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A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim

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Wing, CJ would you guys please mind adding spoilers to the following posts it takes forever to scroll >v< I know you already mentioned it CJ but...


Maybe one of the SMods would be kind enough to do so. I think it'd be possible to put one around each quote in your posts CJ.


Awesome update is in the works for tomorrow. Discovered a true little gem today, hidden in the darkest corners of the Nexus, you'll see tomorrow :D


Can you stop? I've had to merge over 50 mods just to be able to load skyrim, you're making me go nuts! :p (will try wings merges next...)


Too bad, there'll be 2 more esp's tomorrow.

In fact if I let Nearox do what he wants, the mod list would be long enough to get over 255 mods without needing to install STEP.

  On 3/19/2014 at 12:34 AM, Gandaganza said:

BTW, how many esp's does REGS add? You could start giving some merge suggestions (a)

I didn't really count... 35 ish maybe? It also depends on how many patches you install...

Merging these kind of mods could be a problem though, seeing how removing the NAVI category will sometimes ruin your day (It did for the SHT mod for example, game wouldn't launch without it, which makes it unmergeable with other mods that have a NAVI group)

Posted (edited)
  On 3/18/2014 at 1:30 PM, Gandaganza said:


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I couldn't work out for the life of me how to to attach a file. I think it's because I was not using the full editor. In any case, it was late in my timezone so that's my excuse :-)

  On 3/18/2014 at 1:45 PM, keithinhanoi said:


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I used MarkForDelete for getting rid of the floating sparrow, but it didn't seem to work for me for the floating nest.

  On 3/18/2014 at 1:50 PM, CJ2311 said:


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Hey CJ, it turned out that I was wrong about 3DNPC. The crashes in Whiterun came back. They didn't happen always at the same spot, but they kept happening out of the blue as I wandered the streets of the city.

Looks lke your guess that there might have been a problem with Perfect Whiterun was correct. I removed PW and the crashes stopped. At least I tested it much longer than I did yesterday and didn't have any crash so far. In view of this, I moved 3DNPC back where REGS suggests. (and by the same token, I placed Immersive Wenches just after 3DNPC. I thought putting npc related mods at the bottom of NPC face mods was a good idea but from what you said, it might not be.)

It looks like something must have been changed in REGS 3 that clashes with PW because I never had a crash with REGS 2. I continued using PW when I first installed REGS because I had read on the Dawn of Whiterun nexus page that it was compatible with PW apart from some minor clipping. Since DoW is part of REGS, I assumed that PW wouldn't cause any problem and it didn't until REGS 3. it's a shame that it clashes because I really like PW and Whiterun looks so bare without it. Still Whiterun has a different feel without the trees and you get nicer vistas here and there because the trees don't obscure the view. I'll get use to it.

I'm almost ready to start a play through but since it looks like there may be a new REGS update tomorrow... 


  On 3/18/2014 at 1:53 PM, Gandaganza said:


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I am not very experienced with all that stuff and wouldn't know where to begin in creating a patch from scratch. I had a look at the SR:LE conflict resolution page in the past but could not made any sense of it. I didn't notice that there was a video though. I might have a look again.

  On 3/18/2014 at 2:21 PM, keithinhanoi said:


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Definetely a bird lover. I wouldn't have thought we were in a minority considering the number of downloads on the nexus Skybirds page :) That would be truly graet if you could PM me a patch. As I said above, I wouldn't have any idea how to create a patch myself.

  On 3/18/2014 at 2:48 PM, Gandaganza said:


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The Morning Fogs Refined/Rainbows/Splash of Rain /HD Rabbit Plus / Shooting Stars / Improved Puddles merge seem to work well. I can confirm that the three mods with MCM menus (Mornings/Splash/Shooting Stars) are working as intended. I didn't notice the rainbow/rabbits/puddles yet. Disease Description + DLC Merged is ok too. As for the other merged esp, they're untested, but they were small merge and should be ok. I used the Merge Plugins Script v1.6 in Tes5dit.


  On 3/19/2014 at 12:02 AM, phazer11 said:


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Spoller added to my original post. Sorry about that. It was getting late (after midnight) when I created the post and didn't know how to do it. I wanted to simply attach a text file but couldn't even do that. I worked out both now.

Sorry for replying so late to everyone. I'm either in a different timezone than most of you or you are all night owls.

Once again thanks to everyone contributing to STEP/REGS. This is definitely the ultimate modders guide/bible. :)

Edited by Wing
  On 3/19/2014 at 3:23 AM, Wing said:

It looks like something must have been changed in REGS 3 that clashes with PW because I never had a crash with REGS 2. I continued using PW when I first installed REGS because I had read on the Dawn of Whiterun nexus page that it was compatible with PW apart from some minor clipping. Since DoW is part of REGS, I assumed that PW wouldn't cause any problem and it didn't until REGS 3. it's a shame that it clashes because I really like PW and Whiterun looks so bare without it. Still Whiterun has a different feel without the trees and you get nicer vistas here and there because the trees don't obscure the view. I'll get use to it.

I'm almost ready to start a play through but since it looks like there may be a new REGS update tomorrow...

Hmm, if you really want trees, you could always try using this instead.

It's likely that the game didn't appreciate you adding so many NPCs, clutter and trees inside Whiterun. Especially if you're using high res rextures for all of them.

And the update can be installed at any time during your playthrough, it's just 2 mods to add, nothing to remove.


Version 3.1:

Guide-only Update:

    [*]Added Inns and Taverns by Menathradiel. [*]Added Snowbound Acres by dj2005. (Recommended to us by MonoAccipiter) [*]Reverted to Sky Haven Temple - Merchants & More. [*]Patches will remain at version 3.0.3 since the new mods do not require any patching.

Both mods are safe to install on an existing game so you have no excuse not to grab them.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Inns and Taverns is one of the best additions to the game and blends in perfectly with REGS. It deserves far greater attention on the Nexus. it also works with the prices of Realistic Room Rental. Although REGS is now modular, I highly recommend you to install this mod.



Fun fact: Most of the highest quality city/village mods are made by women. Inns and Taverns is no exception :)

Edited by Nearox
Posted (edited)

Looks good guys. Might I point out that Snowbound Acres has a compatibility patch for Point The Way (a step core mod)? Also, it has a texture pack with the textures from HiRes Roadsigns (a step extended mod), some users might be interested in that (I know for sure it bothers me that ThirteenOranges' mods hasn't got those textures on their signs, haha). I might be able to play some Skyrim this week, so I'll be sure to snap some screens if I come across something odd (that looks like it could be caused by one of REGS' mods).

Edited by MonoAccipiter
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