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Discussion thread:
STEP Patches by EssArrBee
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No-ELE Patches
Nearox's original OP follows:
How, what & why. After having reinstalled STEP:Core again, I couldn't help but notice a few conflicts between some mods. Being the silly perfectionist that I am for things that I;m interested in, I decided to patch them and to write down for others how to do it. I'm sure that not everyone is interested in this. The fixes concern minor conflicts which are non-gamebreaking. To some they are surely silly and and unnecessary waste of time. Hopefully just a few people will find them useful... It is intended for more advanced users who wish to perfection their STEP:Core setup.

Wasn't sure where to put this on the STEP forums, but I guess that a collection of patches can be considered a "pack" since it is something added on top of STEP:Core. 

I'll be doing another compatibility patch pack collection for a full STEP install some other time.

Credits to
Neovalen - without the SR guide I would  never have been able to even begin thinking about making such patches.
STEP community as a whole
The people who wrote the old FNVEdit Manual!

A STEP:CORE install followed to the letter. If you have additional mods installed they may and probably will override some of these patches. I will not support questions related to other mods.
- TES5Edit 3.0.31
- Boss Userlist Manager (herafter referred to as BUM)
- Basic knowledge of these programs

So here goes nothing... Please let me know if you think any patch is wrong!

Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard


- In TES5Edit, Select all W.A.T.E.R. esps and dawnguard.esm and click [ok].
- Open “WATER DB Waves.esp \ Worldspace \ 0000003C \ 00006E11â€. Right-click the column labeled Dawnguard.esm and select [copy as override into]. Click  [new file], ok and name the file ‘Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard’.
- Open “WATER DB Waves.esp \ Worldspace \ 0000003C \ 00006E33â€. Right-click the column labeled Dawnguard.esm and select [copy as override into]. Select ‘Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard.esp’ and click [ok]
- Open “WATER DB Waves.esp \ Worldspace \ 0000003C \ 00006E73â€. Right-click the column labeled Dawnguard.esm and select [copy as override into]. Select ‘Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard.esp’ and click [ok]
- Open WATER DB Waves.esp \ Worldspace \ 0000003C \ 00006E74â€. Right-click the column labeled Dawnguard.esm and select [copy as override into]. Select ‘Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard.esp’ and click [ok]
- Close TES5Edit, uncheck backup plugins and click [ok]
- Open BUM. Select Patch W.A.T.E.R. 1.84 – Dawnguard.esp. Click the AFTER selection box and select BOTTOM. In the empty field next to it, type: Compatibility Patches. Click [save rule]. Close BUM.

Patch Soul Gems Differ 1.5.2beta – USKP 1.3.3c – Acquisitive Soul Gems


- In TES5Edit, Select Soul Gems Differ – E.esp, Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp and Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
- Open “Soul Gems Differ - E.esp \ Soul Gem \ 0002E4E4 â€. Drag the “OBND – Object Bounds†records  from Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp to Soul Gems Differ – E.esp
- Open “Soul Gems Differ - E.esp \ Soul Gem \ 0002E4F4 â€. Drag the “OBND – Object Bounds†records from Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp to Soul Gems Differ – E.esp
- Open “Soul Gems Differ - E.esp \ Soul Gem \ 00043E26 â€. Drag the “SLCP – Maximum Capacity†record from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp to Soul Gems Differ – E.esp
- Close TES5Edit, uncheck backup plugins and click [ok]

Patch aMidianBorn Skyforge Weapons 1.9 – USKP 1.3.3c


- In TES5Edit, open Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp and aMidianBorn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
- Open “aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp \ Quest \ 0004B2D9â€.
- Right-click the column labeled ‘aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp’ and select [copy as override into]. Check [new file], click [ok] and type in the name ‘Patch aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons 1.9 – USKP 1.3.3c’.
- Right-click anywhere in the right pane and check [hide no conflict rows].
- Drag all the conflicting Alias records from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp to Patch aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons 1.9 – USKP 1.3.3c. Make sure you do NOT drag them all at once by by using the top header ‘Aliases’. Drag them by the sub-headers ‘Alias’ or one by one.
- Right-click anywhere in the right pane and uncheck [hide no conflict rows]
- Close TES5Edit, uncheck backup plugins and click [ok]
- Open BUM. Select Patch aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons 1.9 – USKP 1.3.3c. Click the AFTER selection box and select BOTTOM. In the empty field next to it, type: Compatibility Patches. Click [save rule]. Close BUM.

Patch Gildergreen Regrown 1.2.5 – Hearthfires


- In TES5Edit, open Gildergreen Regrown.esp and Hearthfires.esm
- Open “Gildergreen Regrown.esp \ Worldspace \ 0001A26F \ 0001A276â€
- Drag the “XLCN – Location†record from Hearthfires.esm to Gildergreen Regrown.esp
- Close TES5Edit, uncheck backup plugins and click [ok]

Patch Smooth Blade Draws and Sheath 2.3.0 – USKP 1.3.3c


- In TES5Edit, open ADS. Esp and Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
- Open “ADS.esp \ Dialog Topic \ 00013EE3â€
- Drag the DATA – subtype record from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp to ADS.esp
- Close TES5Edit, uncheck backup plugins and click [ok]


I was wondering if anyone else noticed the esp conflict between Smooth Blade Draws and Sheath and USKP. I didn't change it because I wasn't sure what it did. What does it do?


Haha! Nearox, you're taking a lot of the work out of my work... :thumbsup:


STEP does not currently include these types of conflict resolutions. This has always been a Skyrim Revisited thing. However, with every step closer to STEP 2.3.0 we're including more and more. This type of refinement (along with what you've been posting in the Bug thread) was going to be the main focus for the next release, STEP 2.2.8!


Thanks for doing this and your work will be included in STEP.


PS: WATER is now v1.87 ;)


Moving this thread to release development. (thanks for your interest in the area, Nearox ... if you stick to this with regard to STEP:Extended, we may just make you part of the dev staff ;) )


@DoubleYou: The USKP changes the Skyrim.esm DATA-Subtype from 'FlyingMountLand' to Attack. ADS.esp did not forward those chnages, so a patch was needed. 


@ Tech: Lol yeah, but I also kinda gave you a lot of work yesterday :P


@ z90210 No problem. As I continue my reinstall of STEP:Extended (after I am done with VEGA) I will post again about issues in the STEP recommendation as well as compatibility patching (when I'm done with the full extended install). 


@ Kelmych I won't keep updating it every time a mod is updated. Loading up all mods a day before 2.2.8 is going to be released will be a better idea, seeing the speed at which some mods have been updated recently (the 1.84 water patches are no longer necessary for 1.87 for instance...). Using a conflict filter it takes like 30min maximum to get all the STEP:Extended conflicts written down. 


Full STEP:Extended install (except BFS & Enhanced Blood) conflict log. I'm not always sure what to patch, I'll leave that to you experts.



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Should we start attempting to make a patch or maybe wait for authors to forward USKP 2.0 fixes? Can already see that we will need patch WAF quite a bit to forward everything. Lots of Object Bounds fixes.


Hmm... I was looking through records to see which mods are going to need the most work and it has occurred to me that we need to decide how to handle the DLC when patching. Skyrim is almost two years old so it is almost time to start thinking about stopping support for Skyrim without DLCs.


It would be more work to support STEP: Core, STEP: Core DG, STEP: Core HF.... you see where I'm going, and it is 8 or 10 patches.


Could not agree more.... If you want a modded skyrim you need all DLC. They have been on -75% quite a few times now, and they will again this christmas. There is simply no point in catering to people who cannot find that kinda money.... I mean at that price then its less then going out to have a burger at a fast food joint, or ordering a pizza.


I'm in agreement about DLC - I think the time has come to state that STEP expects the dlc as a requirement. I do understand that some of us are pressed for cash, but our time has a value too, and i think having to dance around all possible combinations of dlc is waste of it.


This will be necessary for STEP 2.3.0, since I bet a bunch of packs will need DLC. Maybe start planning for support of Skyrim+ All DLC officially as a requirement for 2.3.0 release.


EDIT: Is anyone aware of development or update of Sounds of Skyrim? I don't think it is supported at the moment so patching it for unofficial patches 2.0 right now is a good idea for all users.

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