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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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Posted (edited)

Well, another patch? Not that it can't be merged I guess... You can always place a note at the end with a link to the merge script in the nexus!


EDIT: Something else now. You promised us compatibility with ELFX! :p (Block 3, Sub 0)


EDIT2: Aurora Village now :p Location conflicts need patching? 1, 2, 3 and 4. (Dragonmourn Inn also has a few of these, I guess that if you didn't patch those it isn't needed)


EDIT3: Time for Immersive College! Needs a patch for Consistent Older People as it is before it - Sergius Turrianus (unless LOOT changes this...).

Edited by Gandaganza

You can patch the XLCN but they are not strictly necessary for Aurora Village, I believe.


As for ELFX and ELE, generally let them overwrite anything dictated by their load order. You can forward the XCMO - Music Type.


Are you using SRLE by any chance? The REGS - SRLE conflict part still needs some work.


Have I told you how much I fail? i completely forgot there was a separate part to Conflict Resolution with SR:LE -facepalm- I'll remove that part.

How about Consistent Older People? It is in STEP if I'm not mistaken.


(I use almost if not all of STEP, all of REGS and then part of SR:LE, plus mods of my own choosing :p Then I do CR on all of this, so always take about 3-4 days doing it)

Posted (edited)

That's a load of mod combinations :)


CJ is doing STEP so idk about Consistent Older People really... it's been quite a while since I used it myself.

Edited by Nearox

Wow, just freaking wow!

I finally dove in and read through the marvelous and meticulous "A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim" and used the REGS Patches...jaw dropping integration of mods I never would have touched before if left to my own devices. ETAC...is exceptional, more so with the REGS treatment. Skyrim Sewers, always a favorite of mine has a place of honor in the integrated approach.


Just amazing. I truly am grateful for such an exceptional work.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/20/2014 at 11:27 PM, Gandaganza said:

Have I told you how much I fail? i completely forgot there was a separate part to Conflict Resolution with SR:LE -facepalm- I'll remove that part.How about Consistent Older People? It is in STEP if I'm not mistaken. (I use almost if not all of STEP, all of REGS and then part of SR:LE, plus mods of my own choosing :p Then I do CR on all of this, so always take about 3-4 days doing it)

Well that forwarding would be pointless, since my STEP Extended patch must load before the official STEP Extended/core patches, therefore anything I change about Sergius Turrianus will be overwritten :(

  On 3/20/2014 at 10:14 PM, Gandaganza said:

EDIT: Something else now. You promised us compatibility with ELFX! :p (Block 3, Sub 0)

I never promised that :oEven the patch for ELFX Exteriors says that it'll only be updated with whatever people report, because I'm a Relighting Skyrim user myself. D: 

  On 3/21/2014 at 7:14 AM, Kuldebar said:

Wow, just freaking wow!I finally dove in and read through the marvelous and meticulous "A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim" and used the REGS Patches...jaw dropping integration of mods I never would have touched before if left to my own devices. ETAC...is exceptional, more so with the REGS treatment. Skyrim Sewers, always a favorite of mine has a place of honor in the integrated approach.Just amazing. I truly am grateful for such an exceptional work.

Thank you for the compliments :D


We're approaching a somewhat final release btw, not much left on the todo list. (Well, when I say final, it'll still have to be updated to include new great mods and update patches, that kind of thing)

Edited by CJ2311

Just leave a note saying that there are conflicts between those two mods that need to be manually fixed by the user :p


That promise was included with the SR:LE obviously! I'm just kidding but that is not the exteriors, it's the main module, but it is probably Nearox who will take care of that.


Final? :c well, it's an awesome pack nonetheless! Great work really :D

Posted (edited)

Well generally speaking: Lighting mods > REGS. That ensures the most compatibility from a technical perspecitve: Less chance for CTDS or other critical issues. CJ has reverted quite a few interiors altered by ETaC and other mods back to vanilla, so that lighting mods work well there out of the box.


SHT is a bit of a special case, in that we (obviously) need to leave the new interiors intact as that is one of the main improvements of that mod. ELFX overwrites a few light sources there, but many others are still dictated by SHT. Granted, I haven't done much testing ingame with both mods enabled in that area but from what I've seen there isn't any major issue.


In any case, ELFX is a grand overhaul while SHT is very specific for that area. You can always simply have all the lighting of SHT overwrite ELFX so that you'll get pure SHT. The lighting of the latter is pretty well done by the author.


As for ELE with SHT, you just have to try it out... At the moment it is still a low priority to provide a conflcit resolution for that, as it would need actual ingame testing and - as CJ said in the above post - we still have a few bigger things to do here and there on the pack.


If you like, you can help us out with SHT by reporting how SHT looks with different combinations (i.e. with ELFX and without it, with ELE and without ELE, with both ELFX and ELE and without them) :)

Edited by Nearox

Uh, in 3.1, you've reverted to Sky Haven Temple Merchants & More instead of using another SHT modifier, yet I don't see the ESP replacer for M&M in the patch pack (you know, the one that removes the million septim merchant and some of the overpowered items).


Shouldn't the pack patch be updated to add that ESP replacer right back?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/21/2014 at 12:16 PM, WilliamImm said:

Uh, in 3.1, you've reverted to Sky Haven Temple Merchants & More instead of using another SHT modifier, yet I don't see the ESP replacer for M&M in the patch pack (you know, the one that removes the million septim merchant and some of the overpowered items).Shouldn't the pack patch be updated to add that ESP replacer right back?

EDIT: Nvm, see CJ's response below. Edited by Nearox
  On 3/21/2014 at 12:16 PM, WilliamImm said:

Uh, in 3.1, you've reverted to Sky Haven Temple Merchants & More instead of using another SHT modifier, yet I don't see the ESP replacer for M&M in the patch pack (you know, the one that removes the million septim merchant and some of the overpowered items).Shouldn't the pack patch be updated to add that ESP replacer right back?

That replacer was for the main version, but it turns out the lite version of that mod already removes the unwanted stuff, therefore there's no real need for the replacer :)

Posted (edited)

Hey, wanted to give my feedback, some related to wished features, some related to bugs. I play heavily modded so I hope none of my bugs are caused by other mods not related to  Non-REGS-Mods, maybe a second person can check my problems out and peer-review it. Some are really minor problems that don't really need addressing but perhaps lead to bigger problems.


Firstly, I know some mods that perhaps could a nice addition to the Pack: Windhelm Lighthouse https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35693/?, Oblivion Gates https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22369/? (Non MapMarker). I also use Undeath (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40607/?), but that conflicts with Aurora Village 

I worked out a list by city:



-The innkeeper at the outskirts market wasn't very happy when I entered and asked me to leave.(NPC thinks I am trespassing) Also there is a Horse stuck behind the inn. 

-the clothing stall before the gates is in the way of Uthgerd when she tries to return to the tavern (related to her added Cutting Room Floor scene at the stables.

-Could we get more horses at the stables ? Whiteruns sigil is a horse and there is only 1 horse at the stables (the one that can be bought by the player, wich could lead to an empty stable all together) Pretty pathetic for a city which got mayor inspiration from the city of Rohan (LotR)



-Double, clipping, benches in front of Falions house, possible related to Interesting NPCs

-A weird one: items disappear and reappear  in the distance if you come from the central plaza, Inn side, and walk toward the bridge, just to the left before you step on the bridge. I suspect leftover occlusion planes from ETAC.

-Thaumaturgist's Hut is missing a door on the second floor

-No Smelter (I completely understand if this is a deliberate design choice, but still, Interesting NPCs adds a Blacksmith)



-old Herta at the Diver's Arms (Inn) at the dock doesn't sell anything.

-Again, at the Docks, the second Floor of the East Empire Tradehouse (building directly beside Diver's Arms) conflicts lightly with Interessting NPCs. Salty-Thorats' (new Argonian NPC) Bedroll is in the new Desk and also the added chair is in his bedroll.

-Does "Empire Books" (book shop) ever open ? Also the shopowner doesn't sell nothing.

-I hope you will perhaps add in the future an overhaul-mod for Solitude. Right know the city doesn't rally look like the provincial capital. An imperial embassy and a more militarized  castle dour courtyard would be nice. 

-No smelter :( (considering that Solitude is the central hub for the empire in Skyrim, I think a smelter yould be a nice addition.)

-I liked the addition of that blacksmith-building at the docks with the imperial quartermasters.



-There are some clipping issues when using Dawn of Windhelm whit Pitfigher-Guild (Ash Yams in front of Pitfighter door) and Drinking Fountains (fountain in front of Candlehearth Hall is clipping with a bench). Also I think DoWind. adds to much trees and shrubbery, but that is a highly subjective.



-I can completely understand your removal of ETAC Falkreath but i miss the gate doors and modified hall of the dead. Falkreath is supposed to be that old imperial fortified settlement and I think the alternate hall of the dead was a nice nod the the imperial backlstory of the settlement. I appreciate the removal of the ETAc buildings because I use Better Town Textures (Solely for Falkreath and Winterhold) and that goes a long way i transforming the village into a city. 

-Also no smelter (quoting myself:"I completely understand if this is a deliberate design choice")



-Any chance for an Realistic Needs and Deceases Patch for Nernies Food additions ? 

Again thank you for all your work put into this pack

Edited by Wrayne

That's a long post D:

Thanks for the feedback.

I don't have time to reply to every single issue at the moment (it's 1 in the morning here atm) but here's a couple points I'm gonna address for now, rest will come tomorrow ::):

- First of all, what version of the guide are you using? Because a couple of issues like the bench in dawn of windhelm have been fixed in the latest release, as well as the morthal doors (unless I messed up again with that one)

- "I hope you will perhaps add in the future an overhaul-mod for Solitude." Sadly, Solitude is the single most worst designed city I ever saw in a video game, it's literally composed of bits of floating meshes glued together, not actual modifiable terrain, so placing buildings/moving them is near impossible.

- I actually made an RND patch but never bothered to include it in the installer... Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gcgpqdb69uaclu0/REGS%20Patch%20-%20RND.esp

- Falkreath changes to the hall of dead were due to the incompatibility with BYOD. I might add some stuff to the city in a future update, maybe include some of the original ETaC changes to the city as well. But it's not on my priority list atm :|

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