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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. I think it is 1K but not entirely certain! Will have a look when I get back home!
  2. Yes it does Tarikko! It actually contains 2 sunglare.dds. One inside "climates of tamriel" folder (for those using COT) and one inside textures/sky folder (for those running on Vanilla weathers).
  3. Hi Tarikko, Let's get things from scratch: 1. "Vividian - Weather - Lighting and Climates of Tamriel Enhancement" part of SR:LE refers to the installation of 2 different "files/mods". The first mod is the "Extended Weathers" optional in Vividian ENB Nexus page ( you run the installer as per SR:LE recommendations) and, the second mod is the "Data" Folder which is located inside the rar archive you have already downloaded from the Main Files section of Vividian ENB Nexus page. This is the "ENB preset archive" Neo is talking about. 2. When u open this "ENB Preset Archive" (Vividian ENB-36067-4-15.rar), and look inside the "Vividian ENB / Main Files" folder you will notice a folder called "Data". This is the one Neo refers to his Special Installation instructions. 3. You can add the contents of this "Data" folder in MO, either inside the folder you have installed "Extended Weathers" (using the merge command and under the name "Vividian - Weather - Lighting and Climates of Tamriel Enhancement"), or as a new mod underneath "Extended Weathers" with a different name (i.e. "Vividian ENB - Data Files"). The choice is yours. Hope this clarifies a bit your confusion.
  4. I am using 1K textures. 2K textures are quite taxing, especially in a heavy-modded Skyrim like mine; unless you are aiming for screenarching!
  5. I am using the regular-no roads version. I am not "actively" using any of mindflux optionals...yet! I would like to further test them before they make it permanently into my mod list. Well, I believe he included them as alternative choices. It is a matter of personal preference after all.
  6. I have it installed after SFO regular ed. It must override a grass texture set from SFO. Looks very nice!
  7. Thanks mate! I suppose I will figure it out!
  8. I see! Without wanting to be a pain in the neck, can you pls explain me when are these needed and when not? I thought i had it but seeing your reply above i got a bit confused... Meaning...when data flags (actually "Show Sky" flag) need to be carried over and when not? Thanks for your time mate!
  9. Hi Neo, I know that u r not done with ELE patching, but did you miss that one or not needed? ELE-Interior Lighting.esp Cell Block 0 Sub-Block 8 000DDF7C <AnisesCabin01> EDIT: and this one; ELE-Interior Lighting.esp Cell Block 1 Sub-Block 1 0004624F <KilkreathRuins02> Thanks!
  10. I think this fix is related to the Spells AddOn which is not used in SR:LE.
  11. Hi Neo, In BOYD, TES5Edit shows in red the following: Non-Player Character (Actor) 0001C23E <SergiusTurrianus> with USKP in "packages" section. I wouldn't say that it is a conflict as it looks like that the USKP has these packages re-ordered. Just mentioning it as I cannot really understand the reason of this re-ordering. Any ideas? Thanks! P.S.: Also, I take it that you have not yet concluded all the conflict resolution for ELE, right?
  12. Hi Neo, Looks like the "meshes/architecture/solitude/sbluepalaceentrance.nif" of PPR special instructions is not part of ELFX 1.3 patch but of the actual PPR-SRO edition. Thanks!
  13. Hi torminater, Actually there is no need to move anything in SR-LE's mod order. The only common file that AC and WE have is a mesh that it is included in the patch. Therefore, if you have AC->WE->Patch (as it is in SR-LE), you are basically having the same result as  per your mod order indicated above.
  14. Hello Ogham, SR:LE does not use the Enhancer plugin of ELFX. That is why this patch is not needed and not mention in the guide.
  15. You are right. I had Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux deactivated as I was running some tests. Thanks for your reply Neo!
  16. Tks Neo! I believe there are 3 more conflicts with RelightingSkrim.esp: 1. RelightingSkyrim.esp \ Cell \ Block 4 \ Sub-Block 8 \ 0001529C (conflicts with Cloaks.esp) 2. RelightingSkyrim.esp \ Cell \ Block 7 \ Sub-Block 7 \ 00015231 \ Temporary \ 000A28DD (conflicts with USKP) 3. RelightingSkyrim.esp \ Cell \ Block 7 \ Sub-Block 7 \ 00015231 \ Temporary \ 000FBAA1 (conflicts with USKP) Can u pls have a look? Thanks!
  17. Thanks Neo!! ...but now you deleted from Guard Dialogue Overhaul: Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s): Guard Dialogue Overhaul ReadMe - 1_4.txt :P
  18. Neo, You have the following under "Guard Dialogue Overhaul" where it should be under "Wet & Cold": Optionals(Via Installer): Wet and Cold High Res Fur Cloaks Also, Wet and Cold.txt is no longer present. Thanks!
  19. Hi Neo, This one conflicts with AS-LAL: RelightingSkyrim.esp \ Cell \ Block 2 \ Sub-Block 8 \ 000DBF12 \ Temporary \ 00105C8C EDIT: and this one with Cloaks.esp: RelightingSkyrim.esp \ Cell \ Block 4 \ Sub-Block 8 \ 0001529C
  20. ^^ Well...I am sure Neo or "anybody else" well familiar with MO will have the same opinion. MO is not rocket science after all...!! :P
  21. Kalispera hellanios, Any optional or patch you install to a mod's main file in MO (i.e. Falskaar main file), I would suggest to merge it. That way, u avoid cluttering MO's mod list. Drawback is that when main file is updated u will have to re-install (merge again) the optional/patch etc. Hope this helps!
  22. Neo, an observation abt Animated Clutter and VL-AIO... VL-AIO meshes override 3 meshes from the newly added animations (v.1.7 - Imperial-oriented ones) of Animated Clutter. From what I understand, it means that if we keep the ones from VL then we cancel out the animated ones. Since there is no mention abt it in the guide; r u happy keeping it that way? I meant to test it last night but my 8-month son had a completely different opinion!!! :) Will try tonight!Â
  23. Tarikko, any chance that u might have checked the "Automatic Archive Invalidation" in the Profiles menu? If yes, this should be unchecked.
  24. For those using SR:LE, the meshes from the first 3 new animations (imperial ones) are overridden by Vivid Landscapes-All in one. Going to place it after VL to see how it goes.
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