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Realistic Water Two - stream Fix [nanoman2000]


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Realistic Water Two - stream Fix by nanoman2000




This Mod is just a small fix for the ugly looking streams.
the streams have more details now and looking much better.
fxwhitewater textures brightness reduced.
i hope it looks good with all the different enb presets.

this texture set replaces the fxwatertile & fxwhitewater textures from RWT with new textures.

Required: Realistic Water Two.

download and install Realistic Water Two.
download and install my mod. overwrite if asked.


isoku for the best watermod imo.
all shots with: Rampage ENB, Realistic Water Two
and Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two.

This mod went up to the front page, so it must be good. Thought I'd post it since we run RWT. Still unsure what this fixes. Maybe I'm not so picky that I would ignore the water so long as it looks decent. I'll need to do my own streams comparison.


Edited by TechAngel85
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I put in in via MO yesterday and am delighted with it.  The biggest improvement for me has been the streams outside of Whiterun.  They looked terrible in vanilla, and were somewhat improved by Realistic Water 2.  Now they actually look OK at last - not great, but certainly a lot better than before.  The stream next to the bridge leading into Riverwood looks vastly improved, too.


This is a lovely fix, imo.

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I put in in via MO yesterday and am delighted with it. The biggest improvement for me has been the streams outside of Whiterun. They looked terrible in vanilla, and were somewhat improved by Realistic Water 2. Now they actually look OK at last - not great, but certainly a lot better than before. The stream next to the bridge leading into Riverwood looks vastly improved, too.


This is a lovely fix, imo.

Agreed, just added to SR:LE. :)
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Guys/Gals, this is a effect so it will have to be looked at in-game so you can see how the movement of the textures look and "feel". Without doing this you can't actually decide which is best. Motion effects have to be looked at and compared in motion. So offer up your opinions, but I will not be counting any opinions in regards for this being added to STEP which have simply looked at my compares above.


Imo, with bubbles optional looks more like a steam when you see it in motion. The waves in the regular version are too choppy to be from a stream. In RWT, they almost look like downscaled normal waves from a lake or ocean; however, I'm sure isoku took more care than that.

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Even from the compares (without motion) I'm in agreement with Tech about the bubbles option looking most like a stream.  Just look at the spots in the water where there are no splashes - the way the see-through parts looks.  And the fact that the splashes are not so prominent.  It just looks better I think.

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I haven't really noticed the water being too fast, but (and perhaps this is just my aging eyes or my imagination) it does seem to be too viscous... almost somewhat like syrup instead of water. I imagine water is one of those things that's really difficult to get right, though.


I looked at the "with bubbles" option last night and noticed the little falls in the streams seemed to glow in the dark, so I may need to look at it again with a vanilla setup. Right now I have a STEP Extended setup with Vividian Vanilla ENB so something in my setup may be adding the luminescence there.

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