Neovalen Posted September 24, 2012 Posted September 24, 2012 Looks like the "official" 1.2.1 has a crash problem in Dragonsreach, it has officially killed my playthrough until a fix is found... urgh! I really should keep my older USKP versions as Arthmoor doesn't leave the old versions laying about. The last beta before release worked fine, so hopefully that narrows down the problem for him. Edit: I cleaned the official 1.2.1 with TESVGecko (there was a few dirty edits) and it fixed the problem for me... I reported this to Arthmoor.
TheCompiler Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 I didn't experience that CTD with 1.2.1, where exactly in dragonsreach does it crash?
Neovalen Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 It crashed for me when I zoned in the gate (so once I loaded into dragonsreach from whiterun)... other users on the nexus forums have had a crash when exiting the same area. In any case, cleaning the ESP fixed it for me, so figured I'd post it.
Korentin Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 I'm having crashes loading into or out of both Solitude and Windhelm main gates :) Something funky is going on.
frihyland Posted September 25, 2012 Author Posted September 25, 2012 Proper installation of 1.21 if you have ever used a followers,pet, or conjuration mod that is still in your savegame With USKP 1.2 loaded (use 1.21 if you have been silly and deleted 1.2) Dismiss all followers, pets, and conjured critters Save and exit Deactivate all mods that affect followers Sleep 31 days and save Install USKP 1.21 and any follower mods Sleep 31 days and save Play
Vypir Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 Quote Proper installation of 1.21 if you have ever used a followers mod that is still in your savegame... Where did you find this? Just curious about getting more info on this. Thanks.
frihyland Posted September 25, 2012 Author Posted September 25, 2012 It's my own fix after looking at the cause of the problem. You can find references to various issues on the various USKP threads, I just analyzed them and found the likely root cause. It could also be navmesh issues reintroduced by older mods but that seems less likely. If it fixes issues for people here I'll pass it on to Arthmoor. People seem to have terrible habits in regards to creating clean saves, and even worse with upgrading, installing, and uninstalling mods.
Korentin Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 In my case it does not apply, I had it on a newly installed Skyrim on "fresh" characters, no followers etc. Still must be something on my end that is causing it since its not happening to everyone. Strange thing is that it still happened after I more or less copied Arths loadorder from a recent thread and the crashes still occured. Gonna try it out with only DG and the patches installed see if it keeps happening.
frihyland Posted September 25, 2012 Author Posted September 25, 2012 The only other explanation if it happens on a new game is that you have bad loose scripts still installed. Delete your Data/scripts directory and try again. (Note that you will have to reinstall the CK, SKSE, and any mods that have loose scripts, do those 1 at a time and test to find the culprit). Edit: btw remember that pets and conjured creatures count as followers.
Korentin Posted September 25, 2012 Posted September 25, 2012 Yeah I did that, still crashed. I don't use loose scripts if it can be avoided. But its "definately" a mod other than USKP that was causing it in my case since with only the two unofficial patches, iHUD and Live Another Life installed no crashes occured like before.
Vypir Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 Thanks, frihyland. I was mostly just wondering if there are problems with Dawnguard's new companions and outdated companion mods. I use an old version of TCG because I simply like it the best. Haven't noticed any issues yet, but I just started the quest line and haven't "fully" acquired a new companion from the DLC.
Varak Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Quote Yeah I did that, still crashed. I don't use loose scripts if it can be avoided. But its "definately" a mod other than USKP that was causing it in my case since with only the two unofficial patches, iHUD and Live Another Life installed no crashes occured like before.You can try to place USKP 1.2.1 at the end of your mod list. It helped in my case when I had constant crashes between Riverwood and Whiterun in the place where the road goes closer to the river.
Besidilo Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 USKP 1.2.2 beta is out on Dark Creations. Changelog. Reveal hidden contents USKP General UpdatesThe file has now been cleaned with TES5Edit, removing several dirty edits that have accumulated over time.Quest FixesThe Companions radiant quest cycling script will no longer plaster the Papyrus logs with bug reports that could disrupt the radiant quest system.Three dialogue branches of The Golden Claw (MS13) were setting the incorrect stage upon returning the claw if you had already found it ahead of being given the quest.The quest in Solitude to retrieve Rogviir's amulet for Greta (SolitudeFreeform03) had a dialogue fragment with a missing property which blocked completion of the quest if you retrived the amulet before being asked to do so. The script fragment was also missing the expected command to give the reward for this quest.Fixed SwapAliasOnDeath for Riften’s hostler and tavernkeeper (Ragged Flagon).Teeba-Ei and Pactur will no longer wander Alessia Caro-style between Stonehills and Morthal once Sorli the Builder becomes Jarl.Alias GuardCaptain in DailogueWhiterun is actually filled now, so Commander Caius will be exiled if the Stormcloaks take Whiterun.Brunwulf Free-Winter will actually be present for his scripted conversation with Malthyr Elenil.When curing the player's lycanthropy, the global variable that tracks the player being a werewolf was not reset to 0 like it should have been. (Bugzilla #4715)Several scenes at the Blue Palace made no sense when played after General Tullius is dead because they talk about him as though he's still alive. These have now been blocked from running if he's dead.Narri was intended to be the backup for Valga Vinicia at the Dead Man's Drink, but there was no backup alias.Julienne Lylvieve was to be Faida's backup for the Four Shield's tavern, but there was no backup alias.The aliases for MQ201Party did not allow reserved references, which severely curtailed the the number of guests attending.The other two Companions wilderness encounters will no longer resurrect dead Companions.NPCs will now comment on the player's College of Winterhold robes, as was intended.Blood's Honor (C04) could become stuck and not start due to an alias conflict on 3 corpses previously defined in the master quest that runs the Companions (C00). The conflicting aliases have been removed from C04 and their text storage settings transferred to the aliases on C00. (Bugzilla #303)Corrected one of Jorlief’s lines about the Stormcloaks finding victory (it was checking that an empty variable was less than four; it now checks the number of holds the Imperials own: they start with four, so if they own any less than that, the Stormcloaks must indeed be finding victory across the land).Niranye will no longer yell for people to browse her wares at all hours after becoming a fence.Nurelion should no longer cry for the player to buy something while incapacitated in his bed.Calixto will no longer give his tour if the player has no money to pay with.Extensive polishing of DA08: Balgruuf’s base actor is now essential, so if the quest is stopped after the blade is restored, he can’t die and break quests; Nelkir, Dagny, and Frothar have been added to GovRuling and GovImperial so they’ll be exiled to Solitude with their father (them staying in Dragonsreach was related to cut content; if the player does DA08 after taking Whiterun for the Stormcloaks, it will only be as awkward as “The Book of Love†if the Stormcloaks have Markarth); because the kids would lose all their unique dialogue if the quest was stopped, what dialogue that made sense with the cuts was duplicated into DialogueWhiterun, with half hour resets so they can say it all (and significantly dropping their annoyance factor now that they have more than one thing to say); their initial dialogue was given impossible conditions, as was a line from Balgruuf in exile wondering where his kids are; all the kids AI packages were removed from their DA08 aliases (all were vestigial and some caused them to do strange things if the blade was restored) so that they don’t override their exile packages; Nelkir was given his DA08NelkirSneakAroundDragonsreach package on his base actor.Game Mechanics FixesEnchRobesFortifyMagickaRate02 had the incorrect base enchantment setting which would cause disenchantment of any items with this set to return the wrong learned enchantment. (Bugzilla #4648)The services faction for the East Empire Company was stealing wares out of the Bits and Pieces merchant chest instead of the intended chest. Its service location and time has also been corrected.Corrected some Solitude AI packages that were intended to allow actors to explore the docks but instead sent them to their editor locations.DarkElfRaceVampire, WoodElfRaceVampire: removed eyebrows so they don't override the player's chosen set.High Elf vampires will now perform proper head tracking.ElderRaceVampire: checked "allow PC dialogue" and "allow pickpocket"NPC/Creature FixesMaurice's confidence value has been lowered so he won't be so inclined to charge into battle while being escorted to the Eldergleam Sanctuary. (Bugzilla #4465)Argonian female vampires were erroneously set to use the male behavior graph for their animations. (Bugzilla #4484)Olfina Gray-Mane, Brill, and Gorm are now essential owing to their roles as Housecarl, steward, and Housecarl, respectively.Idgrod the Younger is no longer incorrectly set as Morthal’s Housecarl and is no longer essential.Services factions added to particular NPCs to be consistent with retroactive script.Niranye, Gulum-Ei, Jaree-Ra, and Deeja had coffins in their city’s hall of the dead and were no longer essential after certain quest paths were taken; they have been given the WIDeadBodyCleanUpScript.Golldir is now correctly considered a unique actor.Viola Giordano added to WindhelmViolaFaction so that she owns her house and door; Lortheim and Jora removed from faction, since there's no clear reason why they're in it in the first place.CWBattle versions of Ulfric, Tullius, Galmar, and Rikke now actually look like their normal actor.If Malthyr Elenil becomes the barkeep at the New Gnisis Corenerclub, he can now sell drinks as intended.Bulfrek has dialogue indicating he isn't supposed to leave Dawnstar after the Imperials take over, so his Windhelm AI packs have been removed.Vittoria Vici was intended to be a merchant (that's why she has that AI package where she stands behind the counter at the docks), but she was never put into the merchant factions that would allow her to sell even though she had a services faction.Aquilius Aeresius, her creepy opposite-sex clone, is also in that services faction, implying he was to be her backup merchant.Julienne Lylvieve and her mother Michel were not assigned a crime faction.Vigilant Tyranus has been removed from the WINoBodyCleanUpFaction to allow his coffin to appear when he's killed.Muiri was no longer essential after "Mourning Never Comes" but had no cleanup script.Heimvar now has a coffin in Solitude's Hall of the Dead.Nazeem will now go to his farm on weekends as he was supposed to.Swapped the days two of Faryl Atheron's AI packages run -- now he sits outside the New Gnisis Cornerclub on weekends and works at the Hlaalu Farm on weekdays, rather than the reverse (consistent with his observation that he relaxes “when he can†as opposed to “nearly every day of the weekâ€).Removed Aquillius Aeresius' counter AI package from his base actor so he doesn't crowd Vittoria while she works. It's been added to the EastEmpire alias in DialogueSolitude so that he'll resume when Vittoria is killed.Aquillius’ level has been bumped up to 4 and his negative health modifier removed.Horkers now have their intended ability.EncVampire02BossDarkElfM had his eyebrows set to BrowsMaleHumanoid03 so that he doesn't wind up with a grey face.Legate Cipius is now properly enable parented to his camp so he isn’t just exploring in the middle of nowhere anymore.Enthir will now fence at all times rather than only when outside the Hall of Attainment, but also only after his fence setup has been completed.Dravynea the Stoneweaver was supposed to perform backup vendor duties for Wuunferth the Unliving if he died but she did not have her vendor data set up.Jorlief now sleeps in the proper location in Windhelm's palace.Wuunferth the Unliving now sleeps in the proper location in Windhelm's palace.Item FixesNazir’s hood will now appear correctly on beast races (could be taken from him if he was killed during DBDestroy).The key to Niranye's safe will no longer be called "Darkwater Pit Key."Ulfric's bracers, boots, and coat will now be the appropriate color in the player's inventory.The Gilded Wristguards will no longer look like Nightingale Gloves in a female player's inventory.The male wedding dress now has the correct first-person texture.NIF Mesh and Texture FixesThe archery target has been replaced with a better resolution copy at 512x512 to match the quality of the rest of the game. (Bugzilla #201)Ebony helmets were not casting shadows and have been fixed.Script FixesThe boss battle script in Geirmund's dungeon had some bad condition checks that could result in an endless loop which generated Papyrus errors in the log and impeded script processing because of it.Edited WIDeadBodyCleanUpScript; normal script bails out and won’t ever clean up the body if the actor’s in the WINoBodyCleanup faction. This one just keeps the while loop going until they’re out of it.Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object FixesDock pilings underneath the Dainty Sload outside of Solitude were not grounded. A rock has been placed under them to close the gap. (Bugzilla #4732)Two out of place sun sources were removed from Clan Cruel-Sea's house in Windhelm because they were making the house too bright. (Bugzilla #4543)Darkshade Copse was incorrectly marked as being in Falkreath Hold. It is in Whiterun Hold. (Bugzilla #4443)Flickering meshes in Vlindrel Hall (MarkarthVlindrelHall) have been corrected by widening a room bounds portal. (Bugzilla #4857)Coffins in the various Halls of the Dead will now display the person interred within, as Whiterun's do.The location name for Sunderstone Gorge (SunderstoneGorgeLocation) was mistakenly listed as Greywater Gorge.Flagged a bed in Dragonsreach as owned by Nelkir so that he can sleep (it was owned by a common faction among the kids but the other two beds were owned by the other children; if one of them got to the common bed first, Nelkir couldn’t sleep).All navmesh edits for Breezehome have been removed to prevent running into a CTD caused by the Hearthfire DLC deleting one of the edited navmeshes.Audio FixesAlduin's death cry was using an incorrect sound filter setting and was not always audible at the proper range. (Bugzilla #4444)Â
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