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  • 21/08/2015

    • General changes:

      • Fixed a typo for mods.settings file (it's mods.settings and not mod.settings - rename as appropriate!).
      • Added information and instructions regarding using mod patches and troubleshooting mod conflicts with mods.settings file.

    • Guide section changes:

    • Mods Updated:

      • No Talk Icon

        • Changed the file used to optional No Talk Icon (and no button prompt) instead of the main No Talk Icon one.
        • Uninstall the mod and follow the instructions again. See the warning above regarding NMM bug when uninstalling mods!

    • Mods Removed:

      • Main Map Zoom mod (replaced by World Map Unlimited Zoom).

        • Uninstall the mod.
        • Remove \game\gui\menus\mapMenu.ws from all the other mods with scripts. This workaround is no longer required for the new mod. It will make installing new mods with scripts much easier.

    • Mods Added:



The guide contains now 30 mods! 

  On 8/23/2015 at 1:39 AM, tizgrilo said:

Would you be so kind to create a patch for Cutscene Lighting and No Auto Sword Sheathe? Or maybe a quick explanation on how to do it?



I'll get to updating and patching Cutscene Lighting in the next update. I wanted to bring the guide to what I've had installed - I was way ahead of it and I was losing consistency between my game and the guide :P


Now it's time to bring everything up to date with Nexus :)


Hi! Great job, Rootsrat!! But can you please help - I've managed user.settings file, changed the string ending to what you said, checked the read only box, but still cant see any changes, no performance hit or anything that could give a sence that something changed... Can you please, may be you have some troubleshooting, or you know something that blocks settings change? I'm using steam version btw.


  On 8/23/2015 at 8:12 AM, PanOo said:

Hi! Great job, Rootsrat!! But can you please help - I've managed user.settings file, changed the string ending to what you said, checked the read only box, but still cant see any changes, no performance hit or anything that could give a sence that something changed... Can you please, may be you have some troubleshooting, or you know something that blocks settings change? I'm using steam version btw.


Thanks mate. 


Are you sure nothing has changed? A great spot to test performance hit is Hangmen Tree (not sure what it's called in English - maybe Tree of the Hangmen), fast travel to it, face away from the road - there is a bunch of ghouls there. Run in that direction and after the ghouls is a pack of wolves. Past the wolves is a little valley you can look upon - that's where the performance hits most, especially for shadows, grass and foliage visibility range.


As for LOD, Skellige area is great to test that (lots of open space on the water where you can see into the distance) and some places where you can see far away mountains.


Use the vanilla settings file, make a save in one of those spots, don't move your mouse a bit, take a screen shot, exit the game, apply the modified settings file, load up the save, don't move your mouse and take another screenshot - compare the 2 and see if there is any difference. 


Alternatively you can have a look at this topic: https://www.gry-online.pl/S043.asp?ID=13706243&N=1. The guy is using very similar changes to mine (more powerful though, as he has a monster PC). In fact I learned a lot from him. Scroll to the bottom, where it says "Porównawcze screeny" - these are the comparison shots. 1st screen is Vanilla Ultra and 2nd is modded game. 


Screen Nr 1 - difference in water, shadows, LOD, mist LOD

Screen Nr 2 - difference in water, shadows, textures - see the house in the distance.
Screen 3 - house in the distance, roof, close and far shadows 
Screen 4 - distant shadows (trees)
Screen 5 - Water, particle effects on the water, LOD
6 and 7 - LOD
If you introduce my changes and can't see any difference or performance hit, push it further for shadow quality and distance and also push the settings in [Rendering/SpeedTree] and [Foliage] sections.
  On 8/23/2015 at 12:00 PM, rootsrat said:


Thanks mate. 


Are you sure nothing has changed? A great spot to test performance hit is Hangmen Tree (not sure what it's called in English - maybe Tree of the Hangmen), fast travel to it, face away from the road - there is a bunch of ghouls there. Run in that direction and after the ghouls is a pack of wolves. Past the wolves is a little valley you can look upon - that's where the performance hits most, especially for shadows, grass and foliage visibility range.


As for LOD, Skellige area is great to test that (lots of open space on the water where you can see into the distance) and some places where you can see far away mountains.


Use the vanilla settings file, make a save in one of those spots, don't move your mouse a bit, take a screen shot, exit the game, apply the modified settings file, load up the save, don't move your mouse and take another screenshot - compare the 2 and see if there is any difference. 


Alternatively you can have a look at this topic: https://www.gry-online.pl/S043.asp?ID=13706243&N=1. The guy is using very similar changes to mine (more powerful though, as he has a monster PC). In fact I learned a lot from him. Scroll to the bottom, where it says "Porównawcze screeny" - these are the comparison shots. 1st screen is Vanilla Ultra and 2nd is modded game. 


Screen Nr 1 - difference in water, shadows, LOD, mist LOD

Screen Nr 2 - difference in water, shadows, textures - see the house in the distance.
Screen 3 - house in the distance, roof, close and far shadows 
Screen 4 - distant shadows (trees)
Screen 5 - Water, particle effects on the water, LOD
6 and 7 - LOD
If you introduce my changes and can't see any difference or performance hit, push it further for shadow quality and distance and also push the settings in [Rendering/SpeedTree] and [Foliage] sections.


Wow, seen some screens in that post with configs - stunning, cant see any difference in my game... gonna try config in his post, see and make screens to notice the difference, thanks!


Yeah, tried the conf in that post - with my rig its only 28-34 fps but stunning graphics :) Made some changes - now its 50-56 at the hanged men's tree, gonna make some difference to maintain the 60fps on my rig (i5 4570, 8gb ram, gtx970). Thanks for your help, Rootsrat :)


Thanks Neo, I missed the update of this mod. I'll have a look.


As for the guide:


  • 24/08/2015
    • General changes:

    • Guide section changes:

    • Mods Updated:
      • Assorted Mod Patches - PlayerInput
        • New 1.1 version released to accommodate adding PhotoMode 2inOne mod.

        • Uninstall the old version and install the new version

        • Change the corresponding entry in the mods.settings file to reflect the new mod name.

      • Crow's Saddle Overhaul
        • New 1.2 version released, merging all DLC mods with the main mod

        • Uninstall all parts of the mod, including the main file

        • Follow new installation instructions

      • Cutscene Lighting Mod
        • New 1.10 version released

        • The mod was converted from old format into ModTool format

        • Navigate to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles

        • Run the install_default_lighting.bat file to uninstall the mod (this file was contained in the original download)

        • Type "force" if asked "Do you want to skip this file?" during the uninstallation process

        • Press Enter to confirm when the uninstallation is completed

        • Delete the following files and folders from \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles:
          • _cutscene_lighting

          • _default_lighting

          • install_cutscene_lighting.bat

          • install_default_lighting.bat

          • readme_cutscene_lighting.txt

          • witcher3.bms

        • Follow the new installation instructions

      • Lore-friendly Silver Swords
        • New 0.2 version released.

        • Uninstall the old version and install the new version.

      • Real Witcher Eyes
        • The mod name has changed to Lore-friendly Witchers

        • New 0.3 version released

        • Uninstall the old version and install the new verison

    • Mods Removed:

    • Mods Added:


Used the Script Merge mod and it's easy and works fine. Merged Cutscene Lighting Mod and No Auto Sword Sheathe, also merged Close Cam and Combat Fix and everything is working.  ::D:


Just follow the instructions on mod page and you're fine.


I only used to try and merge PhotoMode 2inOne and HUD Key Toggles, but it failed, as there were overlapping lines of code. It works great undoubteldy, but I think the more mods you need to merge the worse it gets. It's a great tool nevertheless!

  On 8/24/2015 at 2:01 PM, rootsrat said:

I only used to try and merge PhotoMode 2inOne and HUD Key Toggles, but it failed, as there were overlapping lines of code. It works great undoubteldy, but I think the more mods you need to merge the worse it gets. It's a great tool nevertheless!

At the moment I think it only work for .ws files

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