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Everything posted by GamerPoets
Fallout 3 / FNV / Windows 10 Warning!
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Sounds like we have our choice. Update windows or update our drivers but not both. I may try to update my windows again and see if it works with the latest nvidia drivers. Worst thing I'd have to do is rollback again. -
I rushed over here when I read this on Nexus incase others didn't here about it lol... I am going to have all kinds of revamping to do on my tutorials in the future I see LOL. 1. Congrads man. =) 2. I now have a team of 10 people that I am training to create tutorials with me. 3. Exciting times = )
At a glance the .ini looks fine to me (doesn't mean I didn't miss something, I'd wait until others respond) but I would recommend to enable vsync, no? Not sure that would stop your crashing though.
Fallout 3 / FNV / Windows 10 Warning!
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Strange for sure. I keep my GPU drivers up to date but had to rollback from the 9/21 update for fo3 and fnv to work. I literally did nothing else to make the game stop crashing on load (and I tried everything that I could have thought of, read about, and was told to try before rolling back). Perhaps some drivers on some GPU version interact poorly with whatever windows did and others dont? I have a gtx 1080 -
1 Steam Game, 2 Installations?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
That's what I mean. I use a different install of MO for each game (fo3, nv, skyrim.. though I dont use MO2 yet). My thought, and Grant Confirmed by others saying it, is that you could do 2 installs for the same game of MO. I'm going to go that route = ) ... I'm sure it can be done. thank you thick -
1 Steam Game, 2 Installations?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Thank you = ) I was thinking that half way through typing. I dont need two installs, just a way to do 2 totally different mod setups but never tried it for the same game. That is the route I am going to go. -
Fallout 3 / FNV / Windows 10 Warning!
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
No, I didn't even know to look for one. I just know it was an auto-update for 9/21/16 . -
Windows 10 Crash on New Install
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I created a new topic to maybe help some other folks who would miss this post. Wanted to share it here as well incase it does help... ON WARD FO3!!! https://forum.step-project.com/topic/11383-fallout-3-fnv-windows-10-warning/?do=findComment&comment=182409 -
Fallout 3 / FNV / Windows 10 Warning!
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I still have the most updated Nvidia drivers (from a day or two ago I think). And they work fine on windows 10 for me. The issue that I had was something in the windows 10 update itself. When I erased the update and rolled back everything started working again, including fallout 3 after taking about 5 minutes to install it (other than the download time which wasn't much longer). Spent like 10 hours troubleshooting this yesterday lol. Took maybe 10 minutes today to make it work after rolling back from the 9/21 windows 10 update. EDIT: 372.9 Nvidia drivers running fine on w10 ... minus the w10 update. -
Sorry to spam you folks. As some of you know I had been having a hell of a time trying to get fallout 3 working. I did everything correctly but to no avail. Many STEP members offered great suggestions and ideas but nothing worked for me. So I gave up on fallout 3. Went to run Fallout New Vegas to record some footage for my next RP on youtube... Fallout New Vegas (which had been working a few days earlier) crashed on game load! lol Very upsetting. I Rolled back from the 9/21/16 windows 10 update to the previous version: Search "Update & Security", open "Recovery" and you can roll back to your previous update from there.... Fallout New Vegas works again... oh.. and now fallout 3 works. Windows 10 did something crazy in the 9/21 update, at least regarding my system. Hope this can help some folks. Edit: You can disable windows update if you need to.. I did.
My last crazy question for a while.. I promise = ) Does anyone know how, or if it's possible, to install two copies of Skyrim or Fallout new Vegas, so on... on the same system without having to use third party software ? Say 1 copy for the vanilla game and 1 copy for a modded game... or what I actually want to do... 1 copy for my modded New Vegas game and another copy to mod new vegas differently? I'm aware that MO allows for different profiles but I don't want to see 200 deactivated mods while I'm working. Especially since I merge a number of mods together. or....... Perhaps two Mod Organizer installations would work? ... hmmm. I use different MO installs for different games so that may make sense? two MO installs for 1 game?
Windows 10 Crash on New Install
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Thank you = ) I really love Fallout 3 and hope to get back to it someday. I know that it's old but it has so much potential. I want to start the fallout 3 series over again one day with a new character and upload it as well. The New vegas roleplay uses mostly the mods from the step guide as well. i add an ENB and a few other things but not much. If anyone has specific tutorial ideas let me know. sometimes they take me months to be able to get together with all that I am doing but I like to have things ready to work on instead of having to search for stuff. Now that I have 3 people helping to write the rough drafts for these tutorial in text (oblivion, fo3 and fonv) i can hopefully move thigns along a bit faster, even if only a bit. -
Windows 10 Crash on New Install
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Thank you Mono = ) glad to inspire and motivate. It was the main reason for why I tried to take the channel from a hobby to a profession in the first place (providing something that shows effort and care in medium saturated with quite the opposite). My ever teetering polarity appreciates it = ) I'm giving up on Fallout 3 for the time being (sadly). I'll be back to it sometime. Have to move on for now. -
Windows 10 Crash on New Install
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
.. .and he is a ninja it looks like = ) Thank you for all the responses folks. My drivers are updated to the recent version but as I said regarding New Vegas, it runs perfectly being modded to the brim. I'll mess around with the drivers as a last resort (and I'm close lol). Shameless New Vegas example (plug) of things working: I have more than one pc and due to my daily burnout routine I forgot that I could just try my fallout 3 theory on that pc without messing around with my gaming one. Im about to do that now. I will let you know if that "fixes it". I'm actually in process of creating a fallout 3 installation and setup video with the help of a GP community member and this has been my driving force behind getting this correct. I shall return... EDIT: Same thing on the other PC. aw well. Going to try the drivers =) -
Windows 10 Crash on New Install
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
You're response both gives me hope and makes me want to cry lol I spent 10 hours today messing around with it. I use multiple drives so my last thought was... perhaps thats the issue. Though, knowing that it does work on windows 10 for you makes me feel a lot better than reading the random posts all over the internet. If I trust anyone about this game it will be you. My operating system is on my C drive. But the main steam library is on D drive (i have like 5 drives and multiple SteamLibraries.. but only the one main Steam install). If install FO3 to any drive other than D the falloutlauncher.exe instant crashes. If i install the game to D drive at least the launcher works... part of me is thinking that both Steam and the game need to be installed on the C drive for it to work. I've tried the windows live disabler (after installing windows live), the admin and compatibility mode options, changing/adding two settings in my .ini files as some places suggested and i've done this all with clean installations and on various drives to test it all. My fear about everything needing to be on the c drive is that i have skyrim and new vegas installed, modded to the gills, working perfectly and two roleplay series in progress on the channel. It would be weeks of work to redo if I deleted everything and started from scratch just to test out this theory. -
Has anyone been reporting issues of fallout 3 no longer working because of any recent updates regarding windows 10 that anyone knows of? I'll post my issues tomorrow if anyone cares lol (and when I'm awake to be able to type properly), but I thought that I'd ask to see if this is yet a known issue or omething that has been going on with windows 10 recently. I swore I had it working before but now I can't (following C&PD and other guides as well). It's been nearly a year since I've attempted Fallout 3 and I may have been running it on windows 7 then. I can't remember. In the end I may just do a dual system boot but again, i wanted to ask first if anyone has heard about updates being the cause of old processes no longer working.
New Vegas Railroads (by Trainwiz)
GamerPoets replied to Adonis_VII's topic in Fallout: New Vegas Mods
this sounds awesome -
I know the topic mention above by TechAngel and Grant is old but it was the perfect question for me to start my new series with. Hope you like it = ) video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BDNYoPQ3jo
ENB Graphics Enabled Can't load ANY save file
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Thank you = ) Man... I .... this.... i mean..... a clean OS install (perhaps another one because I think I want windows 7 back lol), full redo of the load order installation, massive amounts of emails with various folks, tested turning on and off individual settings (all in the enblocal.ini and a good amount in the enbseries.ini) .... I needed an .fx file.... well... onward we go = ) -
ENB Graphics Enabled Can't load ANY save file
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
SOLVED: Sheson mentioned to try deleting the .fx files but to leave the enbeffect.fx file installed because he believed that ENB needed it... well on the Vivid Weathers page it states that you need to removed all old .fx files... however, when I install Vivid weathers it does not come with any .fx files of its own (to be placed in the skyrim directory folder)... i put the .fx files from the enb dev default archive into the skyrim directory.... save files not loading fixed... everything works... i sent manga a message PS: Thank you Nebulous for showing me how to create spoilers = ) -
ENB Graphics Enabled Can't load ANY save file
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Thank you guys =) I appreciate the responses. I just switched from windows 7 to 10 (i had some stutter issues that I couldn't figure out so I just did a clean install of everything due to lack of time to troubleshoot, and the stutter was gone.. I was guessing it had something to do with drivers.. but onward) however, I had windows 10 and skyrim working before with enb without issue. I tried with shesons memory patch and then i tried with various combinations of crash fixes. Nothing helped. Sheson and Joe both mentioned to test with the .fx files removed... that didn't work, however, that made me think to remove the enbseries folder (vivid weathers... which worked fine for me on both OS's before) and replace both it and everything else with just the files from enb dev (still having vivid weathers, the mod, installed) and now things are working. They aren't "working" because I'm not getting the ENB graphics that I want... but i can now load saves without an issue... it appears that something either in the enbseries folder from vivid weathers or from the enbseries.ini is conflicting in ways that I don't yet understand how. It's hard to think that it would be a memory issue with the game running smooth as can be while playing all over the map (a few fps "drop spots" but nothing less than 50fps). Well, now that its narrowed down this far I'll continue on = ) -
ENB Graphics Enabled Can't load ANY save file
GamerPoets posted a question in General Skyrim LE Support
I've looked up potential causes for this everywhere and I find bits and pieces of information but nothing for this specific issue. I'm not professional with ENB but I'm not new to it = ) (I don't know how to add "spoilers" or I'd make one) When I try to load a save file with ENB Graphics enabled I instantly CTD (not even a piece of a load screen). Weird part for me.. I can start a new save game, play WITH ENB Graphics, have 55 to 60fps everywhere, smooth camera, no stutter, all over the map things seem to work wonderfully... but if I load a save file with ENB enabled... crash... I can save using the ENB, then turn enb off and load that save perfectly. I just can't load a save file with it. -Does this with near 400 mods installed. Does this with only the official DLC and Alternate Start installed. -Windows 10 -ENB 305 (292 does this as well) -Runtime June2010 installed -SkyrimPrefs.ini is correct -Skyrim.ini has iPresentInteveral=1 I'm hopefully off to sleep at the moment but any feedback would be greatly appreciated... [spoiler=ENBLocal.ini][PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=falseInitProxyFunctions=falseProxyLibrary=other_d3d9.dll [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=falseUseDefferedRendering=trueIgnoreCreationKit=true [PERFORMANCE]SpeedHack=trueEnableOcclusionCulling=true [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=falseReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=128VideoMemorySizeMb=4064EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [THREADS]DataSyncMode=0PriorityMode=0EnableUnsafeFixes=false [MULTIHEAD]ForceVideoAdapterIndex=falseVideoAdapterIndex=0 [WINDOW]ForceBorderless=falseForceBorderlessFullscreen=false [ENGINE]ForceAnisotropicFiltering=trueMaxAnisotropy=16ForceLodBias=falseLodBias=0.4AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=falseEnableVSync=trueVSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER]WaitBusyRenderer=falseEnableFPSLimit=falseFPSLimit=59.0 [iNPUT]//shiftKeyCombination=16//f12KeyUseEffect=123//homeKeyFPSLimit=36//num / 106KeyShowFPS=106//print screenKeyScreenshot=44//enterKeyEditor=13//f4KeyFreeVRAM=115//BKeyBruteForce=66 [ADAPTIVEQUALITY]Enable=falseQuality=1DesiredFPS=30.0 [ANTIALIASING]EnableEdgeAA=trueEnableTemporalAA=falseEnableSubPixelAA=true [FIX]FixGameBugs=trueFixParallaxBugs=trueFixParallaxTerrain=falseFixAliasedTextures=trueIgnoreInventory=trueFixTintGamma=trueRemoveBlur=falseFixSubSurfaceScattering=trueFixSkyReflection=trueFixCursorVisibility=trueFixLag=false [LONGEXPOSURE]EnableLongExposureMode=falseTime=1.0BlendMax=0.0 Edit: Added spoiler tag to enblocal.ini - Nebulous112 [spoiler]text[/spoiler] -
Is this a cracked verison of Skyrim?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I will ask him = ) ... a little entertainment is always good lol -
Is this a cracked verison of Skyrim?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Thanks for your input as well. I know it may seem silly that a youtuber cares that much about 1 comment or viewer but I work extremely hard to provide an environment both free of trolls (for the others who comment) and free of BS in any form. I rather have less viewers and more quality people "around". Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Looking back on some videos this particular person was actually pretty "kind" and encouraging so I may send a private message to him/her, explain my take on things and just remove the comment depending on the response that I get. But that... is for another day lol I'm going to sleep. -
Is this a cracked verison of Skyrim?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
That was my gut instinct. The only thing that came up with the TSEV line was on a forum where someone said something like "Let's just say that I didn't purchase my game on Steam". lol If people want to get cracked games, so be it. But to either not watch the video or not heed the explicit warning and then try to get someone to troubleshoot something for them when it was specifically stated not too... sort of rubs me the wrong way lol. Anyways.. thanks man = )