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Yes it would use the texture but the style is completely changed. The original texture wouldn't stretch to fit it and make sense. It would make more sense to have textures specifically made for the restyled look. Or maybe I imagine the changes to be more drastic then they really are. But from the screenshots of what they changed it seems like a pretty big difference.


Edit: I changed my previous post wrongly stating the mods name. I apologize.


Yes it would use the texture but the style is completely changed. The original texture wouldn't stretch to fit it and make sense. It would make more sense to have textures specifically made for the restyled look. Or maybe I imagine the changes to be more drastic then they really are. But from the screenshots of what they changed it seems like a pretty big difference.

The mod merely "cuts a hole" for the eyes. There is no texture stretching.




Yes it would use the texture but the style is completely changed. The original texture wouldn't stretch to fit it and make sense. It would make more sense to have textures specifically made for the restyled look. Or maybe I imagine the changes to be more drastic then they really are. But from the screenshots of what they changed it seems like a pretty big difference.

The mod merely "cuts a hole" for the eyes. There is no texture stretching.



Forgive me then. I must have misremembered how my Khajiit looked in the helmets. I thought the changes for the beast races were more drastic. Never had a chance myself to compare the two side by side.



Yes it would use the texture but the style is completely changed. The original texture wouldn't stretch to fit it and make sense. It would make more sense to have textures specifically made for the restyled look. Or maybe I imagine the changes to be more drastic then they really are. But from the screenshots of what they changed it seems like a pretty big difference.

The mod merely "cuts a hole" for the eyes. There is no texture stretching.



Forgive me then. I must have misremembered how my Khajiit looked in the helmets. I thought the changes for the beast races were more drastic. Never had a chance myself to compare the two side by side.
They are, but the texture would never "stretch". The helmet is cut up but still the same size.

But then wouldn't the point remain that it would look more suitable with replaced textures so the texture simply doesn't look "cut off". Perhaps I used the wrong word with stretching. I imagined the mod pushed the rest of the texture down and squished it together. Wether it be cutting it off or squishing it down I think it might still look better if the texture were tweaked slightly.


stretching in beast races helmet is on bethesda models themselves cus bethesda did not a proper re-uv mapping for them... simply tweaked standard meshes for human races...textures follow the bad uvmapping.... there's nothing i can do with just a texture replacement.

to make anything work fine the only thing to do is REMAKE models...which would lead to incompatibilities, and it is a LOT of work....honestly since nobody pays me for this....cannot find the idea interesting :D


stretching in beast races helmet is on bethesda models themselves cus bethesda did not a proper re-uv mapping for them... simply tweaked standard meshes for human races...textures follow the bad uvmapping.... there's nothing i can do with just a texture replacement.

to make anything work fine the only thing to do is REMAKE models...which would lead to incompatibilities, and it is a LOT of work....honestly since nobody pays me for this....cannot find the idea interesting :D

I understand. Thanks for taking the time to reply back though. Much appreciated.

sorry king... maybe i did not understand the point...what i'm squishing exactly? 0.0

i want a new look for my armors and i do that.... to just tweak a bit vanilla look is simply not what i want to do...there are TONS of tweaked textures around... nobody needs mine


sorry king... maybe i did not understand the point...what i'm squishing exactly? 0.0

i want a new look for my armors and i do that.... to just tweak a bit vanilla look is simply not what i want to do...there are TONS of tweaked textures around... nobody needs mine

No no. I think you missed the part where we were talking about another mod not yours. There is someone who tries to improve helmets for beast races and even regular races. With the helmets that have closed face masks. I made a suggestion to see if you wanted to try and make your textures for them so they don't appear cut down. This is even with regular textures. Has nothing to do with yours. Your textures look amazing there's nothing wrong with them.


Edit: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15927 This mod. Sorry for the confusion CaBaL.


oh...improved closeface... i know the mod...author did fight a lot with the same problem of uvmapping...if there was a better uvmapping and more rounded polygons cut would not be so vsible.

let's face the truth once more... bethesda models are completely killed by optimization for console porting.... we have often to work with many many limits to improve the look of armors


Ya it really is sad. Such a shame. Khajiit are one of my favorite and they always get the axe with the Argonians when it comes to these things. At least we can be glad we own it on PC and we have you making wonderful textures with what they've given you to work with. I'm glad everyday that I get to be in-game with your re-mastered armors.


With the new update we either need a wizard of BCF for this one. Can anyone whip up a quick wizard that just mirrors the FOMOD options?

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