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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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1 hour ago, Saint_Chewy said:

Well this is a little disheartening. So as a blanket test just to check, I hid that folder in MO2. I was still getting the same stutter. I then disabled DynDOLOD completely to make sure it wasnt more of Skyrim's shenanigans and my test run was perfect minus for a stutter because I paused briefly. Results. The left side is me hiding the .BTOs and the right side is with DynDOLOD disabled completely. I will clean the plugins that contain disabled references as you requested and will edit the post

You are testing with a new game, right? coc whiterun from main menu console can be sufficient.

Checking the papyrus log shows no stack dumps, however (in addition to the appalling lack of mod authors not QAing their mods/scripts) you want to look at the hundreds of "cannot fetch variable named * of type int, returning 0." There might be something amiss with the animation setup.

If deactivating dynamic LOD and hiding object LOD does not change anything, then it narrows it down pretty much to records being copied/overwritten from other rmods maybe.

Test what happens if you hide the SKSE folder (ignore any error messages about not being able to find things). It is just to double check without dynamic LOD. If that does not change anything, see what happens without DynDOLOD.esp, only DynDOLOD.esm. If there is not change see what happens without any plugins. 

Depending on which plugin makes a difference, the next step would be to remove records from DynDOLOD.esp in a binary search.  Typically only worldspaces/cells/references but never references with the Editor ID Tamriel_Firstborn* or Tamriel_Minion*, as explained here https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-103/page/314/#comment-260724. I would start with removing overwritten references in the persistent cell D74.

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

You are testing with a new game, right? coc whiterun from main menu console can be sufficient.

Checking the papyrus log shows no stack dumps, however (in addition to the appalling lack of mod authors not QAing their mods/scripts) you want to look at the hundreds of "cannot fetch variable named * of type int, returning 0." There might be something amiss with the animation setup.

If deactivating dynamic LOD and hiding object LOD does not change anything, then it narrows it down pretty much to records being copied/overwritten from other rmods maybe.

Test what happens if you hide the SKSE folder (ignore any error messages about not being able to find things). It is just to double check without dynamic LOD. If that does not change anything, see what happens without DynDOLOD.esp, only DynDOLOD.esm. If there is not change see what happens without any plugins. 

Depending on which plugin makes a difference, the next step would be to remove records from DynDOLOD.esp in a binary search.  Typically only worldspaces/cells/references but never references with the Editor ID Tamriel_Firstborn* or Tamriel_Minion*, as explained here https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-103/page/314/#comment-260724. I would start with removing overwritten references in the persistent cell D74.

Alright we are getting somewhere now. So I still had the stutter with DynDOLOD.esm enabled, but removing it and only have the .esp and occlusion.esp enabled resulted in NO stutter. What are the next steps now since it looks like its the .esm thats causing the issue?

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1 hour ago, Saint_Chewy said:

Alright we are getting somewhere now. So I still had the stutter with DynDOLOD.esm enabled, but removing it and only have the .esp and occlusion.esp enabled resulted in NO stutter. What are the next steps now since it looks like its the .esm thats causing the issue?

sheson typically must sleep, and I suspect that time is now where he lives.

In the meantime: Have you cleaned all of your plugins using xEditAutoClean as he instructed? Then you would want to rerun TexGen and DynDOLOD from scratch for Tamriel worldspace to test.

Also look at his last post link and reference to cell D74. You may want to sort this out before rerunning, but that's up to you.

Delete/move all DynDOLOD logs before regenerating TexGen and DynDOLOD. This will give you clean logs to share. And don't forget to disable all of the existing output mods for those before regenerating new object LOD.

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4 minutes ago, z929669 said:

sheson typically must sleep, and I suspect that time is now where he lives.

In the meantime: Have you cleaned all of your plugins using xEditAutoClean as he instructed? Then you would want to rerun TexGen and DynDOLOD from scratch for Tamriel worldspace to test.

Also look at his last post link and reference to cell D74. You may want to sort this out before rerunning, but that's up to you.

Delete/move all DynDOLOD logs before regenerating TexGen and DynDOLOD. This will give you clean logs to share. And don't forget to disable all of the existing output mods for those before regenerating new object LOD.

I appreciate your reply and I understand that Sheson must sleep lol I was in no hurry for him to reply back :) I am very grateful for the help thus far.

Yes I have cleaned the plugins like he asked, but have not re-ran DynDOLOD, I will do that now.

I was not sure if looking at cell D74 still applied since it looks like it was for the .esp, but it looks like the .esm is the culprit. If re-running DynDOLOD does not fix my issue, then I will try to follow his suggestion as I am a little hesitant to mess around with that as I have not done this before. If you have any guides or suggestion to help that would be great (I read the post he linked several times, but its as clear as mud). This is what I see what I try and navigate to it. I am sorry I do not mean to be a dummy with this.

Again thank you for the help :)

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40 minutes ago, Saint_Chewy said:

I appreciate your reply and I understand that Sheson must sleep lol I was in no hurry for him to reply back :) I am very grateful for the help thus far.

Yes I have cleaned the plugins like he asked, but have not re-ran DynDOLOD, I will do that now.

I was not sure if looking at cell D74 still applied since it looks like it was for the .esp, but it looks like the .esm is the culprit. If re-running DynDOLOD does not fix my issue, then I will try to follow his suggestion as I am a little hesitant to mess around with that as I have not done this before. If you have any guides or suggestion to help that would be great (I read the post he linked several times, but its as clear as mud). This is what I see what I try and navigate to it. I am sorry I do not mean to be a dummy with this.

Again thank you for the help :)

The ESP relies on the ESM, so I wouldn't assume it's the latter. I would do as recommended in that post: remove records other than those with the Editor ID Tamriel_Firstborn* or Tamriel_Minion*.

This is the same method used when narrowing down a problem mod in your install: Disable top half > test. If problem persists, disable bottom half > test. One of those will almost always resolve the problem, so you focus on first or second half and repeat by disabling half of that (one quarter disabled), and so on until you isolate the problem.

Just save our your DynDOLOD.esp somewhere so you have the original. You are just deleting records and saving in xEdit and testing until the problem is resolved, and report back the record. Always use the same clean save to test.

Of course, there is always the chance that if you regenerate, the problem will be resolved (due to cleaning mods or some other action).

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7 hours ago, Saint_Chewy said:

Alright we are getting somewhere now. So I still had the stutter with DynDOLOD.esm enabled, but removing it and only have the .esp and occlusion.esp enabled resulted in NO stutter. What are the next steps now since it looks like its the .esm thats causing the issue?

Since the DynDOLOD.esp has the DynDOLOD.esm as master it will typically no load without it.

If the problem happens only with the DynDOLOD.esm, then it is pretty straight forward now, as there are not that many records in the persistent cell D74 but mostly a single references (Tamriel_Worshopper*) in the temporary cells. Those are for dynamic LOD, so they do not really do anything with the DynDOLOD.esp.

So the binary search goes like this: Restore backup of plugin if problem goes away, continue removing "half" the records from plugin that has the problem until only a specific record remains. First remove all other worldspaces. Then remove the persistent cell D74 in the Tamriel worldspace. Then start removing half the blocks until you are down to a block, then same for sub-blocks, then same for the cells in the last remaining sub-block.

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6 hours ago, sheson said:

Since the DynDOLOD.esp has the DynDOLOD.esm as master it will typically no load without it.

If the problem happens only with the DynDOLOD.esm, then it is pretty straight forward now, as there are not that many records in the persistent cell D74 but mostly a single references (Tamriel_Worshopper*) in the temporary cells. Those are for dynamic LOD, so they do not really do anything with the DynDOLOD.esp.

So the binary search goes like this: Restore backup of plugin if problem goes away, continue removing "half" the records from plugin that has the problem until only a specific record remains. First remove all other worldspaces. Then remove the persistent cell D74 in the Tamriel worldspace. Then start removing half the blocks until you are down to a block, then same for sub-blocks, then same for the cells in the last remaining sub-block.

Hi Sheson, yes you are correct, and I apologize for the confusion. I failed to notice that MO2 had DynDOLOD.esp flagged as missing the DynDOLOD.esm master and origniall thought it was working because my LOD was in game. I just re-ran my test with only DynDOLOD.esm enabled and the stutter is still there. I am using a vanilla save for my test, but did as you had asked and did coc whiterun from the start menu along with the SKSE folder hidden and I still received the stutter.

I also cleaned the plugins and regenerated DynDOLOD and still received the stutter. Here are those log files in case they help.

I will get to work on removing the records and will check back with the results later. Thank you again for your incredible help with this.

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9 hours ago, sheson said:

Since the DynDOLOD.esp has the DynDOLOD.esm as master it will typically no load without it.

If the problem happens only with the DynDOLOD.esm, then it is pretty straight forward now, as there are not that many records in the persistent cell D74 but mostly a single references (Tamriel_Worshopper*) in the temporary cells. Those are for dynamic LOD, so they do not really do anything with the DynDOLOD.esp.

So the binary search goes like this: Restore backup of plugin if problem goes away, continue removing "half" the records from plugin that has the problem until only a specific record remains. First remove all other worldspaces. Then remove the persistent cell D74 in the Tamriel worldspace. Then start removing half the blocks until you are down to a block, then same for sub-blocks, then same for the cells in the last remaining sub-block.

Sheson, I wanted to give you a quick update and also ask you for advice on this. So I removed the other worldspaces from DynDOLOD.esm and I still stuttered. I removed the persistent cell D74 in Tamriel wordspace and I still stuttered. I have started testing the blocks and have discovered that block 0, -1 is causing the majority of the stutter (have not tested sub block or cell yet under that block). The problem that I am having right now is if I remove just the block 0, -1 I am still receiving some stutter. Its not as bad - but its still there, so I am thinking its probably multiple issues there. I also tested by removing all blocks under Tamriel and I do not stutter at all. Its perfectly smooth. So its definitely more than one block.

So my question: Is there anything specific I am looking for in these sub blocks and cells to help narrow this down a little quicker? Again thank you very much for your help.

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12 hours ago, Saint_Chewy said:

Sheson, I wanted to give you a quick update and also ask you for advice on this. So I removed the other worldspaces from DynDOLOD.esm and I still stuttered. I removed the persistent cell D74 in Tamriel wordspace and I still stuttered. I have started testing the blocks and have discovered that block 0, -1 is causing the majority of the stutter (have not tested sub block or cell yet under that block). The problem that I am having right now is if I remove just the block 0, -1 I am still receiving some stutter. Its not as bad - but its still there, so I am thinking its probably multiple issues there. I also tested by removing all blocks under Tamriel and I do not stutter at all. Its perfectly smooth. So its definitely more than one block.

So my question: Is there anything specific I am looking for in these sub blocks and cells to help narrow this down a little quicker? Again thank you very much for your help.

The majority of cells contain one reference Tamriel_worshipper* that should not cause anything. You need to narrow down the problem to specific cells in order for us to see what kind of (overwrite) records might cause the issue.

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9 hours ago, sheson said:

The majority of cells contain one reference Tamriel_worshipper* that should not cause anything. You need to narrow down the problem to specific cells in order for us to see what kind of (overwrite) records might cause the issue.

Okay understood Sheson thank you again. I have been working on this all day and its taking longer than expected, but I will message back when I am able to nail it down.

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https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Eo9hTqahzjKDNuypYo1CzS62dBqc4hSM?usp=sharing logs

having a couple of issues - RockL04 is missing any lod models in game - it has a lod 0 model in dyndolod resources (rockl04_lod_0.nif) and in the majestic mountain lod pack (i tried building with and without the mm lod pack installed)

i tried setting a manual rule such that lod4-16 is set to render full and lod32 is set to render lod0 and the full render rules work but lod0 is just not showing up at all

also i have some like, dead, slanted trees, and the lod for them is standing upright - i imagine there is probably nothing that can be done for that though. but hopefully i am wrong. i did some googling and found almost nothing. searched this forum for RockL04 found nothing. any help? theres a lot of ignored duplicate references- i guess i accidentally deleted the templates for the merged patch and made another with the same esps. i would really rather not figure out what all went into them and make it again

Edited by tooandrew
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57 minutes ago, tooandrew said:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Eo9hTqahzjKDNuypYo1CzS62dBqc4hSM?usp=sharing logs

having a couple of issues - RockL04 is missing any lod models in game - it has a lod 0 model in dyndolod resources (rockl04_lod_0.nif) and in the majestic mountain lod pack (i tried building with and without the mm lod pack installed)

i tried setting a manual rule such that lod4-16 is set to render full and lod32 is set to render lod0 and the full render rules work but lod0 is just not showing up at all

also i have some like, dead, slanted trees, and the lod for them is standing upright - i imagine there is probably nothing that can be done for that though. but hopefully i am wrong. i did some googling and found almost nothing. searched this forum for RockL04 found nothing. any help? theres a lot of ignored duplicate references- i guess i accidentally deleted the templates for the merged patch and made another with the same esps. i would really rather not figure out what all went into them and make it again

You are loading the Low preset, which has a rule for \rockl setting None for all LOD levels. Remove that rule or move any custom for rockl04.nif above it so it can take effect. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mesh-Mask-Reference-Rules

Pay attention to the log messages, for example clean all plugin containing deleted references, the log messages about duplicate references seems to indicate that single plugins that have been merged are still active.

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17 minutes ago, sheson said:

You are loading the Low preset, which has a rule for \rockl setting None for all LOD levels. Remove that rule or move any custom for rockl04.nif above it so it can take effect. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mesh-Mask-Reference-Rules

Pay attention to the log messages, for example clean all plugin containing deleted references, the log messages about duplicate references seems to indicate that single plugins that have been merged are still active.

i merged the same plugins into two merges i think. but i lost the merge template somehow so i would have to re-merge everything from scratch and im really not even sure what i merged into each, but it was a LOT of stuff and it doesnt seem to be breaking anything as it is and i dont want to do that. i will clean deleted references though.

thats crazy i set up a custom one following lexy's lotd guide - i guess i missed the step where you click high because i didnt realize it was based on low. if this is what low looks like im bout to lose my mind when i see high. thank you for your help

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24 minutes ago, LittleGuy said:

DynDOLOD stalls several times during generation, often sitting at 0% with occasional spikes to 11% CPU utilization.
Logs: https://mega.nz/file/l7JjiZCK#5kDMcC6u1HRrCmcAEG6DblecDGyTSfdz9_CLYgCmqDY

This can last up to 20-30 minutes.

DynDOLOD makes use of texconv.exe (which the list of all processes in the task manager would show) and also uses the GPU while working on textures.

https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "Long running time or output several GB in file size"
Crapware installed with graphics drivers is known to prolong running times.


Also, the larger the resolution of full textures the longer things take.

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