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Everything posted by FuzzRocket9

  1. Thanks hishutup. I'm running all those mods with REGS and nothing bad happening yet. I also added a few mods that were in SR:LE, and followed the instructions the pack author gave. Also checked the REGS/SR:LE compat page to make sure I don't need to do anything else. Thought about adding Immersive Creatures and removing DFB-Random Encounters for Extended Encounters. Still thinking about it. Also, I read somewhere about CTDs becoming frequent down the road caused by adding and removing mods in the middle of your playthrough. Do I have to start over every time I want to make changes? I read about this at the CWO mod page. He also said once you pick the mods you want for your playthrough, there's no going back. No adding, no removing, no nothing. You have to stick with them or else you end up with problems. Edit: Shoot, if I install Immersive Creatures, I gotta go back and make sure I reinstall any STEP Core and REGS Pack mods that need compatibility patches from this mod. For example CCO has one for IC. Hopefully I don't miss any others..
  2. I'm just about to finish installing REGS and I'm stuck in the REGS Patch compatibility option for Dawn of Riften + Cutting Room Floor + Interesting NPCs. I don't have/want Interesting NPCs. So I'm sure ticking this will be asking for the 3DNPC.esp Master file(it's asking). Leaving this option unticked, would Cutting Room Floor work with Dawn of Riften? Thank you all ;) Also thanks for suggesting the real shelters mod, darkside. Edit: I was watching a video tutorial for making Bashed Patches with Wrye Bash. He mentioned something that the Core set-up didn't, some mods that add NPCs to the game should be unticked before building the patch, and I also don't know if any mods in the REGS needs to be excluded from the Bashed patch I'll be making. I'm not using BOSS, either. The video said BOSS makes it easy to know what should and shouldn't be merged in the patch :( Here are some more mods I'll be adding to REGS, if anyone could share some input on what should and shouldn't be merged with the bashed patch: DFB - Random Encounters Companions and Followers Immersive Patrols - The video mentioned this mod as an example for leaving out of the bashed patch, because it adds NPCs. Extensible Follower Framework Civil War Overhaul I went through SR:LE, and it didn't mention anything about excluding mods from being patched in the Bashed patch. If all is well, I'm gonna run this son of a gun now.
  3. I see, so he's not finished with the mod. Never thought of a mod like Open Cities. Would be a great addition.
  4. No way that sounds great! I may wait a bit before getting SR:LE up. I wanna try my luck at getting War Ensemble and REGS to work with Core.
  5. Awesome, thanks CJ! Can't wait to get this running now. Edit:Would also love to add a good random encounter mod. Not sure if that would be too much for my setup, CORE+REGS+CWO+ and these 2 fellas Immersive Patrols and DFB - Random Encounters. Would it work? :D I hope I don't keep coming back with more mods to tack on. This should be it lol. Oh and Deadly Dragons ><
  6. As a newcomer, when I first saw how long SR:LE was, I felt intimidated, so I went with the STEP Core guide, and got everything right the second time. Now I feel a little more confident to start on this guide, but I'm gonna wait for the updated REGS - SR:LE Patch as I mainly wanna get REGS going. Now I have a question. Is the Civil War Overhaul Compatible with SR:LE? I only know REGS is compatible as CJ answered that.
  7. I would leave it alone and live with it as Nozzer says. Game runs fine. You just gotta watch the warnings for missing Masters, then you'll be in a predicament.
  8. Try unticking the city that has this issue in the MCM options and come back to let us know if that fixed it. The guide does say to use the FOMOD installer instead of the REGS version of Better Docks. Might be the reason why those boats collide. Which did you go with? Strange thing is that both files were uploaded on the same date, so the author might have changed his mind of the REGS version changes. I do have question, I would love to use Civil War Overhaul with this Pack (Core included), so maybe someone else who has done so would kindly share load orders and anything else I need to know. I would appreciate it! Is it possible to have that mod running with all these mods? I was reading that the CWO was probably supposed to be in vanilla Skyrim, but the devs didn't have the time to finish it. I also love the fact that you could lose the war. I love dynamic game-play :)
  9. Thanks Nozzer, this helps a lot. I can begin to work on this now!
  10. Specifically where to put my installed mods in the left pane of Mod Organizer where the STEP: Core mods are. Do I leave the REG mods right under "Better Shaped Weapons", which is the last mod for my Core list, and no terrible overwrites will occur, I hope? Also let me know if I'm doing this right: disabling Bashed Patch for STEP: Core and making a new Bashed Patch for REGs mod folder is the way to go, correct? Then I just drag it to the bottom of the left pane. Right now, I made a new profile for the REG Pack, now I have to figure out whether I just put every REG mod at the bottom of my Core mods list in the left pane of Mod Organizer. Also I apologize if you think I didn't read the REGs Pack intro correctly. I did read it 3 times though.
  11. I'm back. Thanks for your reply phazer. I ran both the Flora and Realistic Overhaul first, and they were killing my framerate again and I also couldn't save as my game would freeze up and never recover, so I removed them. Now I ran the other graphics mods and the game is stable in Riverwood. Gonna grab the Carriages mods to quickly move to the other cities to look for macrostutter. Next thing, if everything is good with the above, I want to get is the REG Pack. I love the description they gave and the mods look good. I can't wait for them to add more packs, I really want some more gameplay. Also couldn't find a topic on follower mods. Any you guys recommend for Core? Also help with load order please :) I just want a mod for 5 followers to follow me on horseback and able to change outfits. Nothing more. Sorry for the double post. I thought my old post didn't go through so I made another one bellow >< Last question for sure. About scripts. Do they cause my game to lag if I install so many? They're mainly from Core and REGs. Maybe I'll add Deadly Dragons, I'll get the lore version.
  12. Hello everyone, thank you for the guide, 2.2.9. I completed your guide twice this week. First time was a pain and intimidating, but the second time was a breeze and easy to follow through. The first time I completed the STEP:Core guide I had nothing but Macrostutter as I left the starting area to head down to Riverwood, so I removed the 2 mods you mentioned, sadly I still got that hindering stutter all the way up to Riverwood and in the town was at its worst. At the time, I was hoping to find an expanded guide for removing the macrostutter. So with the little guidance in this area, I removed some more graphics mods and nothing changed. I thought my V-Ram was busted but I know it's just something that was eating up my 1k V-Ram. I deleted everything and started fresh. This time I choose all the lower graphic options, except interiors, which I went for max since I was able to run around nicely without any issues. I got upset seeing that macrostutter, I thought it was my V-Ram at that time. I also skipped every exterior mod, I only kept the "Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized" with the lower end options. I then though what if I remove the DLC and that mod?? Hmmm.. I didn't think it would help, because I thought the Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized mod lowered the res enough to make no difference if I deleted the DLC. I tried it anyway, and behold all that Macrostutter was gone!! I was celebrating by making myself a pizza at 3am, unhealthy but oh well :') With this change, I noticed a big change in the scenery, I can't tell what it was, but felt less detailed in some way. I'm gonna miss that DLC, but I hate macrostutter, and I was able to minimize it, but not to a point I could tolerate. I will accept the non-DLC version if nothing else affects. I was also thinking about enabling all the other hi-res mods, see if I can run those fine without the DLC. TL;DR I have a few questions. I need to know if I could disable the High Resolution Texture Pack, patch, and its Optimized mod companion without any issues from other mods. My next question is if I should download all the graphics mods I missed out on your guide to fill the empty feeling I got without the DLC. You mentioned that the "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" and "Skyrim Realistic Overhaul" can bring on the macrostutter. I will test those first. I'm hoping to add all the guide's graphics mods back for a nice difference without the macrostutter. Thank you all. Was waiting patiently for Enderal, but thought I'd grab Skyrim for the modded experience.
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