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Posted (edited)

I'm either missing something in the DynDOLOD steps, in the installation steps for the added mods or there's an unaddressed conflict that DynDOLOD World is catching. That time consuming part is figuring out which of those three is the case.


EDIT: In my case, it was an unaddressed conflict. I'm glad I pursued it instead of giving up.

Edited by d3monic

All, I have finally figured why DynDOLOD was not working for me. As was pointed out previously, everyone's setup is slightly different. In my case the memory patch wasn't working as a result of SKSE not looking for it in the correct place. I followed STEP to the letter but I needed to add an argument to the executable in order for it to work. Now I am happy to report everything is working beautifully and DynDOLOD is truly gorgeous. Thank u for all the help.

Posted (edited)

So, yesterday i found some time going through DynDOLOD's steps again and Setting it up from the bottom.


I now have a Problem, im playing around with different Setups and in one im using purity and Laasts Trees. So i downloaded the LOD billboards for his trees from the Nexus.


The Placement of the mods is (broken down):


- STEP Stuff

- Own mods (only Gameplay/Texture for Armor, Weapons)

- Purity

- LOD Billboards for Purity


- STEP LOD Output (the the first "mod" you create in xedit)

- DynDOLOD Output (the second, lengthy creating process)


Yet i somehow have a Feeling of getting non-Fitting Tree LOD. They seem look better without DynDOLod than with, or so to speak... very different.

Had not much time to look into it, since creating eats that much time, but i miss some Information about the Billboard Locations in the Load Order at least it seems so. The Video from gamerpoet seems to be a bit Different than STEPS loard order.


Bonus question: What do i have to do if i dont want to use SFO, but instead stick with Vanilla trees/another tree mod. Do i have to disable/hide any files from the current STEP Version?

Clarification: I didnt try it with SFO enabled, but only with Purity and the Billboards for his mod. DynDOLod does work! I get distant Details like flowing waterfalls without using SkyFalls, it just seems that the LODs from trees are off.

Edited by plaGGy



the archive should NOT contain a "textures" directory but rather the contents of the textures directory

This part from the "Generate LODs" section on the wiki page really needs to be changed or removed. The archive SHOULD contain a "textures" directory, rather than the contents of the textures directory. That's what you get if you follow the instructions, so when I got to the end of step 9 and saw this it really confused me.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I just ignored that...


EDIT: Also, if you know what you're doing you could skip archiving and just drop those files into a "Mod Organizer/mods/DynDOLOD Output" folder you already created. The error checking provided by MO when installing is nice, however.

Edited by d3monic
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I meticulously followed all STEP instructions and tried several (6) times to get DynDOLOD to work, but I kept getting an ILS unless I deactivated DynDOLOD. I even reinstalled everything from scratch just to be sure I didn't miss something. No errors during installation - just an ILS when starting the game.


I know you say that you don't need to tick the HighRes TexturePasks and Unofficial High Resolution Patch .esp files in the MO Plugins tab before generating LODs and DynDOLOD (As described in the STEP DynDOLOD Detailed Instructions) but I tried it anyway. Now, it works beautifully! To be clear, I have all STEP Extended mods and only STEP Extended mods installed exactly as recommended. The only thing I had to do differently was tick those 4 .esp files before following the instructions here to get DynDOLOD to work.


Thanks for the awesome work you guys do. You might want to add ticking those .esp files as an option if it doesn't work with them unchecked. It would have saved me days of frustration.

Edited by navybrandt

Huh, that's odd. In the Archives tab, did you have "Let MO manage archives" ticked?


What about the High Resolution texture packs and the Unofficial High Resolution patch? Were these also ticked under Archives?

Posted (edited)

Yes, "Have MO manage archives" is (and was) ticked as well as all .bsa's (including HR texture packs and Unofficial HR patch).


I did notice that the link on the DynDOLOD detailed instructions page for TES5Edit sends me to Release 3.1.1, but I actually used Release 3.1.2, which does have changes to LOD generation.


Edit: The link to TES5Edit on the main Step page sent me to the Release 3.1.2 download page, which is why I have that version.

Edited by navybrandt

You should have every plugin ticked on the plugin list for TES5Edit. xEdit can only load .bsa's from plugins that exist. MO can load them into the game without the plugin, but no xEdit. 


Memory block log is a SKSE plugin by sheson to see if the memory patch is working. Get the mod from the nexus and then it will put a log in the Memory block log mod folder after you boot the game. 


Hmmm... my SKSE.ini file is as follows:



  Reveal hidden contents



I assume that the "Block 1" setting discussed in forums is the same as "DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB" here?

Posted (edited)

Behold! My Memory Block Log file!



  Reveal hidden contents


BTW, no ILS this time, so it occasionally works...

It shows Block1 setting of 512, but my .ini file says DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768. Does that mean SKSE is not seeing my .ini file? it is in my ...\Mod Organizer\mods\SKSE_1_07_03\SKSE folder.


Edit: BTW, my MemoryBlocksLog.log and SKSE_Elys_AltF4.log files keep being created in this folder ...\Mod Organizer\overwrite\SKSE\Plugins every time I run the game. Can I change that to a new folder since MO doesn't like files in the overwrite folder? This is a very minor annoyance,  so don't waste time figuring it out if it's difficult. Thanks.


Edit 2: I tried copying the SKSE folder with the SKSE.ini file directly to my ...\Skyrim\Data folder, but nothing acted differently.

Edited by navybrandt

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