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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. Kakos still means bad in modern Greek. Actually it was never changed. But this word has nothing in common with the typo that Wolverine made on my username. Anyway...quite off-topic here! :) :)
  2. Well, for sure nothing to do with "Hairs"...I can assure you of that!!! :D Actually the hair saloon name is Takako's, but here is a wording in that site saying "as Takako's" and Google took it as "Astakakos" Other than that u already know what Astakakos means...!!!:P
  3. Neo, does SFO-Dragonborn.esp still needs to be placed after SFO-expanded diversity esp? Because it is included in the Masterlist and BOSS places it above expanded diversity.esp. If it needs to be after SFO-Expaned Diversity.esp then, I assume, the guide should change to "Override", right?
  4. Thanks Wolverine. Reported it today in the issue tracker! P.S. Off-topic and out of curiosity...the way you spelled my username was intentional or just a typo? Reason I am asking is (if it was intentional); do u speak Greek? :)
  5. This is good info! Tks for sharing Neo!
  6. Thanks Neo! BTW, what happened to Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax mod? Used to be there...
  7. Is it, by any chance, that you have been missing the "interface/translations/skyui_english.txt" during installation?
  8. Thanks GSDFan for your reply! This is very interesting situation, but still comes from testing x number of mods with actually the same ini command but different value in every case. My observation is not that exhaustive... I have tested 2 mods, for example. Skyrim Flora Overhaul & SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills in my SR-LE profile. Both require their own ini settings, i.e. [Grass] iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 for SFO and [Particle] iMaxDesired=6000 for SkyFalls. In my base-clean inis the SFO command was not present but the SkyFalls command was there with a default value of 750. After I applied the ini-tweaks to both mods, run the game, exit it, open via Ini Editor in MO my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini i noticed that the iMaxDesired value of 6000 was actually written in skyrimprefs.ini for that profile whereas the other was not. Deactivated the SkyFalls mod (assuming that the ini-tweak would be deactivated also), run the game, exit it, opened again Ini Editor in MO and the imaxdesired value of 6000 was still present. I assume that this is a bug as I cannot see the reasoning of working this way. I still cannot understand why pre-existent commands with altered values via the ini-tweak feature should be "hard-copied" into the profile's inis! maybe Tannin should shed some light here. P.S. Run another test with all required ENB commands from Unreal ENB and still the same behavior. I attached the specific ini-tweaks in Unreal Data Folder, which I have as a mod, and although i deactivated it, the altered values were still there. Again, all these commands that are suitable for ENB pre-exist in skyrimprefs.ini having their default values.
  9. Neo, a typo: 0000003C Tamriel > 00000D74 > Persistent > 000B0D1C Conflicting Module(s): SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp (Mod) Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp (Mod) Conflict Resolution: Use record from SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Tundra Creeks.esp. Text in red should be SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp
  10. What I have noticed is that for commands that are already in skyrim.ini or skyrimprefs.ini and have a certain value; i.e. iMaxDesired=750 (default ini setting), using MO's "ini-tweak" of 6000 actually overwrites the initial value with that of the "ini-tweak". 750 -> 6000 and remains in the base ini (skyrimprefs.ini in our case) even if the specific mod is deactivated. Is this how it is supposed to work?...because that could lead to huge errors...
  11. Hi guys, I have searched a bit but could not find any similar thread. I have recently changed to MO 1.0.5 from 0.12.9 while (for the time being) keeping my 0.12.9 installation on a different folder. What I have noticed is that 1.0.5 has a great amount of latency when installing, updating mods or even when changing their priority order. What I mean is, i.e. I am installing mod X which conflicts with some of my other mods; it takes abt 1 minute for MO to display the conflicts icon and if i change the priority order the mod remains to its initial position for quite some time (sometimes forever) without moving directly to the new position specified by the new priority. Also, the endorsement info delays a lot to be displayed (or not displayed if it is an already endorsed mod) If I click Refresh then it behaves normally and displays everything as it should without any delay. If then I click on Update it shows without any delay if a mod is endorsed or not. Is this the normal behavior of the new 1.0+ versions or something is wrong with my installation? This is not the case with my other 0.12.9 version as at least conflicts, priorities etc were displayed almost instantly...
  12. Thanks Neo. Some more... -> "Problem Resolved:" description would be better if it was: "Record Flags and Location fix from unofficial patches were not properly forwarded.", -> Apart from using the record from Unofficial Skyrim patch.esp, shouldn't we also move XCLW from EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ? ...and then change the text at Problem Resolved.. (unless this is due to me having installed v. 0.4.1 of ELFX)
  13. Hi Neo, Although I am not at home using TES5EDIT at the moment, I think that there is a typing error in (bold): 0000003C Tamriel > Block 0, 1 > Sub-Block 3, 4 > 000038B8 > Temporary > 000FE8C0 Conflicting Module(s): Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp (Mod) RealisticWaterTwo.esp (Mod) Conflict Resolution: Use record from RealisticWaterTwo.esp then move DATA from RealisticWaterTwo.esp. Problem Resolved: Position/Rotation fix was not forwarded from unofficial patches. I think, one of the 2 "RealisticWaterTwo.esp" in that sentence should be replaced by "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp". I am not at home now to check which of the two needs to be.
  14. Thanks Nearox and Neo! I will include it as well! :)
  15. I am trying a new mod list/playthrough with Falskaar in. In SR:LE, Neo is using the latest version (1.1.2) without the DG compatibility patch. As per the change log of Falskaar this patch is not needed in version 1.1.2, but the author mentions in the file sections that this patch is needed because Arvak's implementation in 1.1.2 malfunctions. Is there any particular reason not been included in SR:LE? Thanks!
  16. Great info guys! Thanks a lot! I have been using 0.12.9 for quite some time now, but I am a bit hesitant to try 0.99.6 as not to screw up any of my set-ups/profiles. Excuse my ignorance, but is there a safe way to "migrate" from 0.12.9 -> 0.99.6 without jeopardizing any of your current mod set-up/profiles?
  17. I have the feeling that this script has been included in the latest USKP. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  18. This is the one I have...! Still no joy!! :(
  19. Unfortunately no luck Neo. It is not working! :(
  20. @ DoYouEvenModBro: Which version of ENB r u using? 209 or 211? Can you share your enblocal.ini? I have a 7970 3GB and 8GB of RAM but no matter what I do in the settings I cannot get it to work like v. 206-207
  21. I do not know why but for some reason neither SkyrimTweak nor OneTweak work for me. I have to revert back to Borderless Window 1.0 (!!) and Double cursor Fix, for them to play properly. I really do not know what is going on as I haven't changed anything in my setup...only added these 2 new versions of the mod (one at a time) and removed the old BW and DCF. I have Windowed mode ticked in Skyrim Launcher's Options as per SR guide, native resolution chosen (1920x1080), and also ForceBorderless=true ForceBorderlessFullscreen=true in enblocal.ini, but cannot Alt-Tab. Any ideas guys? Am I missing something?
  22. I am no expert at TES5EDIT, but from what it looks like there is 1 ITM in "Skyfalls + Skymills - Total Edition No Falskaar.esp" in DLC01FalmerValley "Forgotten Vale" [WRLD:02000BB5] at -1,4. I have cleaned it but perhaps you might want to have a look! Great work and a great mod Salvador!
  23. It helps a lot! Thank you very much Aiyen!
  24. Hi Aiyen, I am actually using all of SR textures optimized (HD2, SRO, etc..) + All of cabal's ones for caves/exteriors/whiterun. If I understand correctly, cabal's textures have already parallax mapping implemented; therefore, have to load last as to override the others. What I am not currently very sure about is which parallax version should I use...the SRO one or the Skyrim HD one? I guess that I will have to go step-by-step in determining that unless u have a better idea... P.S.: I am also using E-ENB with v.0.206 enbseries
  25. Nice find Neo!! I will try it when I get back home tonight! Just for my testing purposes, If I want to completely remove borderless window and forget alt-tabbing, what should I do regarding my questions above? (just to see how the game responds)
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