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I don't touch Shadowboost, I've never needed it personally. The Godrays is buggy, in that when you have it set to anything other than Ultra or low(off) it leaves a pixelated shadow around your character which looks awful (think Skyrim low shadows pixelation) Shadow Distance works but the utlra preset of 20000 is essentially no better or worse than that of 14 - 16000 although I personally use 18000, I would perform more tests but I'm not currently playing Fallout 4 right now, I might run it with MO and try all these tweaks out but I make no promises.


Hi. Thank you for your work on this fine tool.


If I wanted to make some manual changes to the INI files, would add I those changes to the current BethINI Cache INI? I would like to add something like this -




- to my build.


Hey man - I want to start with a big thank you.  This is an awesome tool.

I do want to ask if you've included "grass on steroids" in your set of mods it looks for.  After running the most current version, I noticed my game looked amazing, but I was dropping to 30 FPS in the open world.  After much consternation, playing with load order, etc, I finally looked at my ini settings.  For whatever reason, selecting suggested tweaks sets my iMinGrassSize to 40.

The suggested setting for this mod is 75.

I'm going to guess this isn't intended behaviour.

Aside from this one issue (which I did finally figure out) I view BethINI as being nearly as essential as USLEEP for a proper playthrough.

Many thanks for the tool,

Hopefully you have a joyous non-denomination midwinter festive event!

There are some who call me, Dan?


DoubleYou is there a way to set this so that it asks which game you wish to manage as it loads ?


I have the one desktop icon, and when run I would like it to present a drop down menu choice between Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE


Currently you need to change game to the one desired after it loads up for the previous game it is auto loading for.


I can imagine such would be a pain for people who just want to manage a particular game all the time, so it should be settable in its own ini

  On 12/27/2016 at 6:06 PM, alt3rn1ty said:

DoubleYou is there a way to set this so that it asks which game you wish to manage as it loads ?


I have the one desktop icon, and when run I would like it to present a drop down menu choice between Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE


Currently you need to change game to the one desired after it loads up for the previous game it is auto loading for.


I can imagine such would be a pain for people who just want to manage a particular game all the time, so it should be settable in its own ini

I agree! This would be great because I currently have two installs of the program because switching back and forth and a hassle. Having a checkbox for "always load this game" from the game choice window would be a good compromise for those that the feature would annoy.


I've been searching for a few days on all the nexus (beth) game sites, STEP and other places to find a personally exciting and new topic to create a tutorial on. I've decided to create a BethINI guide because... well.. it seems awesome. If I need to ask some potentially annoying and in-depth questions after making some notes overtime (I've already read this entire thread = )  )..... would you be willing to check them out? 


hi DoubleYou.. loving BethINI so far. question.. i've read most of the pages here, but apologies if i just missed it. is there a list of all the recommended tweaks? really curious to what the changes are. also, i see that this turns off 64bit render target. i've read that this setting helps with color banding a bit, but wanted to hear your take on it, and why it's turned off with BethINI. and lastly, could you please consider adding Enhanced Blood Textures to automatically be detected? currently, i still have to add the decal ini changes in prefs. fdecallifetime is already added by BethINI, but the prefs changes aren't being auto added. thanks!


-Open Skyrim.ini
-Find [Display] and add this line below it:

-Open SkyrimPrefs.ini
-Find [Decals] and below that find iMaxDecalsPerFrame=
-Change the number to 350

-Next add this line below [decals]


I've only installed this lovely lady for Skyrim SE so far. I plan on going over the settings within her interface for each game in their own navigable section (because why not... Start to Finish guides and all...) . Does each game (New Vegas, FO3... so on) have the interface setup with their own settings/options and tested recommendations? 




-Will the auto-update change settings already established by BethINI? 


"2. It automatically fixes common errors, including some that can cause CTDs." -is there a good example of this? I'd like to add it. 


Is there a list of all of the mods that will be auto-detected by BethINI for auto-ini amendments? I'd love to present that. 

  On 12/28/2016 at 8:05 PM, nyjet14 said:

hi DoubleYou.. loving BethINI so far. question.. i've read most of the pages here, but apologies if i just missed it. is there a list of all the recommended tweaks? really curious to what the changes are. also, i see that this turns off 64bit render target. i've read that this setting helps with color banding a bit, but wanted to hear your take on it, and why it's turned off with BethINI. and lastly, could you please consider adding Enhanced Blood Textures to automatically be detected? currently, i still have to add the decal ini changes in prefs. fdecallifetime is already added by BethINI, but the prefs changes aren't being auto added. thanks!


-Open Skyrim.ini

-Find [Display] and add this line below it:




-Open SkyrimPrefs.ini

-Find [Decals] and below that find iMaxDecalsPerFrame=

-Change the number to 350


-Next add this line below [decals]


I don't know what the 64bit render target does yet, so I merely am mirroring the vanilla presets.


Enhanced Blood Textures does recommend those tweaks, but I have not found them to be necessary. My tool already modifies decal settings for performance purposes.

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