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Everything posted by FuzzRocket9

  1. It says under that titled mod that "populatedcasino.esp" needs to be cleaned. I assume you meant "mapmarkers.esp", because that's the only one I have. So "mapmarkers.esp" still has to be cleaned, correct? Thank you.
  2. Autumn Leaves (by BaronVonChateau) Think you were done with the Mojave, Courier? Did you really believe you could get on with your life, as if those bullets didn't scramble your brain? Think again. A Dlc-sized Quest Mod with : More than 2000 Pro-Voiced Lines 8 New Quests with several routes and resolutions 7 to 10 Hours of Gameplay 29 New Perks - with a twist! Hilarious Participation of Johnny Utah, from NewGrounds fame Multiple Endings with corresponding Slideshows Original Soundtrack by Pablo Coma (Free To Download Here!) Gives the vibe of Bioshock 1. Rich and influencial people funding a vault for storing knowledge and art, without the claws of politics anf government, except robots, as usual. No psychopathic drug addicts. I've yet to play this, but I'm sure it'll be fun. STEP bros. come back with opinions thoughts ;). Would be great to add to the F&L waiting list, but I can play it seperately as I did with Skyrim. What kind of conflicts would I be looking for as a Quest mod with F&L?
  3. Same as Aeradom, I'd like to know how I follow the LOOT instructions. Load After section? I guess so... :)
  4. So, as the title says, I skipped this little bit of info: " *If there are more than zero UDRs, right click on the mod being cleaned and select "Undelete and Disable References". *If there are more than zero ITMs, right click on the mod being cleaned and select "Remove "Identical to Master" records. " and ran both without checking UDRs/ITMs for any of the DLC. Do certain DLC have zeros of the above that I'd have to do over with a back-up? Thanks.
  5. Damn, I've been waiting for this one since that video you guys posted here from Lindybeige.
  6. Never thought of that. They stay on, because it's cold. Damn really blew my mind!
  7. Thankfully, my PC isn't going to auto-delete them. We're not at that point yet, I think.
  8. Yay, I wonder how compatible it is now with STEP. Thank you :D and waiting for STEP crew to get in on this hehe
  9. That underground city mod was pretty good. I couldn't do better, that's for sure. Give it a quest going deep into a hole in the ground in search of a necklace that one of the townspeople dropped to find out you've discovered some big. I dunno what, maybe something sinister :) but then put it in REGS. Sadly the author took it down. I'm waiting for it to come back up. I don't want it unless it's updated.
  10. If you look at the Nexus right now. 4 out of the 5 mods are *******! This is why Lord Gaben failed. They didn't get with the Cheskos of t&a mods. I bet it would of worked out if Caliente was contacted to make something new.
  11. The search bar here has always been trouble for me too. I find what I'm looking for, but always mixed in halfway through the first and second page.
  12. I realized I don't need a follower mod. I booted them all out of my game . All my followers have their own framework so I really don't need any. I only tested the Steam follower mod. The Avenger's Assemble shout only works on vanilla followers, but yeah, I have some of the best followers from the Nexus. They dont need EFF, AFT. I don't care much for whatever extra features they offer, like controling them directly or giving them orders easily. We don't level up as a party, so screw them, I wanna get the last hit hahahaha. Now that would be a neat mod. Leveling up as a party. Horse management is about all I need. CH.
  13. Wintermyst looks good. Are they unique enchanted items only found once or they prop up often? They look to be unique but it sounds like they are in leveled lists.
  14. I did read the above posts, but you know, sometimes you miss something or don't understand. I'll suggest this anyway: You could edit the time it takes for specific skills to level you up overall. So say you edit Smithing so it will fill your level up bar much less than one-handed skill would. The uncapper guide mentions this I tihnk, but I've yet to try it. It should be very helpful. After everything is said about this topic. Post some finalized inis for us to take note of.
  15. You can edit it based on level instead of skill. You would want to give bonuses to Smithing/Enchanting at higher levels where you'll be strong enough to hold your own. I'd go with level 35 when I give smithing a boost. You can go with increments too. So lvl 10=0.5, lvl 20=0.7, lvl 30=0.9. This hasn't been tested yet. Just an idea.
  16. Does Better Fast Travel work fine with the current STEP Core guide? I ask, because the Survival Pack says this mod needs to be patched against STEP Core/Ext. Not sure what to do. I don't run the REGS Patch either, since I don't have the listed mods it patches. Thank you guys, here's the quote, all the way to the bottom of the page: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Survival
  17. Question about Winter is Coming description you added. Do I still need the patch to keep it compatible with Cloaks of Skyrim if I'm gonna use these mods for CCO? Edit: I see CCO main page has patches for the above too. This is gonna be tough unless you you could help Smile or another helper. I used to have MMO waaay back, but the original instructions are long gone now. Please if you don't mind. Thank you! Alright, I got most of it done. I went with Cloaks - player only within the CCO Cloaks install, and because of that, the Dawnguard esp within this same installer wants the master for "Cloaks.esp". Can I simply change the name to "Cloaks - Player Only"? Strange that it didn't fix itself. Help please :( I did it multiple times. Still to no avail. Edit: Ok forget Cloaks, I didn't even want them. I thought I had to have them to use the Patch for the new STEP, but what do I need to do with Better Fast Travel to work with the current STEP Core guide? I'll also ask in REGS.
  18. Same here. I got rid of Wet and Cold just now. Footprints I can live without. Blood, I'm not a fan of, yay :) Awesome, I've avoided Multiple Followers Lite as I noticed every Steam mod from REGS pack required cleaning and I don't wanna clean this one unless it's really needed. I just now assume they do because of that hehe. Would appreciate any feedback, I'm ready to roll with this mod. As simple as it is, I can live without the ease of EFF. Well, I think so, but only one way to find out.
  19. Same here. I'd like to try those mods again. I did a long time again, like last year :). So many options to choose from, it can be confusing. Edit: On second thought, I may pass. I'm trying to keep my load low this time around. Only putting in the essencials. Interesting NPCs and Inconsequencial NPCs are both great.
  20. EFF is the best I can come up with. Simple Multiple Followers always had something messed up that I couldn't ignore. That said, I'm gonna try it out again, I really just want a simple mod with no features, save for two: Multiple follower support and wanting followers to stand down and follow when I put my weapon away. That's all I want. If you opt for EFF, make sure you go into Skyrim Revisited and follow the instructions. https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition#Extensible_Follower_Framework https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition#Extensible_Follower_Framework_Compatibility_Collection Anyone know if Simple Multiple Followers will run out of the box? I will run it for a day and check what's wrong with it. This should be helpful: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68720/?
  21. Aside from my game lagging when I focus my view on a wild stream, it is beautiful, I think better than the original RWT mod. I'm gonna take it off since my PC can't handle it, sadly ;_;
  22. Thanks, I think that's what Ess said last time I asked. As I said, I forgot, so I had to ask again. Thank you thank you guys as always!!
  23. Thanks actually, I added Alternate Start's plugin to the "Load After" section in IC's meta data and it ended up going all the way to the bottom, just above the plugins it needed to load before. Thanks :) Also someone said that "No NPC Greetings" is in this mod already. So I guess it's not needed anymore. I don't know if it's true. I never tested this mod with STEP and the patches.
  24. Sorry, I was ready to go to sleep or work, I forget which. You're going to add Ordinator when it's balanced out, so never mind I asked that question about merging :D Hope you're feeling better and Frostfall 3.0 is gonna be awesome...
  25. Thanks guys. Something so simple, yet it would of bothered me if I ignored it, so I had to ask. Thanks as always :D
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