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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. Neo, Latest update to SR:LE regarding CharGen extension states version 2.1.4 (morphs). Nexus version is 2.5.0 for the core file and 2.1.4 for the morphs (compatible with 2.5.0). So, in SR:LE update, did you mean version 2.5.0 (core + morphs 2.1.4)?
  2. You mean the corresponding empty ones in Skyrim.esm? Aren't they added from USKP for a reason? Apologies if my question may sound a bit dumb but there are times that I just don't get the mechanism behind bashed patch.
  3. Hi Neo, A question abt Level Lists and Bashed Patch... I noticed that in the record: Bashed Patch, 0.esp \ Leveled Item \ 00100E8A , the first 2 entries of USKP are not taken into account by the BP. Should we include them in the SR conflict resolution or let them be?
  4. Thanks Neo for the replies! FYI, BOSS 2.1.1 sorts them out for me correctly as we'll. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. I believe this has been answered in the Conflict Resolution Thread: https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=3616&page=10 Sorry but I still cannot see where it has been answered... Neo, 3 ultra minor ones for GDO with USKP: 1. Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp \ Dialog Topic \ 0002BDDD \ 000AD7E7 -> NAM1 - Response Text 2. Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp \ Dialog Topic \ 0002BDDD \ 000DD0BF -> NAM1 - Response Text 3. Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp \ Dialog Topic \ 6D00C497 \ 000D5EC0  -> NAM1 - Response Text
  6. Hi Neo, 00017178 LItemWeaponDagger Conflicting Module(s): Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp (Mod) Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp (Mod) Conflict Resolution: Use record from Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp, right-click remove the Elven, Orcish, and Dwarven entries, then move those entries from Weapons and Armor Fixes_Remade.esp. Problem Resolved: Leveled list conflict between Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade and Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade needed to be properly merged. In this record there are also 2 other red entries for CCO (not WAF), GlassDagger & EbonyDagger. I suppose we delete those as well, right?
  7. Neo, I believe DanimalTwo is right. LLCT - Count should be 16.3 are added from WAF and 2 removed from CCO.
  8. Are u sure you have installed the most recent version of Moss Rocks Compatibility Patch of VL-AIO?
  9. If you try to coc a place, i.e. Whiterun, you still CTD?
  10. 1.0.12 version of MO has no problem installing SIC using integrated FOMOD installer. Haven't tried it with the newest one (1.1.1) as I have it already installed in my mod list.
  11. Nice find Daniel! From the description on Nexus, I get the feeling that it won't be that compatible with COT though...! I will test it tonight for sure!
  12. Same here as well! Thanks Statmonster for the fix. I was literally about to uninstall everything and start from scratch. Never encountered such issue before with SUM. The only mod I updated was BOYD, then rebuild all patches, etc. Any idea why SUM is behaving so strange? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. It is quite good actually. I used to have it in my mod list. Conflicts with CCF in some cases but nothing major. Decided to drop it only for reducing my number of esps; otherwise it was fitting really nice to the game.
  14. Nice! I see your biz trip to Greece was quite "teaching"!! :)
  15. Neo or anybody else familiar with this... Can you briefly explain the mechanism that Bashed Patch is operating? I thought i had it but looking at TES5Edit there are quite a few instances where its patching simply doesn't make sense! Thanks!
  16. Yes, correct!
  17. Indeed!! Tks a lot Aiyen and keep up the good work!!
  18. Hello Aiyen, I am using your ENB and I really like it. On the other hand i do really like the DOF of UC. Can you pls verify that the steps I need to do to carry it over to Skylight ENB are the following: 1. Copy enbeffectprepass.fx & enbeffectprepass.fx.ini from UC to Skylight's enbseries folder. 2. Enable DOF in enbseries.ini by setting EnableDepthOfField=true 3. Finally copy over the settings of UC for the DOF category in enbseries.ini [DEPTHOFFIELD] FadeTime=0.75 Quality=-1 (I would like it to have max quality) Are these the only steps that I have to do? Thanks for your reply and congrats for this really nice ENB.
  19. Nice find Nearox! Very nice! I was not aware of this patch, which looks very promising. Will make sure I will try it as HLE is one of my favorite mods. Thanks!
  20. Neo, after extracting the Vivid Landscapes BSA, I assume, we delete the corresponding esp, right? Haven't looked at it though...will do when I get back home.
  21. Hi Neo, Touring Carriages has been updated to v.2.1.6 on 5th January. As this version is not updated in the guide, u have any reasons to believe that we should not upgrade? Thanks!
  22. SR:LE includes the craft only plugin of WIC-Cloaks; so I am not sure if you have been using the correct esp. From memory (not home right now so I can check) this esp should be 1nivWICCloakscraft.esp or something close to that. From your picture I think you are not using the esp that SR:LE is referring to... As I said I can be wrong as I am talking from memory but this is the first thing that came to my mind when looked at your foto. In any case and regardless of which esp SR:LE is using; should you want to carry on with your plugin choice of WIC-Cloaks, and keep you current esp setup, then you should forward the INAM-Item (in red) to the Conflict Resolution Patch.esp. EDIT: I think Rootsrat is right abt the NPC having 2 cloaks, so pls ignore my last sentence!
  23. That is what I have done as well. Merged them in with the actual DSR folder. No problems whatsoever.
  24. Thanks! I've noticed that afterwards!Â
  25. Hi Neo, In the DDSopt settings for Realistic Water Two Experimental Textures for ENB, when u say to "Disable Compression - Resize Only. Uncheck both options under [Apply]", u mean (apart from the 2 settings under Apply) to also make Compression -> 0 (off) instead of 10 (maximum)? Thanks!
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