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Everything posted by GamerPoets

  1. I answer a lot of questions in the comments (and when I can't answer them I refer users to STEP)... some one posted this (comment) with a statement of "recieving a warning when running FNIS": NIS Behavior V6.3 6/28/2016 10:25:41 PM Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\TSEV Skyrim LE\ Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones) Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ... Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files.... No GENDER directory male 16 GENDER modifications for Animations\female 0_master usage: 3.8 % ( 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) Alternate Animation mods: 0 sets: 0 total groups: 0 added file slots: 0 alternate files: 0 Create Creature Behaviors ... 94 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character) 1 Warning(s). is the TSEV Skyrim LE executable in the top line a cracked .exe? I couldn't find dinfinitive information on this anywhere and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a game disc .exe or something that I just haven't heard about. I state in the video in 2 places to not waste peoples time with cracked version question, that cracked versions are not supported and if this is a cracked version of the game either this person didn't watch the video or didn't care. I don't spend 100's of hours creating these videos and posting warnings to for my health lol. I don't want to block and ban someone's account from GP due to me not having the proper information but I've banned people for less lol. is the TSEV Skyrim LE executable in the top line a cracked .exe?
  2. I'm a bit lost. Shouldn't be much more too it than everything that it appears you have done. My prsonal off the head checklist... -If you installed LOOT using the installer there is an uninstaller that comes with it I believe. Run that. (everyone else's suggestions were good as well but you've done that all) -When installing the new version install the LOOT folder to the games folder -Make sure the game has ben launched from its .exe in it's game folder at least once -If Steam/Game folder is installed to program files folders set the game folder's properties to give full permissions. -Delete the old .exe from the gears icon and add the new one. (already done). I've spent the last two days reading over and rewriting every piece of the LOOT "readme" for my own purposes and nothing is coming to mind. Not making sense to me. Hopefully someone else has more info. I'd like to hear about the resolution.
  3. I know that when you delete any 3rd party application from MO it still points to the old .exe/shortcut. Even if you deleted the old folder it could be pointing to the old, non-existant .exe . Have you tried deleting the LOOT .exe from MO's dropdown and then adding the new binary back? I read where you deleted the LOOT folder but not the MO "gear icon" entry.
  4. This is a generalized statement. I have no problem talking directly to individuals if I feel that I need to lol, so don't think that I'm beating around the bush. I just felt the need to share my thoughts on the subject at large. If I didn't respect everyone's comments thus far I wouldn't take the time to type this. There are some people that I have a lot of respect for who are posting in this topic, who have done a lot to help me on my modding journey and I wanted to share my thoughts with them. What I feel this all comes down to is this... Creative property in any form (music, television, paintings, mods) is one or more people devoting a large amount of their life (whether it's hours, weeks, months or years) to something that they believe in one way or another. Regarding mods and nexus and other sites, there should definitely be some sort of check box or something that says "yes, allow others to use my mod as they wish" "no, you cannot upload it elsewhere" " after this amount of time you can... blah blah blah" or whatever.. you know? I also feel that once someone uploads a mod that shouldn't be able to just pull it away from those who use it by removing it (I'll say why at the end of this book I'm writing lol) But none of that exists yet as far as I know so it's a moot point. So... To guess at what someone else is feeling about this subject, if they have not said anything either way about it, (before disappearing or not) or to think that they "should" feel how you do on the subject (whether they actually do agree or not) is selfish, un-thoughtful and borderline narcissistic among other things. Words have definitions and regarding this situation to take someone else's work (and don't be fooled, because whether it is "fun" or not it is "work") is to be those words and that type of person. (The type of person that most people in this community want nothing to do with and to not be a part of. Which is the only reason why people like me even consider to continue being a part of it and to put so much effort into what we do. There is enough BS in "real life" that I don't need it to ooze into my passions or hobbies and many feel that way, too. The reason that many stick around the community, and continue to create mods and to support it, damn sure isn't the replay-ability of Skyrim for 5 years+lol). Summary of all that: If you don't know how someone feels it's not your place to assume (that's with anything in life)...continuing on =) If someone says that credit is enough then cool, credit them and do as you wish. But if someone states that they want their mods only on nexus then they should be respected. You don't know what creating that mod did for this person. It could have been their way to get through a tough time in life. It could have been something that they poured every piece of themselves into creatively to prove to themselves that they could do it. It could be a simple form of therapy or just a hobby. Perhaps the mod author has something against the other sites. Perhaps the mod author has a strong personal connection to nexus and they want to give back to it for whatever nexus "gave" to them personally when they needed something to be given to them. It's not your "right" to guess or to even be allowed to know how they feel unless they care to share their reasons with you. When someone pours as much effort into their creative works as many mod authors do, taking their mod and uploading it elsewhere is like me taking anything that you have worked hard on, that you hold dear to yourself, and tossing it around in the mud like it's no big deal. ...Yes, that's exactly what it's like to some people and it's not your decision to say that they shouldn't feel how they do about it. As a human being you should respect their efforts and the fact that they made it public for anyone to use at all. More importantly, you should respect their feelings and your potential lack of understanding about them. On the other hand, when someone makes a song and sells it (just an example) and puts it on the radio there are large amounts of people who will fall in love with it. Once you have created something and given it to the world it is no longer 100% the creators. It's just not. There's no two ways about it. When you allow someone else to develop an attachment to something (minor or large, emotional or whatever) that you have created you have entitled that person to be able to listen to it, watch it, or use it, whatever it is as often as they care too or need to. If the initial requirements were for that person to pay for it upfront so be it. If the wishes of this person were for you to only play with these works on a specific version of a game, then that is what they are. You don't need a law to tell you how not to be an A-hole. If you have the desire to bring that mod to a "new level" then "you" "need" to do the work and put that same care and effort into as the original creator did to both respect and honor it and not just "bootleg their CD" and give it out elsewhere... because when you do that you go from being a supporter who deserves you're own piece of what you fell in love with, regarding their work, to a hustler (which I know a great deal about in "real life" lol). A hustler who may not have only ruined this experience/passtime/hobby/passion/whatever that a mod author (person) once needed but you have potentially robbed them of their passion by tainting it with selfish actions. Who know's what creating these mods really allowed this person to get through in life. And if they are being a dick to others... have you heard how horrible people in comments can be and how annoying? I didn't create a video called "The ***** Song" for nothing lol. Perhaps this experience has already been ruined for them and they only keep their mods up on nexus out of respect for some or with hopes of regaining the feeling that they once had for this community. As I stated at the beginning of this long wall of text... "it comes down to this"... to be a decent human-being and to understand what it means to be one. If anyone doesn't understand that (and the majority of what I have wrote) they have a lot to learn about this very short life that we are living. Not everyone who creates a mod views them as "trading cards". Sure, modding is about having fun and sharing that fun with other people... TO YOU, that is what modding is =) ... and mostly to me = )... but that doesn't mean that our, my, or our thoughts and feelings allow us to take something that we didn't create and to do what we wish with it. Mods may be pass-times and ways to not be bored for some but for others they are life saving acts of creativity or monuments of personal growth. .. after writing all of this I read Synthetiks recent post... I like the Mono Lisa statement. You're right and people DO modify the Mono Lisa all of the time. However, they aren't allowed to simply paint over the original copy. They have to either recreate it from scratch and make adjustments as they go or use a photocopy of some sorts, but still, it's not the original version... not to mention that Leo has been long dead and his emotional attachments to his work are probably justifiably assumed to no longer be what they once were... however, we still do everything that we can to protect and honor the original... what a sexy lady she is lol Goodnight.
  5. Really? Crazy person he is... I saved a ton of links that i'll be doing some research on throughout the day before creating the "Talk" video regarding Nipton so all we be polished up.
  6. Some powder gangers and towns people using chems out by the trailer park would be a good small bit of footage as well. Feel free to bring your own ideas to me and let me know your thoughts and questions. I'm off to sleep. Edit: Should also be a scene where the luck winner gets set free off to the deset. Maybe two legionaries seeing him off (if you can use the same npc winner as the game that would be great). 1. Winnter goes free 2. Runner up is crippled (guy in drug store) 3. 4. Become slaves (i think these were NCR troops that were crooked) ... so two troops having slaves collars put on them (kneeling?) and a coiuple of ncr outcasts would be nice to be seen throughout the video (only a couple though... mingling with powder gangers, 1 doing drugs with them, 1 in the line for the prostitute.. 1 or 2 gambling) edit: Mayor gets burnt on a pile of tires not beheaded, but some need to be beheaded... I will elaborate on everything thoroughly in a video that I will upload tomorrow.
  7. Updated the main comment with a scene by scene listing
  8. I know = ) I was just using that as an example to get across what I was trying to say. Sounds good on all fronts. If you can't do the roulete wheel don't kill yourself trying to make... add a casino roulette table somewhere out of the way and I can just get a shot of the roulette wheel without the table in camera (we don't want all shots like that but one here and there won't hurt anything). And some shots may end up being only a few seconds or multiple cut scenes that each only span a few seconds so again, no need for things to be perfect. I would like to try and get some "open room" shots to show everything all at once. But even a single casino table with the cards on regular tables wouldn't be bad imo. It would just look like they scavenged and found a single roullete table from a casino that they could use. I think we are on the same page with how it should look "kept up" but still a bit run down. Every corner of the place can't get in the video so its ok to leave a room here and there completely untouched. It just needs to look complete from a video standpoint = ) I'm thinking some shots going down the hallsways, up the stair cases would be cool... I also think some subtle lighting would be nice. Doesn't need to be fantastic but the simplest things can make for the best video moments. (Panning behind a lamp or through a key hole and slightly showing whats going on the other side. I can edit key holes using masking techniques to actually "look through them" even for new vegas and underlay as second video to appear as if you can see through one... just examples of potential shots). Maybe 2 fully put together rooms for the Mayor's house is really all thats needs with some "minor scenes" set up specifically for video takes. For most rooms you could ignore certain walls or certain spaces all together and just focus on little sections to save time. EDIT: all this to say that I trust your creativity =).. just giving ideas of certain things that could and perhaps should be in the video and how they will be/could be recorded.
  9. Just when you are doing the casino part I think slot machines would be good (a few of them) but casino gambling tables may feel as being a bit "too much". If its possible to have cards on a regular table and even a roulette wheels on a regular table it would help add to the "under ground" atmosphere. More like illegally playing poker at some back room place as apposed to going to an actual casino. You still see slot machines in some of these real life places (don't ask me why I know this lol) but usually only a few. I will still get the bullet points up today before I retire for the evening it's just going to be a few hours until I finish doing everything I need to do for the day. ... definitely need a couple of bouncers and perhaps a man/woman that regulates the ladies... they could just stand at a door with a weapon and perhaps the "ladies" boss could be sitting at a small table with caps any a clip board or something
  10. lol =) Sorry, I think we were typing together. I think there will be a lot of BSA unpacking in the future to do away with the dummy files.
  11. Thank you Greg =) I'm with you on all fronts. I can see the good that could come from it I just really hope things pan out. I started this channel initially as a distraction and it turned into me dedicating my life not only to it but to the community for over two years. It's crazy how you "fall" into the community, how many good people are involved in it and how many real life "digital" relationships you develop because of it. I constantly step back and tell myself "its just a game" lol but really... it's not even about the games it turns into being about the people who are about the game.. @Oeolycos ... Mod Organizer 2 and future 64bit version are doing away with BSA extraction (the "Have MO manage archives option). It actually caused some issues with specific tools even in the original Mod Organizer but is proven difficult if not impossible to do for Tannin regarding MO2 with how the new games are laid out. I don't personally know all that is going on with it but that's pretty much the sum of things. I personally don't see this as being a bad thing just an adjustment. The major perk to me in using MO is being able to see all of the conflicts between mods and then the ease of asset load order (left pane) to plugin load order (right pane). If those are still working and 3rd party utilities can still be launched from MO I'm a happy guy. The rest can be worked around. .. just my opinion.
  12. That would be cool =) I will get a proper check list of all that is being done tomorrow so you can see it. I have no experience with the New Vegas creation kit only a little with Skyrim and FO4 but I assume that at least a few of the tasks aren't as difficult as they may be tedious. But again, things don't have to be created for a "perfect mod" just created in a way that allows me to get camera angles so things appear to be perfect. I'll post the "checklist" here tomorrow after I wake up get it together. I will let Mono know as well =) Thank you
  13. -Original main post beneath the dotted line SCENE BY SCENE setup Lucky Losers A short film/showcase, 10 minutes in length, exhibiting the happenings that brought about the demise of Nipton. -Scene 1: (a mod already exists). I’m thinking about doing a brief “pre war†look over nipton and New Vegas in general. Really short while the credits go on screen. Then some old radio/news loops about nuclear war and panning into a tv that is showing old news reels and the atomic bombs explodes on the tv by the time its fully zoomed in. “Lucker Losers†title nice somewhere. -Scene 2: Nipton just before the Powder Gangers come in. (no indoor shots, just a few outdoor) Kids playing at the trailer park, the mayor standing on the steps of the town hall and the powder gangers walking in. Would be nice if I could get a shot of a powder ganger pointing at Nipton in the distance to one of his buddies. Mayor in his office sitting down with a powder ganger, explosives on the table with a gun and maybe some caps. A little scene striking a deal between the powder gangers and the mayor. -Scene 3: (Fully modded, pre Legion. Mono is working on this). Powder Gangers gambling in the town hall. Prostitution going on ( a single room with a woman laying on the bed staring towards the door and a line of powder gangers out the door in different positions standing against the wall, leaning over, bored, waiting “their turnâ€... fading to scene where the head mistress is in her room sitting at a table counting her caps with a clipboard and a pistol next to it (this could actually be the same room set up differently. The way that I pan the video would be good. If the prostitues door could be closed that be great so I can pull the camera through the keyhole to where the guys are standing outside. This will also allow for you to choose any wall that you want to set powder gangers up outside of it as I can do some camera magic. They don’t actually need to be standing outside of the same door as the room that the woman is in). Powder Gangers buying chems in the drugstore. Powder gangers harrassing the towns people outside and the kids no longer playing at the trailer park. -Scene 4: Legion on the mountain side looking at Nipton with bincoculars. One pointing at the town. War dogs, good 10 to 20 legionaries. Legion standing at the town hall steps after walking in slowly up the center of town. The mayor meets the head legion guy with the dog headdress. THey go inside together and sit in the same office that the mayor had once sat with the powder ganger leader in. A lot of caps put on the table. If the mayor is able to “smile†that would be perfect. The legion always with a blank stare. Not sure if there are animation mods that could do the smile. Legion walks away in the distance with a couple of powder gangers sitting around looking at them as they walk away (camera angle will be behind the powder gangers head) -Scene 5: More gambling. More chem buying. Mayor alone in office counting money. Different prostitute, young girl if possible (needs to look bad, but nothing nude.. You want to be disturbed by how the town is being run)... and the mayor is then standing next to his window looking out and you see the legion in the distance (i can mask around windows so there is no need for them to be transparent). Legion with like 50 people or whatever doens’t crash the game lol. Mayors hand extended to the floor and caps all around him as if he just dropped them. -Scene 6: Legion is killing powder gangers while rounding them up and the towns people. Show the legion in the town, in the town hall, in the trailer park homes, in the drug store. (they can fight as I could freeze time and get the shot sthat I need. I would just have to do it a few times over to get the right ones). -Scene 7: Towns people and powder gangers are in a group outside in the center of town while crosses are being nailed together on the ground behind the legion leader talking (very nonchalantly … like putting the crosses together is no big deal). Another scene where Legion leaders hand is up with a ticket in it. (I can pull off some movie magic stuff if we can’t get a ticket in the hand but his arm would have to be raised) -Scene 8: someone tries to run and is shot. If there is anyway to simulate panic/crying, but still staying in the group it would be great. Legion still very calm, still working on crosses. A box is set down next to the legion leader and this will have the loterry tickets in it. It would be nice to see tickets in different colored hands, different ages. I can do video of just the tickets in different peoples hands (no faces needed, just outside and the same lighting). -Scene 9: some people being beaten to death 1 by 1. The black powder ganger that is in the drug store having his legs broken with a sledge hammer. And then finally people starting to be nailed to the crosses still laying on the ground. -scene 10: the fires start: Some crosses are already erect and people are hanging. Other crosses are up at an angle (can be still/frozen manikin like characters) pushing the crosses up (or looking like they are pushing them up, again, still images/models are fine). The fires get bigger (different esp’s if needed, and as many that are needed is fine throughout the entire process. I can just switch back and forth, load a different plugin, get the shot, load the next one, so on). -Scene 11: Beheading of the mayor with the people on the crosses in the background. A few more beheadings (again, can be still shots. Machete in Legion hand, people being put down on some form of chopping block or chair, or whatever looks good). Then some close ups of legion members holding a head in their hand and a few different heads on spikes around the town hall -Scene 12: some of the legion members walk away with the town blazing on fire while the other legion members are gathering around the town hall. -Scene 13: final scene… Nipton is scene from a pair of binoculars in the distance. Ranger Ghost from the NCR outpost (is there a way to make her look through her binoculars?) .. and this is where the courier first heras about nipton… movie over Please ask questions. Any and all about specific things. Its too much to type for every little piece but I will answer anything. You can also email me if its too much here GamerPoetsNews@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------- I am on task to create a 10 minute video titled "Lucky Losers". This video will be a showcase/short film like episode about Nipton. It will show how Nipton was being operated before the Legion came into the picture, a short scene of the "Pact" between the Legion and Nipton's Mayor , to the Legion marching in and the entire Lucky Loser scenario (homes being burnt, people being put on crosses, so on) finally ending just before the Courier arrives. This video (and others like it) will be created to work alongside my future (this Fall hopefully) Lets Roleplay New Vegas series. MonoAccipiter is already working on some of the modding that needs to be accomplished. This does not need to be a large/polished mod, in fact its going to be a large number of small, polished visually for the camera set of mods. Mono suggested that I reach out to folks so I thought why not do so here on STEP and see if anyone is interested. If anyone is I will post a set of bullet points with explanations as to what needs to be done. The goal is to have this video finished by September (earlier if possible) but whenever it's able to be created with all of the mods established. If you are interested let me know =) We could use all of the help we can get. Since I am very new to mod creation and have a rough overview of it all but not a lot of experience I am going to leave it up to Mono as to what the best work flow would be concerning the mod creation part of the project. We don't need 100's of people but a few would really help out. Everyone will be credited on screen. If you have links that you would like to have in the video description it will be done as well.
  14. lol = ) Those are some of the guides.... All of the guides that I have already uploaded and those to come. DynDOLOD, SKSE, Merge Plugins, Dual Sheath Redux, FNIS (uploading this coming weekend hopefully).. and I was getting ready to do an all-in-one Mod Organizer (1) guide but that almost seems pointless to think about now (until we see how everything pans out and what direction everyone goes). New things should mean more "work" and more viewers for a youtube channel but I was really excited to try to create a large set of tutorial videos for mod users (and eventually creators lol) which I started 6 months ago. Now putting 100 to 200 hours into almost every video (the entire process) I don't know what to think between now and the new year. Lot's to think about it... Edit: also, seeing mod authors pull mods from games like new vegas (and FO4 obviously) because of the "stuff" that was going on with FO4... how many mod authors are going to start pulling their Skyrim mods if people start stealing and uploading their mods to Beth.net? .. and how many "old" mods that are complete but no longer being supported are going to be lost in transition? The game itself being upgraded could be a very cool thing. But at least for a while it's going to cause all kinds of grief to a great deal of people at all ends of the community. Hopefully a time period that isn't too long. I've read a lot about this and now I find myself venting lol but the truth is no one is going to know what happens until the remastered version is released and yes, everyone in the community can adapt but how many hours will a good deal of people lose in the process? .. and how many will feel that the time it takes to adjust just isn't worth it?... we shall see =)
  15. Yeah, they'd be crazy to just say "yes". I'm sure that it will require some work on specific mod authors parts I just hope that it doesn't require lots of work on all mod authors parts. I've just started creating my own mods for the first time that I plan to upload one day and now I feel hesitant as I don't know how this will effect mods created with the creation kit that is now available. I started working on mods maybe a month ago and am just now comfortable to put a lot of effort into something.. but now.... lol ...my comfort level has retreated. I'm curious as to whether or not an entirely new creation kit would need to be used. As Arthmoor was quoted above (and it makes sense) this will probably not be the case but I'd hate to pour 100's of hours into something that will need to be redone.
  16. I hope that basically means just "yes" lol = ) Thank you for the response. Puts me at ease at least a little bit.
  17. Here's my concern... will mods that are now available for Skyrim be able to function on the remastered version of the game? or will mod authors have to remake their mods? I'm too new to mod creation to understand how that would work but man I don't want to create a new set of tutorials again lol.
  18. I appreciate the question and response as well. I've always wondered this myself and since I started unpacking files I don't see any performance impact or cell load times being messed up (this is skyrim with 500 mods). I've also yet to experience any crashes even with 30 or so .esp's merged via Merge Plugins (just some FPS issues that i need to work out LOL... and they have nothing to do with packed files or not). I also now feel completely confident as to why the STEP guide has us create .ini files for mods that use skse (such as fuz ro doh). I was uncertain why that needed to be done before but I understand it now and Thallassa's response helped cement that for me. Using Mod Organizer with programs like TES5Edit/DynDOLOD you have to uncheck "Have MO manage archives" or you don't get all of the proper functions (if doing more than simply cleaning a mod with xEdit). I learned that bit from Zilav and Sheson when I working on videos with them. I do my best to force the "dont want to understand" mentality completely out of every comment thread on every video that I upload. I've blocked more than a few people who want to get upset (and act out of line) because I teach everything that I possibly can now in videos apposed to the quick and easy stuff, which only gets users half way "there" if they really want the most out of some of these mods. It's actually not a losing battle. Most mod users deserve a lot more credit than some youtubers give them. Some modding practices (and mods in general) are just extremely difficult for many to understand/grasp and things need to be explained in a specific way (I'm the non-PC guy that needed my hand held. I get it = ).
  19. Everything that I do via the CK shows up in game. If I search through the items in the CK everything that I add shows up. If I remove things they are gone. The issue has actually taken up way more of my time than I had hoped LOL... way too much time. This is my first time attempting any of this. I've never used the CK or NifSkope or any modding program before. Yes, just static items. You can walk where these items should appear it's as if they aren't in the game at all, but when I reopen the creation kit they are there just fine. The ShaderFlags? I dont even know how to use those = ) ... but I went through a lot of the nif files to see that the "mashup" had the same settings as they did other than the string being remove so that I can add a shadertextureset ... however, even with the string in place i can't see anything. I'm not sure if I have collision set up at all for it? Though, I took a nif file straight from the game (extracted via xEdit) openned it in Nifskope then saved it (i did nothing to it) and the file that was saved via NifSkope, when I place it in the CK, does not show up in game. Exact same object from the CK doesn't work after I saved the file via NifSkope without changing a single thing to it... again, I am brand new to modeling, meshes, mod creation so I can't really give any more info than I know too.
  20. hmmm.... I have only been using dev5. It would make sense for me to try 4. Won't hurt anything at this point lol.
  21. So just for "ha-ha's" i loaded a nif from the game (BldWoodBSmFlrOnly02) into NifSkope. Saved the wood flooring piece without doing anything to it. Put a bunch of them in the ck, saved it, loaded it in game and you cannot see it in game lol. I literally did nothing to the file except save it. Loaded it into the creation kit via static objects with a new name, added this new object to the world space, saved and went in game to check it out... Maybe I am importing it to the CK wrong.
  22. Thanks for looking at it. It's crazy. I created this thing (and a lot more than just what you see in this nif provided lol) 3 times over trying to figure out my mistakes. I tried pointing some files to .bgsm just to see if pieces would show up but they didn't. If I point the name/string to a bgsm then I loose the ability to use the textureset. It ends up giving priority to the bgsm instead (and still didn't seem to work). It appeared that I didn't need a texture set at all if using bgsm (but again doesn't show up still for me) but then I don't get to pick and choose different textures for specific pieces of the puzzle (other than different bgsm files I assume). I didn't think that the textures would need the normals or specularity files? I did try adding those to a few of them, again, to see if only pieces would show up in game, but no luck there either. I'm going to try deleting the bsmehlod shapes just to see if things will show up in game after that. That's actually what I want to do now after my initial failures lol.. I created the entire house... i mean all of it lol... now I'm doing level 1 and level 2 separately and then creating the other smaller bits (storage container models, so on) on their own. I just have to figure out what I'm doing wrong first. If the bsmesh doesn't work I may just stat over 1 final time lol (after the first two blunders I actually wrote done, in note pad, the form id's for every single item so that I can just quickly extract them via xEdit if I need the meshes again and deleted them. I also know all of the textures that I want by heart at this point so no big deal there either). I don't know how soon, but i'll let you know how things progress = ) Appreciate your time man.
  23. Tried it. Didn't work. If you care to take a look at the nif itself I uploaded this one to my google drive. I feel like I either don't know how to properly link to the parent or something is wrong with the lighting property. I'm completely out of ideas. I'll happily try anything suggested lol. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7GIzpkTmowVU3V3Ym8ySzlyY0U/view?usp=sharing
  24. I'm back with more crazy questions lol... for anyone who can help (since I'm new to this). I've googled everything that I could think of, watched videos, so on and can't seem to find an answere. I've compared files with other files and other files and all appears to be "correct" but they obviously are not. Thank you to Kesta, SparrowPrince, HiShutUp and everyone else for the help last time. So... I created my custom meshes. They mesh, the textures, everything appears in NifSkope and in the CreationKit. It looks perfect. But when I load up the game nothing is there at all. My main node is a BSFadeNode... every other node is a BsTriShape or BSMesh(something) node. No Ni nodes at all. Everything is linked to the main node. Everything has its own name. Every TriShape has a lightingshader with a BStexture (cant think of the proper name for it at the moment) attached to it. All of the textures are attached to their individual shaders which are attached to their individual TriShapes.... Does anyone know what could make none of this show up in game? Everything else that I did via the CreationKit shows up in game (Fallout 4 if that matters) but the custom .nif is none-existant in game. I'm going to sleep... I need to make some serious progress with the DynDOLOD tutorial tomorrow now that I"m feeling a bit better.
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