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  On 12/28/2016 at 8:07 PM, GamerPoets said:

I've only installed this lovely lady for Skyrim SE so far. I plan on going over the settings within her interface for each game in their own navigable section (because why not... Start to Finish guides and all...) . Does each game (New Vegas, FO3... so on) have the interface setup with their own settings/options and tested recommendations?




-Will the auto-update change settings already established by BethINI?


"2. It automatically fixes common errors, including some that can cause CTDs." -is there a good example of this? I'd like to add it.


Is there a list of all of the mods that will be auto-detected by BethINI for auto-ini amendments? I'd love to present that.

Each game has its own options, many of which remain constant throughout the games. Recommended tweaks exist for all games.


Auto update merely checks for a new version of BethINI at startup, and gives you a button to open the Nexus page so you can update.


There are many bugs that are automatically fixed. However, I don't have as many of them implemented for Skyrim SE as regular Skyrim yet, and I can’t remember which ones I did. I'll have to look at my code when I get home.


I will have to create a list of automatically recognized mods.

  On 12/29/2016 at 12:00 AM, DoubleYou said:

I don't know what the 64bit render target does yet, so I merely am mirroring the vanilla presets.

Geforce Experience sets this to be enabled. From my understanding of what I've read, it renders colors, textures and some effects (like god rays) in 64-bit, rather than 32-bit, for higher precision. Some users report a 1-2 FPS drop. Geforce Experience explains it as, "eliminates color banding in brightly lit scenes by using high precision render targets" and they're showing it on a bright portion of a sunset scene:



One user linked to a very technical document here: https://www.catalinzima.com/xna/tutorials/deferred-rendering-in-xna/creating-the-g-buffer/


I show an example of 64bit render target in todays tutorial upload but its not the best. I spent 3 or so hours taking footage from various locations and in many instances you can't see any difference what so ever. You can see in some scenes (usually brighter areas) where shadows (npc's sitting down) cast on walls are smoother... less or no color banding. I couldn't get a single instance where I could find color banding in the sky (32bit skyrims old issue for me) but mainly due to there always being tons of clouds and mist now I assume. When you load images into photoshop and check the histogram meter (someone mentioned this in a thread on steam and I tried it out) you can see that there is a slight increase as well as less bleeding of colors. Again, i had tons of footage that i compared with 64bit target on and off and checking various textures, npcs, zooming in up to 2000% there was very little to no difference except that few instances where colors are slightly more pronounced and banding did seem to be fixed (shadows, mostly, for me). ... so I think that the setting may truly be limited to color banding fixes (I'm sure barely noticeable to most) though I did list what Tech said above in my video. 



@DoubleYou Thanks = ) ... even a single bug thats fixed from 32bit skyrim would be cool. Anything that I can add to the video (more the better) to show viewers what it can/does do. Hoping to start recording this weekend if all goes well. Going to be showing comparison footage for every single setting for each game... yeah.. im nuts. 


Michael-- that "insane" amount of thorough detail is what we love about GP tutorials. You're doing the work that not many want or are not willing to do, and doing it extremely well (I'd argue... best). It's invaluable, and personally speaking, knowing I had GP tutorials to fall back on to teach me is what helped give me the courage to tackle increasingly more difficult mods and load orders. Gopher got me started modding, but GP is what really "unlocked" modding for me. Keep it up!

  • +1 1

You might consider covering each game individually then. Otherwise that may be a very long video!

I'll try to get up a nice little list for you and stuff. Truthfully, there's so much stuff that I do behind the scenes that I could probably write a novel. I probably ought to write that novel, but that's a lot of work.


Here's a list I was able to throw together for you:





Controversial tweaks detected:


Recognized mods:
-Oblivion Reloaded



Fallout 3


Controversial tweaks detected:


Recognized mods:
-None yet



Fallout New Vegas


Controversial tweaks detected:


Recognized mods:
-None yet





Controversial tweaks detected:
-uExterior Cell Buffer:General
-uInterior Cell Buffer:General


Harmful tweaks corrected:
-bAutoViewDistance:Display 1 (distant scenery flashing)
-bForcePow2Textures:Display 1 (CTD)
-bImageSpaceEffects:Display 0 (CTD)
-bMTRendering:Display 1 (Freezes game)
-bUse Shaders:Display 0 (CTD with error message: "Failed to initialize renderer. ShaderModel3 required but not supported by your video card.")
-bSimpleLighting:Display 1 (graphical issues)
-uExterior Cell Buffer:General -uGridsToLoad:General -uInterior Cell Buffer:General -iGrassCellRadius:Grass if set to anything other than  (uGridsToLoad:General – 1)/2 ( If set higher, grass will bug out quickly and remove all grass upon walking just a short distance. If set lower, grass will pop into view unrealistically. Negative values disable grass.)
-iMinGrassSize:Grass -fMapWorldYawRange:MapMenu > 400 (can cause CTD)
-bBloodSplatterEnabled:ScreenSplatter 0 (map menu instant CTD)
-bUseWater:Water 0 (water is removed, and eventually CTD)
-bMainZPrepass:Display 1 (graphical issues)
-iShadowFilter:Display 4 (graphical issues, and eventually CTD)
-fInteriorShadowDistance:Display > 3000 (exonerates the issue of the game only supporting 4 lights.)
-iWaterReflectHeight:Water -iWaterReflectWidth:Water


Recognized mods:
-Skyrim Flora Overhaul
-Vivid Weathers



Fallout 4


Controversial tweaks detected:


Harmful tweaks corrected:
-iGrassCellRadius:Grass if set to anything other than  (uGridsToLoad:General – 1)/2 ( If set higher, grass will bug out quickly and remove all grass upon walking just a short distance. If set lower, grass will pop into view unrealistically. Negative values disable grass.)


Recognized mods:
-None yet



Skyrim Special Edition


Controversial tweaks detected:


Harmful tweaks corrected:
-iGrassCellRadius:Grass if set to anything other than  (uGridsToLoad:General – 1)/2 ( If set higher, grass will bug out quickly and remove all grass upon walking just a short distance. If set lower, grass will pop into view unrealistically. Negative values disable grass.)


Recognized mods:
-Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell
-Haafstad and the Border of High Rock
-Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodiil
-Simply Faster Arrows and Bolts
-Skyrim Flora Overhaul
-Snow Elf Palace
-Vivid Weathers


Thank you tjax.. always happy to hear when the videos have done what they are intended to do for someone = )


.... I'll read the novel = ) .. Thanks for the info.. that's plenty and perfect. I've considered doing multiple videos but then half of each video would be identical to each other. I'll just have to pay attention to the annotation navigation, what I say so folks know to skip a big chunk if they don't care about the other games and keep good time-stamps for the description. If I come across any mods over the months and year that specify specific .ini settings (all beth games, I have them all and slowly mod them all) I'll inform you as well. It will be a while until I mess around with ENB for the other games but I'll keep that in mind too to see what ENB authors tell users to add. I think the settings are pretty much the same as with Skyrim 32bit but I honestly can't remember. Its been a good 6 months.


It really was helpful for me to make that list, as it shows that I have yet to implement a considerable number of things for multiple games, due to how many games I have been supporting. Skyrim original has gotten most of the love, and I need to bring the other games up to snuff.


Here to help = ) 


If you end up placing that list somewhere I'd like to link to it in the description. Otherwise I'll try to keep a google doc of it so viewers can see whatever I'm aware of regarding mod recognization and settings for them. 


Suggestion. On the Setup Tab you could link to the STEP Guides for other games? I know that they are more individual or partial team projects but they are still the best ones out there. Fear and Loathing in New Vegas. Clear and Present Danger for FO3, Mythic Dawn for Oblivion. If they aren't complete they state it at the top of them. I'm always telling people to check them all out. 




I don't suppose there is a way to get a list of the "Recommended Tweaks" for each game = ) 


Edit 2: .... or is Recommended Tweaks what you recommend all of the settings within to be set to?


I suppose that info would be good for an "article."


Recommended tweaks include things such as fixing arrow aiming to hit where they're pointing at, turning off the intro videos, turning off the in-game tutorials, and other such things that I can't remember. I can get you a list later. 90% of these tweaks are also options you can change within BethINI, although some are not. These are settings that are universally recommended, regardless of your hardware.


Enhanced Blood Textures SE



would be useful, if it's included in bethini


it needs a few edits

ini Config
...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition

-Open Skyrim.ini
-Find [Display] and add this line below it:

-Open SkyrimPrefs.ini
-Find [Decals] and below that find iMaxDecalsPerFrame=
-Change the number to 350

-Next add this line below [decals]
  On 12/30/2016 at 3:32 PM, Kugane said:


Enhanced Blood Textures SE



would be useful, if it's included in bethini


it needs a few edits

ini Config
...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition

-Open Skyrim.ini
-Find [Display] and add this line below it:

-Open SkyrimPrefs.ini
-Find [Decals] and below that find iMaxDecalsPerFrame=
-Change the number to 350

-Next add this line below [decals]

I already set the decals lifetime to an appropriate height through the presets. Both iMaxDecalsPerFrame:Decals and bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry:Decals in SkyrimPrefs.ini are invalid tweaks. The correct tweak is iMaxDecalsPerFrame:Display in SkyrimPrefs.ini, which I also set appropriately through the presets, also adjustable through the Decal Quantity dropdown. bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry:Display is the correct tweak for Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Oblivion. In my testing, it does nothing in Skyrim. I have not tested the other games.

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