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Clear and Present Danger - A guide for modding Fallout 3


This thread is for reporting problems when using the "Clear and Present Danger guide for Fallout 3". This includes errors in the guide, problems in following the guide, problems with the mods included in the guide, and problems running Fallout 3 when following this guide.


Please post any problems such as these in this forum. It's also best to post them here vs. sending me a PM. Often I won't have an answer but the other readers of this forum might have a good answer.

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Looking at your description of the problem it sounds like Fallout 3 registry keys still pointed to the original HDD location. I'm assuming when you put it on an SSD you added the additional directory with Steam and when you moved the files to the SSD you had Steam verify the files, right? If you previously installed the game on the HDD you need to make sure that it is recognized properly when moved to the SSD. If you can start the game from the Fallout Launcher in the Fallout 3 GOTY folder on the SSD it should work OK.


As you explore this, let me know if the fixes in the Troubleshooting section ended up including the solution.

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  On 10/4/2014 at 8:57 PM, D1Z4STR said:



Do you use the load order of FWE according to the mod instructions with loot meta rules? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/2761/? if you scroll half way down you can see them. Or do you let loot auto sort the load order? Thanks.



No. I use LOOT for the load order, although I do make a few changes to the metadata (the ones I'll provide soon for the guide). There are several small mods that I want to load before "FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp", and I want UUF3P - FWE to load after FWE and the Blackened patch for FWE, MMM, Project Beauty (and EVE if used) to load after that. I do use a bashed patch with all of this, using the bash tags that by now have propagated to the LOOT masterlist.

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Shall do = ) ...


My main drive is an ssd for the OS and my secondary drive an hdd to work on. What I had initially was steam (skyrim as well with all the mods/mod organizer) on the SSD with the OS. Then all of my recording/editing software as well as the folders that the software records too on the HDD. I installed FO3 via STEAM, when asked if I'd like to install in a different location other than the C drive (SSD) I selected to install it on the D drive (HDD). As I wanted to be able to try and be a head of the game (new SSD on the way and I like to do the work on the HDD and transfer afterwards). I tried everything posted above and nothing worked. So I deleted it off the HDD. Then I installed FO3 on the SSD (C/main drive) and without having to do anything at all it worked right off the bat. Though now I'm going to have to wait until my new drive comes in next week to do any work on it as I don't want to keep it on the SDD with my OS and skyrim. What I will be doing (and I can tell you how it goes if you like) is...


C: (250GB SSD) = OS + Recording/Editing Software

D: (250GB SSD) = Steam + FO3 + Skyrim + mods + Mod Organizer (except the M.O. download folder)

E:   (4TB HDD) = M.O. download folder, Video Footage/Asset Folder and all work folders. 

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I have Fallout NV and Skyrim on an alternate drive (an SSD) and the rest of the Steam games on an HDD. I haven't had any problems with this. I haven't tried putting Fallout 3 on an alternate drive; the SSD I use for the other two games doesn't have enough room for FO3. When I can I'll try seeing whether I have problems when FO3 is on an alternate drive. Steam didn't really finish the alternate drive implementation. For example, tools like Creation Kit can only be installed on the main drive that Steam uses; you then have to copy it to the alternate drive.

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Posted (edited)

when installing Fallout Stutter remover you ask us to edit the FOSE/plugins/sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini, to:
Master = { _comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here. bManageFPS = 1 bHookGetTickCount = 1 bHookCriticalSections = 1 bHookHashtables = 1 bReplaceHeap = 0 <-- Needed for heap replacement, only for advanced users, detailed info in the readme bLogToConsole = 0 bFastExit = 1 bFlushLog = 1 iSchedulingResolution = 1 bReplaceRandom = 1 bExperimentalStuff = 0 iMainHookPoint = 1}
I noticed in the original ini there are 2 lines missing from the above. bHookLightCriticalSections = 1 and bReplaceGetTickCount = 1. Are we leaving these in the .ini or removing them?
When installing Better High Detail map and icons we are asked to fix the menu selections by:
Right click the mod in the left panel of MO and selectOpen in explorer.Using (or an equivalently capable editor) open menusmainmap_menu.xml.In lines 149, 268, and 393 change 660 to 650.Close the explorer window.
But when I go in the map_menu.xml It does not match up with what your asking us to do. Nor when I search for the number 660, its not found.

Edited by TechAngel85
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For Fallout Stutter Reducer I added these parameters to the guide instructions; thanks for noticing this. I copied the instructions from the Fallout NV guide, so I'll need to let SRB know also.


For Better High Detail map and icons the instructions seem to be correct, but I added some clarification. If you are using the Omnis Pip-Boy mod in the guide the instructions should be correct. If you use another Pip-Boy mod the line nrs and height values are different.

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Posted (edited)



When installing better clutter and furniture pack, the file directory is incorrect. You need to extract it and put the clutter and furniture folders into a textures folder then repack into named archive. Guide will need these instructions kinda like Hi-Res Vault Doors has. Same goes for Vertibird Re-texured (missing textures directory folder).


Realistic Interior Lighting - I would remove that link and just use the merged mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16787. People might get confused and install both. RIL is not needed, paradox merged mod handles it.


Arlington House Restoration - there is no update to install. No installation note needed.


Big Town Overhaul - I think Optional Gang Store is only needed. LOOT says/shows bigtownoverhaul and the bigtownoverhaul - gangstore esp's conflict with each other. I think only 1 is needed.


Temple of the Union overhaul - Freedomrifle weapon texture not in proper directory. From mod website - "The file "1stPersonFreedomRifle" should be in the directory Fallout 3 > Data > Textures > FreedomRifle " or.... does it need to go in textures > weapons > 2handrifle? I posted on the mods page to see if I can get clarification.

A brand new unique weapon: The Freedom Rifle. This retextured hunting rifle has been made more powerful and looks pretty mean!


Flora Overhaul - Cleaning Warning: Do not clean UDR records from this mod, otherwise, the game will crash on startup. Recommend removing cleaning tag MedRes under mod name. (and change Cleaning Warning to red color)

Edited by D1Z4STR
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  On 10/10/2014 at 7:14 AM, D1Z4STR said:



When installing better clutter and furniture pack, the file directory is incorrect. You need to extract it and put the clutter and furniture folders into a textures folder then repack into named archive. Guide will need these instructions kinda like Hi-Res Vault Doors has. Same goes for Vertibird Re-texured (missing textures directory folder).

Instructions changed for both


Realistic Interior Lighting - I would remove that link and just use the merged mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16787. People might get confused and install both. RIL is not needed, paradox merged mod handles it.



Arlington House Restoration - there is no update to install. No installation note needed.

the note was rewritten. Anyone who had version 1.0 and installs version 1.1 needs to do a clean install. The conflict with Flora Overhaul was also added


Big Town Overhaul - I think Optional Gang Store is only needed. LOOT says/shows bigtownoverhaul and the bigtownoverhaul - gangstore esp's conflict with each other. I think only 1 is needed.



Temple of the Union overhaul - Freedomrifle weapon texture not in proper directory. From mod website - "The file "1stPersonFreedomRifle" should be in the directory Fallout 3 > Data > Textures > FreedomRifle " or.... does it need to go in textures > weapons > 2handrifle? I posted on the mods page to see if I can get clarification.

A brand new unique weapon: The Freedom Rifle. This retextured hunting rifle has been made more powerful and looks pretty mean!

I looked with FO3Edit at the plugin, and the texture instructions from the mod page are correct. The installation instructions were changed for this mod.


Flora Overhaul - Cleaning Warning: Do not clean UDR records from this mod, otherwise, the game will crash on startup. Recommend removing cleaning tag MedRes under mod name. (and change Cleaning Warning to red color)

the cleaning warning color was changed to red


Thanks for the help!

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You are most welcome Kelmych! I do what I can. Any ETA on these?

  • Fixes for Powered Power Armor and the Adaptive Combat Rifle' will be provided shortly.
  • A LOOT Userlist specific to this guide will be provided shortly to augment the changes in the LOOT masterlist.
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  On 10/11/2014 at 1:55 AM, D1Z4STR said:


You are most welcome Kelmych! I do what I can. Any ETA on these?

  • Fixes for Powered Power Armor and the Adaptive Combat Rifle' will be provided shortly.

​Look here for a test version.

  • A LOOT Userlist specific to this guide will be provided shortly to augment the changes in the LOOT masterlist.

An initial version has been added to the guide


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Posted (edited)

Thank you Kelmych for your continued support with this guide. If you need any help let me know.


Vertibird Re-Textured - move below NMCs Texture Pack.


Tribal DX, Winterized DX and Bornagain FO3 Outcast have .esp's that change armor values/weights. Should those be moved to optional section so FWE can set the correct stats on them when making the bashed patch?


20th Century Weapons - xCALIBR_20CW_v5.12.esp is not needed since it is in the eXcaliber Ammo eXpansion Weapons patch for 20th Century Weapons


Zealotlees MP5 Pack - remove the caliber.esm included


Precision Collision - Clutter - are these meshes compatible with all the mods it overwrites? Should the meshes from Better Booze and Skykappas Water Bottles overwrite these meshes?


Essential Retex - must remove textures/vehicles/vertibirdb.dds and vertibirda.dds if using Vertibird Re-textured above in the guide.


Skykappas Water Bottles - HIGHLY recommend moving install order below MGs Neat Clutter (MGs water bottles are crap, really Mario from Mario and Luigi on the bottle caps?? West Coast chopper indentation on the bottles??)


Nuka-Cola Hi-res Textures - recommend moving install order below MGs Neat Clutter


Batteries Plus - textures/weapons/2handrifle/microfusioncell01 should be removed. FWE - FO3 Wanders Edition Main has also better texture


Sandbag Retexture - NMC's texture that is previously installed in the guide is alot more realisitc and better quality IMO


MGs Neat Clutter - version should say v1.0


Hi-Res Historical Documents - same exact textures are used in better clutter and furniture. Recommend removing Hi-Res Historical Documents from list.

Edited by D1Z4STR
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  On 10/11/2014 at 11:04 AM, D1Z4STR said:

Thank you Kelmych for your continued support with this guide. If you need any help let me know.


Vertibird Re-Textured - move below NMCs Texture Pack.

I moved it below both this and Essential Retex


Tribal DX, Winterized DX and Bornagain FO3 Outcast have .esp's that change armor values/weights. Should those be moved to optional section so FWE can set the correct stats on them when making the bashed patch?

They are above 'FO3 -Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp'' and ''UUF3P - FWE'' in load order when LOOT sorts and the "userlist" additions are included. Tribal DX stats are not affected by FWE. bashed patch isn't getting the stat changes from UUF3P - FWE for Winterized T51DX; I'll try to see why. The bashed patch gets the FWE values for Bornagain  FO3 Outcast

20th Century Weapons - xCALIBR_20CW_v5.12.esp is not needed since it is in the eXcaliber Ammo eXpansion Weapons patch for 20th Century Weapons

instructions changed

Zealotlees MP5 Pack - remove the caliber.esm included

instructions changed

Precision Collision - Clutter - are these meshes compatible with all the mods it overwrites? Should the meshes from Better Booze and Skykappas Water Bottles overwrite these meshes?

I'll check

Essential Retex - must remove textures/vehicles/vertibirdb.dds and vertibirda.dds if using Vertibird Re-textured above in the guide.

Moved Vertibird after this


Skykappas Water Bottles - HIGHLY recommend moving install order below MGs Neat Clutter (MGs water bottles are crap, really Mario from Mario and Luigi on the bottle caps?? West Coast chopper indentation on the bottles??)


Nuka-Cola Hi-res Textures - recommend moving install order below MGs Neat Clutter


Batteries Plus - textures/weapons/2handrifle/microfusioncell01 should be removed. FWE - FO3 Wanders Edition Main has also better texture


Sandbag Retexture - NMC's texture that is previously installed in the guide is alot more realisitc and better quality IMO


MGs Neat Clutter - version should say v1.0


Hi-Res Historical Documents - same exact textures are used in better clutter and furniture. Recommend removing Hi-Res Historical Documents from list.



Thanks again!

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