't 100% game-ruining like Morrowind again? "Oh look I'm level 1 and know where the glass sword is, now sense of achievement be damned!" Please elaborate, because it is fine for me.


But but but Sparrow you are only level 1... you cannot use said glass sword because it is too heavy for you! Here take this old iron great-sword instead! 

Posted (edited)
  On 11/28/2015 at 6:28 PM, bitdman said:

I started playing FO4 right from the beginning so I could see what kind mods were going to be the first to make changes to Beth's sloppy, half-assed work. Here is what they (Bethesda) claimed boldly..... " their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.".....I would love to hear them back up this claim with facts.I look at the game  only to see what the modding community will do for the game....They will make the game GREAT!


I think the companies can make statements like this because to most people it would be true, they would agree. I really don't think the average consumer/gamer thinks about the many flaws and things which could be improved upon unless there's a bug that messes with their game. And then for other people they might briefly consider the flaws but they're not going to do anything about it so there's no point in dwelling on it much less voicing a complaint. And the company already has their money and thus their silent vote of agreement on the hyperbolic statements.


We all know it takes a lot of time, attention to detail and patience to successfully mod a game and most people don't want to deal with any of that, not even considering the number of people who are on consoles and so can't anyway. In fact I would venture to say most consumers won't even play these games more than once through and if they're not playing them more than once they're probably not dwelling on the imperfections very much, either. My husband is like that; buys the game, shrugs at the flaws, plays it once and never looks at it again. Rinse and repeat. He enjoys the story but once is enough, and he's definitely not going to be bothered modding it for a single playthrough. There seems to be a lot of people modding because that's what we're doing and what we see, but when you think about the staggering number of people who play games on consoles now, it seems clear we are a small segment and thus when Bethesda says how ground breaking their game is and modders say "Actually..." not many people hear, and probably wouldn't agree if they did. Although maybe if you sat them down, taped their eyes open and pointed out each flaw and explained how it could be better, and then replayed each flaw one hundred times, then they might see it and agree :D

Edited by aaltair
Posted (edited)

Lol really Aiyen? My memory of Morrowind is short-lived becuase I hated that die-roll combat and awful journal. People had a point that the loot in Oblivion was terrible, but they fixed most of those problems with their next games.


aaltair you are correct. A lot of people forget that most people are not that picky like myself. What most mods add to the overall game is virtually nothing. They fix things that bug people or add content that is not really mandatory. The only mods that really add to the game in my opinion are large quest mods. I say that as someone who tinkers with things and nothing more. Calling a developer incompetent and saying mods save their games is totally disrespectful to the professionals that do this for a living. They ARE better and could pull off so much more than this community. I don't care how obviously poor the management and engine is at Bethsoft; all those people work really hard.


That mod for loot tweaks is totally nothing too. "A monster has a spoon!" So? Who wants to run out of bobby pins and travel away to buy more, then come back? That is exactly what you will do. "Chems need to be rarer!" Yeah, I don't think so. I'd be on them if I lived in such a world and so would most people. It's just all fluff.


The loot in this game is great. Unique items, lots of scrap for scavenging, decent amount of "Legendary" enemies, and shops that require you have lots of caps (caps which are finally hard to get). Exploration is actually worth it now.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)
  On 11/29/2015 at 7:39 AM, SparrowPrince said:

What is supposedly wrong with loot now? Is it because it isn't 100% game-ruining like Morrowind again? "Oh look I'm level 1 and know where the glass sword is, now sense of achievement be damned!" Please elaborate, because it is fine for me.

Never played Morrowind, so maybe don't make dumb, baseless assumptions? Main issue for me is that you get too powerful too early, and it doesn't take long for item progression to trail off. Weapon variety is quite low, with most enemies carrying the same few weapons with modifications attached. There's a few cool-looking armors, but their effectiveness is severely dampened by the fact that you can't wear extra armor pieces that increase your resistances and base stats. And as with weapons, there's not a huge variety of actual unique-looking armor. And this is all without using guides or whatever to find unique stuff early.

Edited by Jax765
Posted (edited)


Never played Morrowind, so maybe don't make dumb, baseless assumptions?

You can't change how I live my life 99% of the time! How dare you!? Did you know Hitler was an alien for example? Well I assume so.


That was not aimed at you, but anyone who was reading it. You basically said nothing regardless, so I could only make assumptions if I wanted to. I have lots of unique weapons, (no they don't have to all look different) my armour rating is 150 resistance with multple pieces, (it's no concern that they don't look cool because that isn't a flaw with loot) and those weapons you mention are for scrapping mostly. I usually just upgrade everything myself because that is what you are meant to do if you want the best armour/weapons. It sounds like you want to find awesome loot around every corner, which is basically what I was going at with my Morrowind reference (although Oblivion's leveled loot is a lot worse).


The game feels like it should do. No one is going to have these amazing-looking items in a wasteland environment if they aren't high-tech troops like the Brotherhood. You expect raiders to have gauss rifles? I have found a few in power armour, but they are usually mini-boss material, which is perfectly fine being that's the case. I don't feel I got powerful early and I'm just level 40 after all this time. I can get my ass handed to me if I'm not careful.

Edited by Guest

so after  playing the game now up to level 20  ( and surprisingly  had zero crashes  and / or an enemy or quest or ANYTHING   that go glitched .  

i mean  ,this is a bethesda game ,right ? i am getting scared here guys  ! /s) 


That being said ,  while  playing , i came upon  2  moments  that i said  : i wish there was a QOL mod  that allowed me to do this :


 allow me  to instantly equip an item  when i loot it without me going   into the pipboy .


the same  would go for  holotapes or letters  : let me play / read them instantly upon looting .


also a better item sorting would be great .


In short : i want the equivalent  of Skyui up in this biyatch  . 


as for the textures  while they are indeed low res and ugly as sin when sticking your nose against it  i have to say , looking at the complete world  i have to say the game looks beautiful.  


I'm having a noticeable performance increase with the new beta patch from yesterday. It's at least a 5FPS boost in the cities and interiors are smooth as silk now. 

Posted (edited)

Friend sent me this:



Most likely my fault when I was messing around, but shhhhhhh!


Hopefully they get that console FPS sorted out too. It's better outside than in some interiors and some of those interiors are often small. Really crap job on Bethesda's part with optimization on all platforms.

Edited by Guest

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