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Everything posted by GamerPoets

  1. Thanks for the info = ) Good to know on the flickering setting. In the video I tested that scene every which way. I don't just take a quick shot and throw it up for viewing. Only when set to the value in the video (roughly 8192 or higher) would that light pop-in effect not take place on that specific brazier. Same save, nothing different but the setting. ELFX was installed as well if that adds anything to it (meshes being chopped up or extra lights in the area as the mod does/adds) but still, it doesn't change that the scenes were played out identical in each take (and as it only affects the smoke, with the wall being so close to it I'd assume it would cause this same bug on the wall but it doesn't). The only thing different was the flickering values. The 4 lights rendering on 1 mesh wouldn't make a difference being that the scenes are identical, though I agree its the same effect/issue that happens in those circumstances. If you turn your camera far enough away from a light source it stops being rendered and thus, the light pops back in, but that's not the case in the video. Just walking straight towards the sources from the moment the same save loads, same starting point, some scene, same speed (no lonely guards walking around with torches to add additional lighting to one scene and not the other). Perhaps the setting pushes another light source back further to compensate for what it does to the flicker? I have no clue (and... that's 32bit Skyim in the video obviously, not SE)...I also only "fudged" one setting in that video lol flickering wasn't it... That's one of those settings that I spent hours going around the game, creating different saves to attempt to figure out what it did... finally... that was the only difference I could see... oh well... = ) Edit: The back and forth walking in the video was just to emphasize what I was seeing. Same thing would happen walking straight towards it as mentioned above. If I ever get bored I'll mess around with it and see if it still effects anything or if there was just some hidden light that I couldn't see messing up the mesh. Maybe elfx using the flickering sort of bulb.. idk Off to do some final prep for a full on BethINI guide and the initial audio recording tomorrow = )
  2. =) Question on a Skyrim SE setting. What is the differen between SSAO Lite and SSAO Full ? (for purposes of a description to help users make a decision and to be able to show it on screen). ..and what is Snow Rim Lighting? Is that the effect that blends snow lighting on things like rocks into the ground more smoothly... makes snow objects meet ground snow in a way that looks more natural? Edit: Go to 9 minutes in. That is at least part of what fFlickeringLightDistance does
  3. I've seen a few mention the one install for all games in recent comments. That has been here since at least 2.3 right? I don't notice that being different and its still under the Setup tab? Just "Double" checking = ) ... yeah, it's a bad pun lol Edit: nevermind.. i see it = ) "Always Select Game" option
  4. =) sounds like fun with the AV That's good news. I love the tool. Really happy that you created it and are maintaining it. Glad that I haven't jumped into the video yet lol. My goal is to not update for at least 6 months after the initial upload unless absolutely needed (that's for all videos). Probably be another couple of weeks until I catch things up for all games and your new additions. I have (had lol) the 3 fallout games finished via the text side of things but didn't touch TES yet. FO3 and especially FNV water is funny. You only get reflections (FNV) in specific areas. Not all bodies of water reflect "things" (no clue why, but i ran all over the game when creating the install guide for it).
  5. halfway through creating the text for the BethINI guide, GP version. Took a break to create this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7321? and some other stuff. I mention you in the Thank You's at the bottom. BethINI definitely helped speed up the .ini file stuff.
  6. I feel like manual modding may be the way to go. Being that I want to create tutorials for this eventually it might be nice to have something manual on the channel. I'll be using WryeBash for Oblivion so I might as well give manual a shot = ) Perhaps it will help some others appreciate managers for newer games when they use them (or not lol). What is TES3CMD? I've read about it throughout my internet travels today but now I can't find what I read and completely forgot what it was. I found the 4gb patch, mlox (thank god), MCP and MPP.
  7. Mod Manager or manual? I'm reading all kinds of different takes on it but it appears that manual modding and mlox is the way to go. Wrye Mash? thoughts?
  8. when is OpenMW coming out? I'll check the link out later today as well = ) Edit: Eventually I'll do all kinds of my own takes on a guide but I want to be able to establish a proper mod manager, the community "must have mods" for a proper foundation other important info that simply installing mods and reading descriptions wont tell me. The link looks pretty good. Going over it now.
  9. =) I'll give it a go. My free time for "fun" is so limited that I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot.
  10. While working on current projects I've found myself watching let's Plays of Morrowind. I own the game. I have never played it other than just turning it on maybe an hour ago. Are there any full length modding guides for it that are mostly up to date? I found this https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Morrowind . Is that up to date and recommended as of now? I feel like I'm modding for the first time lol and I don't know where to start. Looking for suggestions.
  11. -Fallout 3 Detail Tab, Field of View, Description says: fDefaultWorldFOV but the Fallout.ini setting (default .ini) reads: fDefaultFOV (no "world") the default .ini also has: fDefault1stPersonFOV fPipboy1stPersonFOV fRenderedterminalFOV might be cool additions for the future. ... not sure if ...1stPersonFOV is actually the one that was meant for DefaultWorldFOV or not. Haven't tried it out in game yet. Edit: Regarding Fallout 3 water settings (I know you said you will do Fallout 3 later, but perhaps a good note) there is only 1 for BethINI but a ton on the vanilla launcher. If you care to check out anything regarding the vanilla launcher this is my personal doc used for the first FO3 tutorial on the channel: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w0yjSP35sP6hYuAbRYUykFFWVf2Ytw6r93ha9vdOncE/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: I think ... after thinking about it... I will create one of these for each game instead of 1 giant one = ) ... maybe
  12. Good to see you Greg = ) Yeah, Steam isn't always the most perfect lol. Appreciate you checking in.
  13. ... alright... so lol.. I restarted the PC and the games launch now (no more forced game launcher... all games work)... weirdest thing I've ever seen. I had just started the PC previously to the issue but I figured why not try the old kick the machine and reboot it. Weird.
  14. I'm guessing this is an MO issue. Nothing has changed on my system. No OS updates (turned off). Also happens with FONV and FO3 so I'm guessing its not a script extender wide issues. -Open MO. Launch game. Window opens "Click OK when steam is open" or something to that effect (steam is already open before that window). Click OK. Game tries to launch (large black box). MO reverts to its initial state. Game launcher opens (game should be launched already. launcher should not open). Launch game through launcher. MO profile is ignored as game is launching directly from folder (no mods load or anything as if MO was skipped over) -Launch SKSE from game folder just to see what happens. SKSE opens the game launcher instead of launching the game. ... any ideas? Hoping that someone else has had this issue in the past and its something fixable. EDIT: If i launch the TES5.exe through MO the launcher menu opens as well (same whole scenario). EDIT2: If I launch the TES5.exe via the game folder it opens the launcher... now thats just weird. The launcher menu shoudl only open if you open the launcher.exe I believe?
  15. Next question (probably my last one.... maybe). For Display Adapter (Basic Tab) for the games that have the setting available in the interface my only option is always "0" (zero) . Is that suppose to be like that? Or is BethINI not detecting my GPU? I know that in the .ini files themselves that would usually be where it would say something like GTX1080 or whatever. I've gone through every setting for every game briefly and they all seem fine to me at the moment. Proper testing on my end still to come.
  16. Appreciate it = ) Thank you
  17. Suggestion. On the Setup Tab you could link to the STEP Guides for other games? I know that they are more individual or partial team projects but they are still the best ones out there. Fear and Loathing in New Vegas. Clear and Present Danger for FO3, Mythic Dawn for Oblivion. If they aren't complete they state it at the top of them. I'm always telling people to check them all out. Edit: I don't suppose there is a way to get a list of the "Recommended Tweaks" for each game = ) Edit 2: .... or is Recommended Tweaks what you recommend all of the settings within to be set to?
  18. Here to help = ) If you end up placing that list somewhere I'd like to link to it in the description. Otherwise I'll try to keep a google doc of it so viewers can see whatever I'm aware of regarding mod recognization and settings for them.
  19. Thank you tjax.. always happy to hear when the videos have done what they are intended to do for someone = ) .... I'll read the novel = ) .. Thanks for the info.. that's plenty and perfect. I've considered doing multiple videos but then half of each video would be identical to each other. I'll just have to pay attention to the annotation navigation, what I say so folks know to skip a big chunk if they don't care about the other games and keep good time-stamps for the description. If I come across any mods over the months and year that specify specific .ini settings (all beth games, I have them all and slowly mod them all) I'll inform you as well. It will be a while until I mess around with ENB for the other games but I'll keep that in mind too to see what ENB authors tell users to add. I think the settings are pretty much the same as with Skyrim 32bit but I honestly can't remember. Its been a good 6 months.
  20. I show an example of 64bit render target in todays tutorial upload but its not the best. I spent 3 or so hours taking footage from various locations and in many instances you can't see any difference what so ever. You can see in some scenes (usually brighter areas) where shadows (npc's sitting down) cast on walls are smoother... less or no color banding. I couldn't get a single instance where I could find color banding in the sky (32bit skyrims old issue for me) but mainly due to there always being tons of clouds and mist now I assume. When you load images into photoshop and check the histogram meter (someone mentioned this in a thread on steam and I tried it out) you can see that there is a slight increase as well as less bleeding of colors. Again, i had tons of footage that i compared with 64bit target on and off and checking various textures, npcs, zooming in up to 2000% there was very little to no difference except that few instances where colors are slightly more pronounced and banding did seem to be fixed (shadows, mostly, for me). ... so I think that the setting may truly be limited to color banding fixes (I'm sure barely noticeable to most) though I did list what Tech said above in my video. @DoubleYou Thanks = ) ... even a single bug thats fixed from 32bit skyrim would be cool. Anything that I can add to the video (more the better) to show viewers what it can/does do. Hoping to start recording this weekend if all goes well. Going to be showing comparison footage for every single setting for each game... yeah.. im nuts.
  21. I've only installed this lovely lady for Skyrim SE so far. I plan on going over the settings within her interface for each game in their own navigable section (because why not... Start to Finish guides and all...) . Does each game (New Vegas, FO3... so on) have the interface setup with their own settings/options and tested recommendations? Edit: -Will the auto-update change settings already established by BethINI? "2. It automatically fixes common errors, including some that can cause CTDs." -is there a good example of this? I'd like to add it. Is there a list of all of the mods that will be auto-detected by BethINI for auto-ini amendments? I'd love to present that.
  22. I've been searching for a few days on all the nexus (beth) game sites, STEP and other places to find a personally exciting and new topic to create a tutorial on. I've decided to create a BethINI guide because... well.. it seems awesome. If I need to ask some potentially annoying and in-depth questions after making some notes overtime (I've already read this entire thread = ) )..... would you be willing to check them out?
  23. Mods aside, just happy that all is alright = )
  24. Is there a place that he says why he left? I rather not ask if he doesn't want anyone to know just curious. He was one of the mod authors that helped to give GP the boost (and me personally) when I first started creating videos. If it wasn't for him, Brumbek and Isoku being kind enough to put my videos on their pages and give me the encouragement that they did I don't think that GamerPoets would still exist (or ever even be heard of by many). Whatever the reason, I hope all is ok. I tried to search for him just now as someone left a comment with this link on a video https://falloutfour.com/faraway-area-reform-mod/ I wanted to inform him about it as I suspected that he didn't put the mod there but then I couldn't find any of his mods... so I cam here
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