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Crimson Tide - Blood v2.2


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Crimson Tide - Blood



This mod is technically a sub category of combined texture pack? However this mod does a lot more than replace textures and I feel definitely needs its own entry. 


Makes bleeding both more bloody and more realistic. Different weapons cause different bleeding effects. Dead bodies will pool blood around them. Decapitated enemies will spurt blood. It is possible to hit a character and have blood hit the floor, walls, or ceiling. Completely retextured blood in game as well as a variety of new blood textures not in the game. For some peoples tastes, this mod might be a little over the top. My personal opinion is that if you are killing somebody with a edged weapon you are going to make a lot of mess. Afterall, the human body has 2 liters of blood in it. That blood goes some place ;). 


I tested the mod with TES5 edit, and it has a lot of troubling structural issues. Namely 13 ITMs and 41 UDRs. These all seems to be placement issues... which is odd considering the intent of the mod. I felt reseasonably confident in using TES5 edit to remove the errors, but I can be sure that this won't create problems. Here was my TES5 output after checking the mod for errors and cleaning it:

[00:00] Checking for Errors in [02] Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5EF] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F1] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F2] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F3] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F4] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F5] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F6] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F7] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F8] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20)
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5F9] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5FA] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5FB] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5FC] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5FD] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A604] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A807D] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A807E] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A8117] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20)
[00:00]               [REFR:000A8079] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A807A] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A807B] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:000A807C] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A5FE] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A600] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A601] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A602] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A603] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]               [REFR:0009A605] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -3, -1
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, -1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]
[00:00]   Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
[00:00]             [REFR:000BF752] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:000BF753] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:000BF754] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:000BF756] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:000BF759] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009EFD7] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009EFE6] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009EFEA] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009C7DF] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009C7E0] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009C7E3] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009C7F2] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]             [REFR:0009EF65] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]) -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 8
[00:00]   Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[02] Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
[00:00] All Done!
Removing: WPNUnarmedVsDraugrImpact [IPCT:000F4C7E]
Removing: BloodSprayImpactArrowInsect [IPCT:0010D5CE]
Removing: DecapitatedHead [ARMO:000DB5D0]
Removing: GRUP Top "ARMO"
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundMediumSmall [TXST:00018EDE]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundTiny [TXST:000F0155]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundDry [TXST:000C1D83]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundLarge [TXST:000B08A2]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundMedium [TXST:0008B1F6]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundCOPY0000 [TXST:000684CB]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundCOPYsmaller [TXST:0005826C]
Removing: DecalBloodSprayGroundSmall [TXST:00027D51]
Removing: fBloodSplatterMaxOpacity [GMST:0001A170]
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 272, Removed Records: 13, Elapsed Time: 00:00
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5EF] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F1] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F2] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F3] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F4] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F5] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F6] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F7] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F8] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior04 [CELL:00009C3D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -7,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5F9] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5FA] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5FB] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5FC] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5FD] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A604] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A807D] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A807E] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A8117] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior05 [CELL:00009C3C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-20))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A8079] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A807A] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A807B] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:000A807C] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A5FE] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A600] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A601] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A602] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A603] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:0009A605] (places [STAT:0009A5F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ShriekwindBastionExterior06 [CELL:00009C1B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -6,-19))
Undeleting: [REFR:000BF752] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000BF753] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000BF754] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000BF756] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:000BF759] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009EFD7] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009EFE6] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009EFEA] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009C7DF] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009C7E0] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009C7E3] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009C7F2] (places [STAT:001018E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
Undeleting: [REFR:0009EF65] (places [STAT:001018E0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NightcallerTemple01 "Nightcaller Temple" [CELL:0009AA4A])
[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 259, Undeleted Records: 41, Elapsed Time: 00:00
I have used this mod a great deal and I haven't noticed any overt issues with performance, and I haven't had any crashing issues with this mod. With a mod that is fairly complex though like this, and includes quite a few structural issues, I think it would need to be tested more. Still, a vast improvement over the vanilla blood system. 
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For some peoples tastes, this mod might be a little over the top. My personal opinion is that if you are killing somebody with a edged weapon you are going to make a lot of mess. Afterall, the human body has 2 liters of blood in it. That blood goes some place ;). 



The human body has between 5 and 6 liters of blood... roughly 70 to 80 ml per kg body weight. But of course not all of it pulsates out of a decapitated person.


What I DON'T like about this mod, is that if you hit a person during a brawl bare handed or with gauntlets even if your "Stamina" value is veeeery low blood covers the entire place as if you were gutting a pig. Not very realistic, sorry.

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