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Everything posted by FuzzRocket9

  1. Sounds like official DLC too. I love one of the future features if I read it correctly, build a house anywhere you want.
  2. Too bad it doesn't remove everything. Certain things that are hard bolted to the ground I guess. Still a nice mod to have.
  3. Just saw Honed Metal on Brodual. I kinda prefer this style over Loot and Degradation. I'll have to try it out to see which I prefer, but also I could do away with the looting feature. I just find it annoying when someone else is looting stuff before I get to it, I already had it disabled, but I rather just get rid of the mod altogether. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51024/?
  4. Just to add, I had the Solitude Gate mod installed as well and only the first time it happened, the sky turned red for a second, but it happened in multiple locations on the exteriors of the city, outside its walls. After uninstalling the mod, everything went fine. the random CTD that occured leaving an interior from within the city also went away after as well.
  5. Btw, is this worth running? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59603/? It's the 30 FPS loading fix ESP. Wouldn't it be easier to just add "uTicksToWait=64" under Interface than waste a plugin? That's all it does, right?
  6. Alright, I'll take a look. Thanks for checking into this Techangel. It really helped me on my end. I kept scratching my head at why Skyrim was able to run with a ton of textures packs years ago and today it barely ran at all. 30 fps limit, alternity's textures, everything set to low, and still had lag spikes ;_; I'm glad to have found the culprit. I'm sure this is very rare, so I won't bug you guys about it again. Thanks :)
  7. I got it working, I actually got everything running smoothly after disabling windowed mode in enblocal.ini. Man, I was about to come to the conclusion that my PC is weakening since the last time I run Skyrim, but with this change, all is perfectly fine, exactly as the last time I enjoyed Skyrim, two years ago. Going back to 60 fps hehehe :) I'm just a little annoyed that I've been playing Skyrim with low setting to barely get it running for so many months and it was a simple setting as disabling windowed mode that fixed it. I don't blame STEP, I love you guys, I made a thread around here to see if anyone cares to get the word out, just in case someone else would benefit from going fullscreen. I'm sure it's a rare case. Edit: Sadly, I'm gonna have to go back to 30 FPS, as I installed some nice texture packs and I can't go back after seeing how nice they are. I hope you found a way to keep both V-sync and the frame limiter without either canceling each other out. Thanks Mares
  8. Just want to say, I disabled forced windowed from enblocal, left it at fullscreen, and all my problems were solved in an instant. No more stuttering, V-Sync was functional, and I'm even able to increase texture settings to high now without lag spikes :) who woulda knew!? I hope we can put this as a possible fix for micro-stuttering at the end of the guide, that maybe the windowed option isn't for you. It definitely wasn't for me. I know you put it vaguely in the enboost wiki that it might help performance for some users, but who would remember to disable it long after they're finished with the guide and testing? Thanks.
  9. Hey guys, I'm thinking of replaying Nehrim again. The first time I played it, everything was flawless and finished it, then the second time it was stuttering so bad I uninstalled it, so this time I'd like to play it through MO and some mods that would help increase FPS and so on. So I'd like to know if the guide is ready. Also I see some "fix later" comments, so maybe not :) I can live with running normal Nehrim and just dump some texture replacers from the Nexus
  10. Please let us know. I'm still looking for alternative methods myself as ENBoost's fps limiter doesn't really help me as it should, and Vsync never works, I realized that after seeing what Vsync turned on is supposed to do, lol...
  11. Thanks. I love the mod's idea. If only NPCs were affected by this grand change.
  12. That Pit Fighter mod is a must have. It's unofficial DLC, so you gotta have that one if you want arenas in Skyrim.
  13. Great analysis guys. I had no idea those mods conflicted with CWO. Now I see why it's tough to get War Ensemble to run. AOS 2.0 is the only mod I would love to keep. The others can go.
  14. I run the combined patch, muahahahahahaha, so I don't need to wait for an update :)
  15. Thanks, I see that now. Strange that another might be causing this mod to go null. No idea where to start though. I see the mod only affects NPCs from afar, not near you. I would love a mod just like the one in MW where you have to point at the NPC to greet you. It's always weird when they start greeting you as you're passing through. Maybe I can convince myself that it's a national custom to greet outlanders and to think out loud. Heheh the age of smartphones influenced me XD Thanks again hans ;)
  16. Does the combined plugin have the merged plugin that shuts NPCs up? I thought it did, but everywhere I go, I literally get assaulted with greetings from every NPC I pass over.
  17. Skyrimprefs.ini's iPresentInterval, whether it's turned on or off, does nothing to your game. You have to add it to Skyrim.ini to make it count, I believe. Source: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/6532-new-step-vsync-settings-all-step-users-affected/ I followed your setting and holy crap I was getting 700 FPS and everything was running on fast forward. I was surprised to see CPU/GPU were still good even with the fast motion stuff going on. Tear Control: Adaptive (I had to guess this is what you meant by Adaptive V-sync) V-Sync: 1/2 for 60 monitors ifpsclamp = 30 in Skyrim.ini iPresentInterval = 0 in Skyrim.ini, not Skyrimprefs for no engine V-Sync EnableVSync=false in enblocal.ini So how do I bring it back down to 30 FPS instead of 800? I did follow the exact instructions and I checked them again before posting to make sure. I am also following STEP's ini guide, minus what Caius changed. Thanks :) Last edit: Okay, I removed ifpsclamp and my FPS dropped down to where things were back to normal, but I kept seeing my FPS go up and down from 80 to 500 and so on. I think this is why it's best to just listen to the experts, so I'm going back to STEP's method, even if I get jacked up FPS, but now I know there really isn't a good fps limiter around for me. Final Edit for anyone wondering :) I added ifpsclamp back to 30, but this time I enabled fps limit in the inspector. That fixed it for me :) Game is running on 30 FPS, and better than using ENBoost's limiter too. Extra note, I decided to take the time to check out differences between caius's method and STEP's. The 30 FPS limit is nice, because I don't get any lag spikes this low, but the 60 FPS is smoother and the spiking is minor, only in major cities :), so I went back to STEP. Thanks though, I like messing with stuff just to make sure there is no other way and I see STEP knows this stuff better than the rest of the internet.
  18. Same here, I'd love to see this in STEP Extended. I'm not a dog lover like my companion(in-game), but I do find that really annoying.
  19. I installed this patch in a profile awhile ago, but I forgot all about it. I hope it works though. Using the non-RotE version now. That's why I never tried it. I don't use Revenge of the Enemies. Wish me luck. I also disabled the SIC - WAF-Re Patch, since this one adds fixes too.
  20. I agree that most people's problems could be having too many scripted mods installed. I also had to uninstall some scripted mods like Convenient Horses(Immersive Horse now), Master of Disguise, Immersive Patrols(it's also acting weird with CWO too), and a little here, a little there to play this massive thing. I just loved the idea of having dynamic quest-lines, you can't go without them.
  21. Civil War Cleanup by Martin James Description: You don't need an .esp based mod to enable/disable these type of event states. The main batch file cleans up Whiterun city inside and outside, Solitude and Windhelm safely as it only reverses the civil war changes via the same xmarkers which initiated the changes in the first place. There's also options to bring back Severio Pelagia, Heimskr and allows Heimskr to use his home again. Cleans up Whiterun, Solitude and Windhelm. You can add this on your watchlist for the War Ensemble Pack. CW Repair can then get replaced. Unsure if it's compatible with ETaC, but it is fine with JK's lag city mods. Also would like to know about the batch file, if it's better than using an esp for this circumstance. Thanks everyone. Btw, I've been watchful on what mods I post here, because the One with Nature mod was a mess and Cults of Skyrim was just meh.
  22. Yep. Glad I'm not the only one. I think we talked about this before or it's deja vu. I was just thinking of a mod that would cause you to get sick or receive negative effects from casting too many heals and so on. It's not important, because I'm not running a mage of any kind right now. I'm running my Conan build :)
  23. Sorry for my double post. I had to edit my post above me to ask you something, but I don't know when you'll check this thread. So I'll make it useful by saying something in here :) The one thing that bothered me in RotE was that your enemies, all of them or most would bring magic upon you to a sword fight. I like LotR style where only certain NPCs use magic, and the rest charge at you with steel and might! If anyone knows of another mod that would only limit magic to NPCs dressed in arcane apparel, thanks please post :)
  24. Damn, thanks guys and CJ, I hope that changes, you need to play something unless you're in school now. I'll try to get in TES5Edit. I'm comfortable now that I've edited some of my NPC followers without exploding anything.
  25. Audio Overhaul Skyrim, correct? I hope the conflicts aren't noticable. I was playing the other day and I noticed loud banging sounds in my Breezehome, went outside, sunny day, so nothing. Went back in and it was gone. Never had that happen too. Edit: Nevermind, disregard the above. I'm running the Combined plugin, so I already installed the patches directly from AOS 2.5. Though I wonder why I got those loud noises, oh well.
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