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Look right yes! :)

Make sure you delete the old enbeffectprepass.fx file in the skyrim folder too.. or it will take precedence over the other I think.

Should be fairly apparent if you made a mistake along the way I would think hehe!

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OK, I have only about 2 minutes XP with this, but it looks promising (I installed all of the recommended tweaks as well). I figured out how to eliminate the letterbox, but how do I get the DoF to work (Matso's fast DoF if possible)?


EDIT: Duh, it looks like my question was answered just a couple posts above! :P


Does it work for you?


And if it does, which version are you using.

I tried to get it worked with Phinix and Skylight, but it screwed up my game pretty much.

It felt like the game couldt find a proper focus point anymore. I had lines of blurring, it looked like a zebra with blurred and unblurred lines.. if that makes any sense at all.


Other prepasseffects.fx were working pretty well =/


Make sure when you get an enbeffectprepass.fx file that you check the resolution set in those files... most of them require manual settings to look properly.


Most files use this type of line

float2 fvTexelSize = float2(1.0 / 2560.0, 1.0 / 1440.0);


Make sure your playing resolution is input there. This info is requires for the file to make sure that the proper center point is used in the calculations.


Aiyen: Let me first thank you for the tremendous level of effort you put into not just your own documentation, but the commendable quantity of energy you place into informing the population on other facets of modding.


Hopefully you can shed some light on your ENB and a question I've had regarding other ENBs with similar problems.


For starters and a simplified testing enviroment: my Skyrim Installation is Vanilla + Unofficial Patches + Mindflux's ENB Particle Patches. I've installed ELE, COT, COT Weather Patch, and ELFX with the exact configuration options you specified in the documentation PDF. I'm sure my .ini files are correct as well, but you're welcome to check:

enblocal.ini - skyrimprefs.ini


I've noticed with your default ENB settings the interior lighting is nearly brighter than vanilla, on top of maintaining a constant fuzz or haze. The haze is so painful to my eyes over longer periods of time that it's as if I'm peering through cheese cloth. Examples following:


Starting Room for Alternate Start - ENB

Starting Room for Alternate Start - Vanilla


Companions Hall - ENB

Companions Hall - Vanilla


Companions Hall Basement - ENB

Companions Hall Basement - Vanilla


Companions Hall Basement 2 - ENB

Companions Hall Basement 2 - Vanilla


The Bannered Mare - ENB

The Bannered Mare - Vanilla


Notice the tremendous level of blurry vision, the "lightening" of the entire scene as if there is a lens or cloth placed in front of the camera. There's also a large preference of red all the things that is especially noticeable in the first three examples.


Despite how desperately I want to use an ENB and lighting mod, those three attributes remain a constant in every attempted usage for me. Blurry, washed out, and either very red or very blue. Why is that, and what could I be doing wrong?


Edit: I think I'd like to add that I feel the interiors are missing a great deal of contrast. The darks aren't nearly as dark as they should be, and the lights are washed to the point of losing visual detail of the textures.


Second Breakf-- Edit: My wife says it may be my old eyes handling the low contrast as "blur". I'm unfamiliar with this concept but I'd like to share it with you all the same, in sincere hope of solving my problem.

Solution found: Much of the red hue and interior lighting has been fixed, thanks to Aiyen's recent code update. The blurriness was greatly reduced by editing the file: enbeffect.fx to reflect my own game resolution.


Vanilla enbeffect.fx -

float2 fvTexelSize    float2(1.0 / 2560.0, 1.0 / 1440.0);
Modified enbeffect.fx -
float2 fvTexelSize    float2(1.0 / 1680.0, 1.0 / 945.0);

wow.... thank you for the nice words... I will try my best then! :)


Truth be told I have not done much in terms of interiors with version 2.0a since it has mainly focused on getting the weather system and exteriors up and running.


However for next update I am going over them again and overhauling bloom as well.

The haze you see is because of the bloom. And you are indeed correct that quite a few interiors have a red feel to them... this is because I applied a red/orange color focus for interiors. This depending on which textures you use will make some interiors look more red then others, since brown colors tend to amplify up the effect.


Also it highly depends on location if a place is darker or brighter then vanilla. Inside inns etc. ELFX have not made it so that it is almost pitch black in the corners... while in dungeons it will be much darker.


However it is quite simple to get the haze to be less pronounced. Under the shaders window and the enbbloom.fx tab, then at the very bottom there is a parameter called Bloom Contrast. Simply increase this to reduce the haze and increase overall contrast. edit : You have been entirely correct and in the next update this will also be implemented properly! Thanks again for the feedback!



That said since I am overhauling the bloom code anyways for the next update I will take it into account that the interiors might need to sharpen up a bit! Thanks for the feedback and hope that the above helped out!


Edit: I just found some bad math in my bloom shader, it is now fixed and the redness issue should now be fixed.. at least it mostly is on my end! Next update will be out tomorrow or the day after I think.



Can you tell me how the weather INIs work in the enbseries folder?


/enbseries.ini has some impact, but it looks 100% redundant with all of the weather INIs under /enbseries/*.ini


I notice that some of my changes to the former have an effect in game (I think ... ?), but I must switch off EnableMultipleWeathers=true to get them all.


Which settings under the /enbseries/*.ini override /enbseries.ini? Surely, not all parameters under the weather INIs are needed (e.g., [GLOBAL], [EFFECT]) or are they? Are the baseline and weather configs additive or does one override the other?


This is a configuration nightmare!


EDIT: what is the "shaders window"? ... the enbbloom.fx 'tab'? I must say that I hat the in-game config menu behavior and would rather edit the *.fx and *.ini


Each INI files is for a separate weather, so the ENB is balanced for that particular weather. You have to get the enbhelper.dll and put it in the enbseries folder though. 


The drawback is that the load times increase the more files that are in there. Most of the parameters are probably the same as the main file, but there are necessary changes for the weathers in skyrim. I think there are like 300 weather IDs and probably more than that for CoT.


OK, so when is /enbseries.ini in effect under Skylight ENB ... never? Partially?


I assume that every weatherID is handled by the CoT weather INIs.


What I want to do is to make some edits to enbseries to change some of the lighting intensities (mainly SKY) and correct some of the red-shift color. The problem is that I don't want to have to edit 7 INI files if I don't have to. These INIs are presumably identical in may ways, and I want to keep thje gist of the weather settings with some minor color/lighting changes.


The weather system I implemented is basically divided into this scheme.


Clear, Cloudy, Fog, Overcast, Rain, Snow, Dragonborn, Dawnguard.


All CoT weathers have been subsidivided into the first 5 groups, while the Dragonborn contains the settings for the vanilla Dragonborn weathers that are in use if you use my Dragonborn patch.

So far the Dawnguard one is not released... it is ready but I want to finish up on other stuff as well before releasing. It will come next update.

It contains my take on how the vanilla soulcairn weathers should look, as well as the special eclipse effect that Dawnguard introduces.


In general the weather.ini´s only contain the info related to weather related options. Hence some stuff is not editable in them. I have just been lazy and copied over the entire enbseries.ini so the files are a bit larger.

In terms of visuals then you can think of the enbseries.ini as the middleground where all weathers sort of look semi decent. The weather inis are what allows each group to shine. For example if you use just the enbseries.ini then the sun will glow through heavy cloud layers during overcast and storms. Also all nights will be sort of equally dark. With the weather.ini´s then clear and cloudy are far brighter while storms and overcast are darker.


In your case then you would need to change the clear/cloudy files only since they are the only ones where you can actually see the sky.

However like I said, then I found a small error in my bloom code which caused a too heavy emphasis on red tones. This will be fixed for the next update as well. Also I might alter the sky intensities a bit for clear and cloudy since they seem a bit too high. (I have noticed that some weather have tonemapping issues). Hence I hope you do not think they are too low, since already there are issues with the current settings. But well feedback is limited and I am just one guy! :D


Also when you open the ingame GUI then the shaders window is also opened up by default.. at least for me. If you open up the weathers menu as well you can see all the settings that weathers can affect. For example EFFECTS is not one of them, like Time of Day too. There are a few others as well.


Hope that answers all... and now I know about one more thing I need to put in the readme as well.


Such a shame that this relies on CoT. It's hard to find good looking ENBs that have night/predator vision support and are up to date :(

Give this a shot for non-CoT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50065/?

Such a shame that this relies on CoT. It's hard to find good looking ENBs that have night/predator vision support and are up to date :(


Wait, this one doesn't support werewolf/vampire vision? The one by Gopher?

It does and is probably the best custom vanilla weather preset currently out there... I helped him myself implement night vision support since it is so easy to do... once you know which parameters control it. I would definitely recommend you try it out if you do not use CoT :)


Also perhaps one day down the line I will find it fun to do something for vanilla weathers.... but I just get so annoyed at the lack of variation in vanilla weathers when I play. Also I would have to redo my mod list... which would take up time as well.... so many things one can do.... so little time.

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