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Here is a list of the INI tweaks that STEP recommends:



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We need to make sure that these edits work with the MO feature that lets users make tweaks without editing the original INIs. It is easy to test if you have a profile with all default settings and use the file I uploaded below. The file is just the step patches and a folder with called INI tweaks.


Install the file then right click->information in the left pain of MO. In the info pane that pops up under the INI-files tab tick both Skryim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini to activate the INI tweaks. Test everything I haven't already verified above. Verified stuff is in Orange, discard anything in RED unless you want to verify it.

STEP Patches.7z


I have contacted Tannin about ini files and in particular bug report #453 "Ini-Tweaks not reverting to default values when deactivated". As in a setting of INI Tweaks gets stuck in the MO skyrim.ini and skyrim.ini files. It is NOT solved. He is working on a solution and it could be integrated in the next version.


Curious though if some one actually experienced this issue.


MO's ini file handling is discussed in detail in the thread "STEP v2.2.8 Official Bug Reports". Post #227 contains the email I send to Tannin and the response I got. Also read posts from a few earlier for a better understanding. Might I suggest discussing this further in the 2.2.8 thread so all knowledge about this can be concentrated.


This is my first post here, but have followed STEP religiously for quite some time, and I really thank all of you for the detail and effort put into it, it is awesome!


My suggestion is regarding one of the ini settings in "SkyrimPrefs.ini", the following is from the STEP ini guide:

bFloatPointRenderTarget=1    ;ENB users ONLY!
For those of us using ENBoost (with speedhack enabled / graphics modification disabled), does this count as ENB? It might confuse people (especially now that it is gaining traction) into setting this to 1 when they use this mod.


I haven't found a definitive answer on whether this should be set to "=1 or =0" with ENBoost, but in my own testing, setting the value to 1 decreases my performance significantly, by around 10fps (On = 35-45fps / Off = 45-60fps) in highly intensive areas (tested in the Morthal swamps area). On top of that, micro-stuttering (when slowly panning the view left or right, or walking slowly) is completely gone with the setting off on my system.


Again I am not sure which is the correct setting, and this is probably more info than needed, but I suggest making a note for ENBoost users, how it is worded now seems a little bit to ambiguous ( at least to me ;)).



| ASUS Z87-A | Intel i5 4670K  @ 4ghz | 8GB Ram | GTX 660 Ti OC 2GB| Kingston 120GB & 240GB SSD Tandem |


I am looking at 2.2.9 page and noticed Clothing and clutter fixes are almost at the top of its category. Kryptopyr says on Nexus "Load this mod AFTER Weapons & Armor Fixes, but BEFORE Complete Crafting Overhaul.", though.

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