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FO4 - Texture Optimization Mods?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Fallout 4 Support
Thanks for the replySatur9, I know of BiRait. I don't, unfortunately, know how to properly test the performance stuff out beyond fps. Trying to learn more about compression methods, pre-combines and everything else is proving to require more time than I have so I need to rely on those with more knowledge than me when using some mods. Going to look into his texture mods more = ) Thanks -
Trying to get suggestions, opinions/thoughts. Texture mods (mesh mods?) to optimize performance. I have 4 so far to test out was hoping to get some others. -FAR -TOP -Optimized Vanilla Textures -Vivid All in One
[WIP] Mator Smash
GamerPoets replied to Mator's question in Mator's Utilities Support (archived, read-only)
The thing that needs to be kept in mind when I create tutorials is that every minute of view-able content takes me 2 to 4 hours of my life to learn(research/question/test)and create(text,voice,gather footage,edit)... so even shorter tutorials need a lot of time spent thinking them out (and in many cases more time... if I'm going to create an entire series on one topic I need to write out all of the videos a head of time to make sure I'm not repeating myself except where necessary and not finding something out by the time I create video 5 that should have been a part of video 1 and now cause a remake of an entire set of videos) . Conflict resolution is something that I'm learning how to present now in a different form. Since Smash will ultimately become a part of zEdit (as well as merge plugins) any content that I create for those programs today will be obsolete when zEdit incorporates then and Mator cause it official (this is also why I didn't dive deeper into Smash after that first video... time) = ) I have to pick and choose my battles and make sure that whatever I create can "live" as long as possible before it becomes obsolete. -
FO3Mod Script to Fix Deleted NavMeshes
GamerPoets replied to rdp4life's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I knew it was something = ) I spend way too much time working on "this stuff" lol = ) Edit:... didn't get to the point to where i made my patches... My Way cut short for FO3 at part 7 due to moving things over (most likely) to TTW. 3.0 has tons of optimization and I can't make myself want to go back to default fo3 after playing it there. Lots of help from Roy with my guides. (this Navmesh process is his.. and he wanted me to make sure to tell people to do it towards the end of the their modding session)... Once I figure out what way My Way will go I will update accordingly. If I go TTW My Way will go in my archives.. if I stay FO3 default I'll update what needs to. I've been working everything out on paper first... nearly 100 google doc pages at the moment.. on break while creating an MO2 and Manual Merge series. -
FO3Mod Script to Fix Deleted NavMeshes
GamerPoets replied to rdp4life's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
I THINK there is a conflict with one of these navmeshes and the handicapped water beggars mod. That was the only one that I came across that had a navmesh conflict if memory serves (regarding mods I used). -
FO3Mod Script to Fix Deleted NavMeshes
GamerPoets replied to rdp4life's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Hey brother = ) I'll respond better to your message later... but suggest that this process should be run at the END of your modding session (manual or auto, either way). xEdit carries forward records to your mods to make sure that if there are mods installed that use these navmeshes (very unlikely, but it may happen) it corrects them as well. EDIT: I haven't checked the script out either but it needs to be those specific ID's listed in the video, and if your plugins are not in the correct order it's going to fail. -
Did you test your mods as you went to make sure things worked or did you install everything at once then push play for the first time? Tested = Go back to the last point you tested, removed the mods beyond that point and load one at a time testing to see where the issue lies Never Tested (Installed everything and pushed play) = Start from scratch and test as you go. ... Asset mods could cause crashes due to pushing your GPU or the game itself past its limits ... Plugins could conflict if not set up correctly or a mistake was made during installation ... some mods like Sutter remover may just not work on your system.
Had to recreate the nif's using both files (which is why I still need permission from Millenia). Each WMK variable has a number of models that needed to be remade. Then I need to upset the .esp as the 3D parts then point to wrong pieces of the weapon to hide. So adding a scope may give you a laser or you have guns with no triggers or bodies so I had to redo all of that. Carried the first person records over from the vanilla game to get some things to work too.
So yeah. Every one of Millenias weapons work with Iron Sights and WMK now (just need to figure out the final permissions situation). AK47 is the only oddity in that it still only works with Ironsights after you start shooting. Holding aim doesn't center the rifle but firing it does. Once I get this in order I'll upload this. Whenever that will be = ) .. and link it for some feedback
The Fallout Weapon Project seems to work with Iron Sights right out of the box (at least with the WNK compatiblity patch I've made they do. I didn't try the weapons on their own and I only tried the FWP weapons.. all seemed to have ironsights fine). Creating 2 plugins. 1 is just for the FWP weapons and the second will allow you to use FWP and his other weapons (3 i think? not sure how many.. just finished the mauser) with WMK. If you have suggestions on compatibility let me know. I don't think I'll take the time to do something like this again for a while but as I'm working on it day and night (mostly learning) at the moment I don't mind learning new things. Not sure I want to touch leveled lists yet. All of his weapons are replacers in these patches. perhaps I can attempt to make the weapons ironsight compatible if they aren't (any that I end up using). My list is smaller than I thought it would be (still have a ways to go) but I can keep it in mind. I have permission from Antistar. Mellenia gave Roy permission a while back but I rather get direct permission first. If I don't hear from him I may see if Roy cares to put his name on it with me for permission purposes. EDIT: I'm deciding to make just one patch I think for all weapons. Getting confusing trying to manage 2 plugins with how things are set up. And I hit the first RH issue. The AK47 doesn't work with it right out of the box. The Mauser is working though. Will see what I can do. EDIT2" The ak47 uses ironsights but you have to start shooting first for it to kick in. I'll look at it further. All the rest of mellenias weapons work with ironsights. Not sure if they did before but they do now.
@kelmych I've created a compatibility mod between Millenia's Weapons (6 pack and working on his individual replacers now.. 2 or 3 of them I think) and Weapon Mod Kits. Finished the Retexture Project already. Need to wait to get permission before I can upload it. Emailed both authors. If I can't upload it I'll show how I did it. Its not a quick process.
@Finnen Thanks for reporting back sir. Will give the dual info as well in the guide for those who have issues with windows 10. @spacebadger... never heard of it. There is an issue with FNV's plugin limit but I've never had issues with FO3
Nothing mentioned about the .ini's with UHQ. The fix.esp actually points at a nonexistent mesh so you get the red exclamation points everywhere if you use that plugin. If you open it in xEdit (i sent this to the author in an email a little while ago) the nif in the plugin (6 places) is spelled wrong. There's an "a" that needs to be deleted from the 6 entries (very first letter). But then the texture points at a weird image so you then need to change the Texture Set edit (in xEdit) to point to a different texture. After that it works fine. I'm guessing the author will change it. Hopefully my message helps. If he doesn't see it I can just write the process out. The grass is awesome but its not my personal preference because I'm so use to a barren wasteland. I'm going to play around with the plugin. He also said that he is adding 10 more textures so I wouldn't dig too deep yet but I've already started to figure out what textures I want to keep and what ones I don't. Can't really set it in stone until everything else is finished with the mod but its pretty awesome. I'm working on my own optional mod pack for Flora Overhaul that Vurt will be uploading to the official page when its done (will be a couple of months). Using the Dead version as the foundation, adding forested trees outside of oasis and devastated trees to the heavily irradiated areas like vault 87. Mixing some vanilla trees in some places to be able to see NMC's textures in areas like in the mall where they make sense to be (makes the warzone feel really come out). Then I'm spacing a lot of the trees out so they aren't clumped together and shrinking a lot of them while making size variations.... i have to do all of this by hand... which is why it will take so long. Im working a lot of stuff out right now on paper... not uploading any more FO3 guide videos until i sort everything out .... will be doing a full remake of the series (most of it is the same but not all). Been learning a lot in previous weeks. Edit: Printer responded and just didn't have time to add the new meshes (above issues I was talking about). That will be fixed shortly and other stuff added.
@kelmych not sure if you seen my other topic from last night https://www.moddb.com/mods/uhq-terrain-rock-roads-grass-overhaul/downloads/uhq-terrain-rock-roads-grass-overhaul
I'm not sre how .in's affect FSR either. I don't use Nvidia Inspector (not sure if that causes issues with FSR or not..not sure why it would but again, I just dont know). A lot of folks have the Fall Creator Update issue @Finnen but why it affects some and not others I don't know. My OS is completely update to date. I've had feedback from some long time authors who have told me that's "just how these old games work". Some of these "big" mods like FSR work for some and not for others. I've been putting a lot of work in in the previous weeks to writing/re-writing/testing and setting up what I'm personally creating for a series in a different way to make things easier and put some warnings up but I still have no clue why FSR can work great for some but not for others with what appears to be the same setup. Hitting a brick wall in my search for that.
@kelmych The Safe Regulator HQ mod deletes the two spawn points instead of just disabling them. (The more I learn...). I created my version of the same mod which simply disables the two spawn points so that you wont CTD if you use another mod that references them ... Safe - Safe Regulator HQ Edit: Also the author of Vanilla HUD Remastered is working on an FO3 Version.
Thanks for the feedback. So strange how things happen differently for everyone with this mod. Try turning the heap value down from 450 to something like 400 to see if that stops the freezing on loading screens? I don't have the issue so i can't really play around with this stuff. I appreciate the help. At least I can give warnings/upfront feedback.
Weird. I don't know why it works for some but not others. You and I have the same OS. I ran around in a live stream a week or two ago for 2 hours in stream without crashing randomly around DC. Without that setting (heap on and 450... never tried other values though) I get occasional crashing at random places after 20 to 30 minutes. ... you didn't just put the heap settings in but downloaded the .ini from my page and then added the heap settings? .... strange how it works one way for some. FSR version 4-1-36? (thats what i use) Roy said there is a big change between that and 4-1-26 (can't remember what it was)... I have some stuttering issues with 4.1.26 but maybe worth a try? It was thought that windows 7 users couldn't use 4 1 36 at all so suggest 4.1.26 to them to test and see if it works but I can't test 7.
Speak and you shall receive lol. Just had someone on my Discord say they tried it and the difference is night and day. No issues yet. More feedback though the better = ) Edit: Doesn't mean that will solve all issues (or even any for everyone) but it seems to be helping a lot ( 3 so far lol.. I guess " a lot" isn't the correct wording yet) of people out including myself.
I would still love to get some feedback from people on this topic and I haven't received any third party responses. If you have the time install Fallout Stutter remover, use the FSR .ini from my nexus page https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22821?tab=files on your current setup but open it and turn heap management on in the .ini file and set heap to 450 (not sure that it has to be 450 but it's what a person commenting told me to try and I did) and see if your crashes stop. FWE has some issues but I don't know enough about it to know if it would cause crashes. Would love to see if it helps you. Edit: I have received feedback from a few friends who said this stops their crashes but I would like feedback from someone who I'm not personally chatting with every day = ) ... the .ini is also for the most recent version of FSR (I'm using Windows 10 as it may make a difference?)
Problems with Fallout Stutter Remover
GamerPoets replied to Kelmych's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Try turning the Heap management on and set the Heap value to 450. Tell me if anything changes Kelmych? -
I've spoken with NMC. All of the Quasar texture mods, except Mothership Zeta (NMC didn't touch that DLC) are filled with NMCs textures. There aren't just a few files but rather a large portion of them are NMCs. Again, Mothership Zeta has nothing to do with NMC. I do have some other news, which NMC actually told me but I didn't understand it at the time, regarding DLC textures,. which after I figure out this next video will be confirmed/shared.
No I wanted to make sure that I wasn't screwing something up lol I was reading about it but I didn't see where it said what maps it covers (my eyes are getting worse these days it appears). Thanks for responding so quick = ) I search for other map mods but I couldn't find any (not a long search but long enough). Before I forget: any amendments that I make to the process in my videos (small enough ones to not require a new video) are annotated in the pinned comment (and they are added to over time if needed). So if you suggest to anyone to check them out letting them know about the pinned comment could help them as well. ( I mention this in the earliest videos in the series but not everyone remembers or checks it out)
Does High Detal Map and Icons only affect the main map? or does it also change the dlc maps?
Things are working out = ) I don't agree with authors pulling their mods down for what I stated in the video but if that's what an author has, within their means, to stand up against something like this I respect it. I can disagree with something but still respect the intention. It's their work and if hiding the mod helps create a buzz and get things moving. Good of them. = ) I wouldn't have made a video if ESO didn't. My little few thousand views is nothing to the tens of thousands he gets so even though some people found out about ModDrop through my video a lot of others who already knew about it withdrew. I've had at last 10 comments and messages from people saying that my video made them delete their mod drop stuff because they didn't realize that it was a bad thing. Glad to play a little part in it. I'll kill my channel off before I let it support something like that. Glad that so many were on the authors side = )