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Everything posted by GamerPoets
SKSE ini Files in Overwrite "mod" All the Time.
GamerPoets posted a question in General Skyrim LE Support
I didn't see this anywhere. I know that a lot of people ask and complain about mods like the RaceMenu or Fuz Ro Doh always creating an ini file and placing it in the Overwrite "mod" in MO every time that they re-open MO after playing the game. If you open the Overwrite "mod" then drag and drop that ini file into its respective mod in the left pane of MO that ini file will never be generated (or at least put in Overwrite) again. I've been doing this for a while with no apparent game issues and as I've been asked more than a few times about this I thought I would bring this up to you guys in case it would be good to mention anywhere seen fit. -Michael -
Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - pre 2.xx
GamerPoets replied to sheson's question in DynDOLOD & xLODGen Support
In regards to No Snow Under the Roof (not sure this is even going to help anything but I thought I'd throw my 1 cent in) when using the mod in the past I would always get CTD. I'm sure it was something to do with other mods in my order conflicting with it at the time but i hadn't had any apparent conflicts (if something conflicted it wasn't on the surface or just beneath it). I ended up just ditching the mod. Since removing the mod, using STEP extended as well as a massive amount of other mods I haven't had a single crash in at least 6 months. -
Question about the brilliant GamerPoets tutorial vids
GamerPoets replied to rothbardian's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
The funny part is I'm a text learner lol. Video tutorials don't help me much lol = ) which may be how I came up with the way that I create tutorials now. I try to incorporate everything that I want to see in text into the videos in my new format. Which, without the help a few key STEP members when I was making me second round of tutorials I would be making 3rd rate vids. So as always, a big thank you to them from me. However, the latest format for the tutorials make them go from being what use to be an average 16 to 20 hours to create a tutorial to now being an average of about 35 hours to a create a tutorial lol... which is why I'm down to 1 per week (and this week I may even miss one being that the last tutorial took more than 50 hours). There are a lot of LOOT/TES5edit/Wryebash vids on the channel now. I worked with Sharlikran (he told me if the information was accurate and or made me change a few things if the video was incorrect or presented wrong) to create the tes5/wrye bash vids. So they are 100% accurate and definitely worth checking out as far as patching goes. ... I say, just take your time. Learn one new thing then go on to the next. I use to be overwhelmed when I first started and then... a year later.... I was still overwhelmed lol... but that was because I kept wanting to rush in game and have everything working without taking the time to learn all the work behind it. And I didn't take the time because I didn't allow myself to appreciate the small victories. Get one mod working, test the next. Learn how and why to patch this mod this way but how and why to leave the next mod out of the patch. Its tons of work and I wouldn't expect most advanced modders to learn all the stuff that the STEP guys know of which I probably know only half of. all this rambling to say... take your time... enjoy the small victories... don't be in a rush because what will take a month to do at a slow pace correctly for the first time will turn into a year long head ache (personal experience) .. = ) .. and I sleep now lol -
Question about the brilliant GamerPoets tutorial vids
GamerPoets replied to rothbardian's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
I appreciate the kind words = ) and am a little disappointed that there were no responses =( (and that I didn't see this until 2 weeks laters lol... sorry about that)... I'm more of a contributor than a team member. The STEP team members are much more dedicated to upkeep and progression of the site itself. I just do my best to represent their information accurately with members help when needed/warranted. Video wise, doing a tutorial for skyrim revisited would take me months of dedicated work days to create. Its just something that I wouldn't have the time to do. I've gotten to the point that I am doing 1 tutorial per week. There are so many core STEP videos that I haven't had the time to make yet and so many mod authors who I have spoken to, to create tutorials for (next one being realistic water 2, which is also a step mod) that there just isn't enough time to do them. I was burning out for a long time trying to create more stuff. Now I do my 2 role play vids a week, 1 tutorial and that itself take up nearly 75 hours each week. Hopefully the channel still proves useful = ) -Michael -
I did a little more testing with it and I think this mod does the same as you say that one does. People leaving cells not only to chase after you to fight you but also when the shouldn't be. Aww well.
Cool. Will do.
I found a few places to potentially post this but I didn't want to clutter them up incase I was wrong in thinking to post them there. This mod, follow me, by tonycubed https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58637 All it does is allow enemies to follow you through cells. I did a video on it back in October and decided to mention it to you guys. Also, People are Strange, Simply renames "unknown" when you highlight a character to "stranger" or their race name "bosmer" "dunmer" so on. Thought it would be worth you guys checking out.
New Alpha Nexus Mod Manager?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I'd love to never switch from M.O. lol I'm praying Tannin brings it to FO4 and TES6... LOL @Grant. Smacked indeed. I get NMM questions about FNIS all the time and its really hard to not respond (when asked what they should do) to just say switch to MO lol. The last 3 out of 4 comments on the FNIS video have been about NMM. Well, I feel my worries are subsiding. Appreciate it. -
New Alpha Nexus Mod Manager?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Now I know that M.O. is only "official" usage for FO3 FONV TES4 and TES5 .... do you know of any future plans to expand on that? -
New Alpha Nexus Mod Manager?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I haven't tested it. Honestly, don't plan on it lol. Just curious what everyone's thoughts are on it as I know a few people will be testing it out well. I'm more worried about having to redo another entire set of tutorials over lol because I'll do it... but like shoveling this 2 feet of snow that fell today.... I don't want too lol -
Have you guys seen this yet? Apparently Nexus is going the route of taking all of Tannin's ideas and trying to incorporate them into NMM. Perhaps not all yet, but it seems that way. Multi profile appears to be implemented now. Will this mean anything for STEP if the NMM succeeds completely in this?
Hey there Manga = ) Just got my system re-installed. Time to test some stuff out
Well happy to know that it shouldn't be windows 8.1 updated then... no APU for me DY lol Yeah, I had the same issue with the AMD's that I had but only towards the end. I went from testing the game on a new OS install and not being modded at all, just the basic skyrimlauncher settings. Then added the basic step ini tweaks. Then added the z fighting stuff and a few other ini tweaks. Then I modded the game. Then I tried with ENB and different combinations of the 4 AA settings within the ENBlocal. Did that both with the AMD cards and the NVIDIA. Tried every combination in the CCC for AMD as well as crossfiring and not crossfiring as I had two of the same cards... Then with the one GTX I tried all the step stuff, with and without invdia inspector, the suggest inspector settings and then messed around with the super sampling, the multisampling, the dynamic resolution increase stuff, ambient occlusion settings and variations from everything set to off to everything set to on and what I could do in between. I would think that I would be able to at least see some sort of change altering settings and what not no? Whether better or worse or something. But there was literally no difference. No matter what I did, it literally made no difference. I don't mean very little difference. I mean zero difference. As if no matter what combination of settings I used didn't change anything. The only slight difference was without ENB the aliasing was slightly more "transparent" not as white. But I emphasize very "slight" difference. I could shut the ENB off in game and it literally made no difference with the AA. That's why I'm just replacing lol. Maybe my motherboard got shocked or overloaded or maybe my power source is surging? I don't know lol I'm reaching, but that's why I just said screw it and ordered all this stuff. I'd be ordering pieces throughout the year so I figure why not charge it all now and pay it slowly off . I always had a little aliasing before but it just looks like a white laser light show now. lol. So, i'm just going to continue working on the remakes and the last thing I have to work on that I got some info from sharlikran on for TES5Edit until the new equipment comes in and see what happens then.
Thank you guys = ) I feel like it is something else. Do any of you have windows 8.1? Everything worked perfectly right until around the time I got all the updated from 8.0 to 8.1 Not saying thats the issue but my last resort will be windows 7. My buddy and I spent about 6 weeks trying to trouble shoot it. Everything from bios updates, to all sorts of different AA settings and ENB settings and then custom ENB presets that he created (skyfalls skymills creator) and then I even tried a few things from another youtube channel slothability. he tried to help me as well... nothing worked. Changed my 2 7970 radeon cards for a 980 gtx... same issues. Tried all sorts of settings and it didn't seem that any setting on anything effected the issue in the slightest. The system itself and every piece of it other than the SSD's were more than 2 years old. Since posting here the other day I've pretty much ordered a new system on credit. My new system which will all be here within the next week will be Asus Maximus VII Forumla MOBO GTX 980 which I already have i7 4790 CPU New PSU and a new Cooler. Its been 2 months since I've created any gaming footage and I can't create tutorials on ENB's or Patchers or anything that requires gameplay for me to showcase them properly, so I bit the bullet and am rebuilding everything. If all of this doesnt work, its going to be something stupid like a new driver update. I tried system reinstall's, with and without different versions of Directx and nothing helped. Can't explain the frustrations lol. And again, everything worked perfectly until about 6 or 7 weeks ago. And one day.. bam! AA meltdown. Unforunetly i lost my windows 8 disc so I bought windows 8.1 before thinking that maybe it was windows 8.1 that messed it up to begin with lol... so... we shall see = ) I appreciate all of your guys help tremendously.
Thats what it feels like. I've reinstalled this system so many times in the last 6 weeks its rediculous. I might do it again and see what happens. I noticed this time that steam automatically installed a version of direct x. maybe thats doing it. i dont know.
will do EDIT (added to my forum profile as well): Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3,Build 9600) BIOS Date: 5/08/12Processor: Intell i7-2700K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs)GPU: GTX 980 4 GIG 256bit @ 1278MHzRAM: 32 GIGDirect X: DirectX 11
Thanks for that link =) Appreciate that. I did the settings stuff. Do you think it would be a driver issue Z? direct x or something? Its crazy. I followed STEP to the T. (and to the P lol) with these settings, things use to work fine. Now its like no matter what settings i do everything always stays the same. I mean, I can turned AA on and off and every combination of settings and its like nothing is even slightly different. Even with different GPU's now. Same thing. I have Direct X11 says my system. EDIT: also, its not just skyrim, Fallout 3. Same exact thing
That doesn't help either way. Same exact issue with my Radeon 7900 series. Biggest reason to purchase this card was to hope to get rid of the issue. New Card. New brand. Same exact issue. Literally looks like there is no AA no matter what I do. The way the lines are seen in the video. Exactly how they are on my PC.
it looks like AA is completely off. My buddy sent me some smaa stuff as well. Does't change anything... its weird.
This is a link to my google Drive. 20 second video clip. Watch the stairs beyond the bay. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7GIzpkTmowVczF5VGFjbk5LcWs/view?usp=sharing didn't change anything that I can think of. This is after a full system reinstall and remodding everything. Nothing added to the system other than whats mentioned above.
like 2 months ago lol. Haven't attempted any game play since. New card. same issue... Give me a minute. I'll take some. Not sure I know how to post pictures in forum? I'll be back.
Hey everyone, So I had this issue before. Got a new GPU, still have the same issue. AA is awful. Chunky white lines crawling on nearly everything. Worse at a distance. Issue happens with or without ENB. I need some advanced help. Issue has been ongoing. -All .ini settings skyrim.ini, skyrimprefs.ini set to STEP specifications. Added Z Fighting changes from STEP guide. No other changes. -GeForce GTX980 4GB 256bit, downloaded NVIDIA Inspector. All settings set to STEP specified. Never used NVIDIA before so I don't know what to play with and what not to. Just left everything STEP. Updated to latest driver. Nothing/Never overclocked. No planning on it. -i7 2700k -OS on SDD -Steam/Skyrim on separate SSD -Direct X runtime June2010 EDIT: Currently have RealVision ENB on with ini stuff turned on for it to work. Again, even without the ENB the AA is just as bad. The ENB just make it stand out a tiny bit more.
I never new this thread existed (so much for me paying attention). Alright, here goes lol. My real name actually is Michael as I say in video. I am not T3nd0 as for some reason I had emails from like 10 people thinking that I was lol. I am 31. I am on disability and will be pretty much forever due to anxiety/PTSD/minor agorophobia that I developed when I lived in Brooklyn, NY. I had a complete nervous breakdown that most didn't think I'd recover mentally from. I spent 1 1/2 years relearning how to look at someone without wanting to break down and it took me 7 months to be able to go further than from my bed to my bathroom without crying or breaking down as my mind was having a hard time existing (to put it nicely). Since then I've gotten mostly back to normal except I can't work at any high stress interactive job which forces me to live off disability. I could work minimum wage non stressful jobs but they would pay less than disability and i'd have no insurance. So... yeah lol. I was robbed in my own home by two people with masks and guns a few days after last christmas and to get my mind off the incident I began making videos... which in February of this past year turned into my first attempt at a Lets Play series, which drove me to tutorials and eventually... to STEP = ) You can always turn a bad into a good. Without that incident I wouldn't be posting in this thread let alone making videos or having new goals to drive myself in a positive direction with. My girlfriend and I are trying to have a baby., She is 42 so its a little difficult and we are going back and forth to the doctors to attempt to do so and for the first time in my life I've found someone who really makes me feel complete. Also, I'm a poet, I use to be a rapper lol (only because i don't know how to sing and use to read poetry at open mics in my local area in Massachusetts from time to time) and thus the name GamerPoets.
GUIDE Mythic Dawn: Gateway to Oblivion WIP
GamerPoets replied to hishutup's topic in Oblivion - Mythic Dawn
Things take time = ) Still loving the guide and I'm sure you'll sort out everything that you are working on. I'm going to work on just generic videos currently as to be honest I've gotten severely depressed and keeping myself motivated and learning new things has been pretty hard. Though... forward I move = ) Still looking forward to see how this guide comes out. My introductory game to the Elder Scrolls. You shall do us proud = ) -
GUIDE Mythic Dawn: Gateway to Oblivion WIP
GamerPoets replied to hishutup's topic in Oblivion - Mythic Dawn
The guide seems awesome my friend. Definitely going to be looking into it and seeing what I can do to help if I can think of something. One day I'd like to do an Oblivion playthrough (will be a while lol) but i'll be utilizing your time and knowledge spent on the guide.