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Everything posted by GamerPoets
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
For anyone who cares = ) I couldn't take much time off from working on this thing lol. I've created my first "custom" mesh composition. It's a small bottle storage area. And it's glorious lol.. All textures are there, it loads up in the CK and places without issue. Thank you all. After I recreate the rest of my containers this way I will tackle the elevator task and let you know how it goes. -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
Well, I spent forever trying to figure the mesh combining stuff out. I got all of the meshes to look how I wanted them too. I figured out how to add the missing textures for the wood planks. I have all of the pieces under the main node.. and when I load them into the CK the CK crashes lol.. taking a break for a couple days Edit: figured out hwy.. because i changed an environment map setting.. even found out why textures weren't showing up... dont' know why.. had to change a number 4 and 5 in the to a number 3 for each model.. no idea what that does lol.. but doesn't matter because i destroyed my nif trying to figure it out by accidently saving over it... i'll start over again after the weekend.. thank you all = ) -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
Sounds like the smart way to learn. I messed around with a terminal script so that I could write some entries on one by trying to copy one that was in game. I got the mesh merging down (i think). Recreated my first container into a single mesh. Haven't gotten to try it in game yet though. -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
I haven't played the game beyond sanctuary and running around to look at things a few times lol. I will = ) The more I do to this house the more that I refine and change it and want different and more difficult things to be done to it lol -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
I seen something about Copy Branch. Glad to know it's the correct way to go. All makes sense = ) Who knew 2 years ago when I created one of my first videos (WATER) that I'd be getting help making my own mods from the same man = ) ... and all of you other fine folks. It really means alot. Mod creation is giving everything that I'm doing a whole new life. Its pretty cool. -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
A random question... In the CK I have created a ton of static items so that I can make a Static Collection and place a trigger on them that links to a container so that I can store things in it. Ex: Bunch of wine and beer bottles so that I can store "drinks" there without any of them being able to be moved or taken. Instead of having 20 static objects in a group is there a way to add those objects to NifSkope, create a single mesh instead of 20 individual meshes and then reload it back into the game? I'm happy to be pointed towards more tutorials if its a lot to explain. I haven't had the chance to check out what you all have told me to so far, too much to do at the moment. I usually get to mess around with the CK and NifSkope at night. -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
I shall do so = ) I have a lot to learn but I like it. -
Fallout 4 (CK) Elevator Script Creation?
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's topic in General Fallout 3 Discussion & Support
More feedback than I thought = ) Thank you guys. I will check the youtuber out. I've been watching Darkfox, while aimed at Skyrim a lot of the CK steps for FO4 have been the same. Just couldn't find anything about this. I'm completely new to Nifskope as well but I'm trying to learn it. Will see what I can do = ) Wasn't aware that you could even do things like keyframes with it. It's weird and cool being the person that knows absolutely nothing and needs a tutorial lol. I will give the ARcjet systems and Darens stuff a look as well.. yeah.. that other youtuber... he knows a bit about how to use mods but he sucks at trying to create them = ) lol -
Long shot but I figured why not... I am new to creating mods. New to the CK. I am working on a "home" mod that I feel fits very well into the world as if it's been built up over the centuries but still retaining a bit of the vanilla feel (at least to a piece of it). I know nothing about scripting. I am trying to make a wood pallet act as an elevator. Rope and pulley sort of thing. Does anyone know how, or know where to look (i've googled elevators and some script stuff for the ck and didn't find anything to help) to make a static object (wood pallet) go up and down as if it were an "elevator"?
TES5Edit Generate LOD (via MO) not working
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Disabling BSA management in MO worked as well = ) I will use your method and NOT unpack the archives. Thank you Zilav. I sent you a message if you have the time to read it. If not, no worries. -
TES5Edit Generate LOD (via MO) not working
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
... and to get the Atlas option I needed to hold Shift when Selection Generate LOD... I assumed that holding shift was to speed up the process (its not lol)... and since I didn't have anything appear until I unpacked the BSA I stopped pushing Shift.... Now holding Shift down when selection Generate LOD with the BSA's unpacked all is right with Tamriel once again... Thank you to all of you reading =) -
TES5Edit Generate LOD (via MO) not working
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Thank you to Sheson for putting ideas in my head = ) The only way that I could get this to work via MO was going into the Archives tab and extracting the Skyrim - Meshes.bsa into the Skyrim\Data folder. I still don't have the Split Atlas button yet... -
TES5Edit Generate LOD (via MO) not working
GamerPoets posted a question in General Skyrim LE Support
I'm hoping this is a simple fix though I can't figure it out. If I launch TES5Edit via MO and then try to Generate LOD (after selecting "Other" in the dropdown menu after right clicking the plugin) nothing happens. No window opens. No error. Nothing. It's as if I didn't click the Generate LOD option at all and the menu just disappears. If I try to do this outside of Mod Organizer (just launching TES5Edit from the folder that I created for it) everything works as it should. -I've gone back and have given permissions to any folder that didn't have them. -I've tried applying "Run As Administrator" to every .exe just to check if that was the issue. -I've launched MO from the .exe instead of the shortcut to it. -I've reinstalled TES5Edit -I've upgraded to the version of xEdit on the Fallout 4 nexus site after the fact and tried again -I am using Mod Organizer v1.3.11 Even more strange I can clean mods just fine launching TES5Edit via MO. So TES5Edit IS "working" via MO. Just the Generate LOD options seems to be "dead" unless I launch TES5Edit on its own (not through MO). Edit:... even more messed up now lol Outside of MO i can generate LOD for all of the following. -Skyrim.esm -Dawnguard.esm -Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp In Mod Organizer I CAN generate LOD for Dawnguard.esm ... but not the other two. I dont "get it". lol Edit2: If I Apply Script and try to run LODGen there are no options at all in the world dropdown menu. Via MO it's as if the tamriel world spaces don't exist. If I Apply Script (launching TES5Edit on it's own) outside of MO I get the world menu drop down options as normal. Edit 3: When running TES5Edit on it's own, as mentioned the LODGen Options window opens for the plugins, however, the Split Atlas Button isn't there. ... I'm lost lol for anyone wondering what I'm actually doing is I'm trying to Split Atlas as I'm at the end of a tutorial Tree LOD BillBoard Creation and this is the only step that I can't move forward on. I've watched Sheson's video and the video is easy to follow I just don't have the options that I "should". -
Thank you zilav = ) I was suppose to contact you before to ask you something for a tutorial that I was going to work on... and I completely forgot what it was for = ( lol. I'm sure one day I will get back to whatever that tutorial was and it will dawn on me. I will definitely read the guide. I love JK's Morthal and Riverwood but there is just "too much" for me in those mods. I removed 114 items in his Riverwood and 65 or so in Morthal, then I removed a few bits and pieces of Lanterns of Skyrim and ELFX -Exteriors to make it all fit together... I'm hooked.
Thank you = ) This is my first time doing all of this stuff. TechAngel taught about me how to add the .ini settings to the CK and how to open it and start disabling things. I was told that it's safer to disable them. Which is fine for me. I'm one of those crazy people that can remember way more than I should. I really love the modding community. Just thought I'd share that = )
I've read information around the internet and I believe that I understand what to do but I rather be safe than sorry. If I understand, to make a patch (such as disabling objects from a mod so that they are not visible in game) for another mod that already exists (ex: JK's Morthal) I need to first turn JK's Morthal.esp into an .esm. After doing so load the CK, disable what I want no longer visible to the player in game, then save those changes as an .esp of it's own. Open WryeBash, make the new .esp dependent upon the mods original .esp instead of the .esm (which has all the same information) save it and done?
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Not so hard at all... the magic is fading even faster LOL... thank you = )... I mean... THANK YOU -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Might Akotosh it worked!!! LOLOL holy hell... never thought that was going to get finished... ti worked = ) .. Thanks for all of your time man. Do you think if I sent mod authors a message, asking them if I could uploaded a collect of their edited .esps (but not assets, so users still have to download their mods) and uploaded them for my crazy Lets Roleplay Mod list guide that I'm creating https://docs.google.com/document/d/1czD6G-iNclODPsO50Ikaykw1MapRkNNwX4MsYdOVIyM/edit they might say yes? -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Willy Wonkie LOL... but im in the ck and I disabled the first one. On my way to the rest. -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
WoohoO! lol alright, time to try this -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Awesome. Thank you for the steps. I am going to keep this page open and open the CK and see what I can do. I'll let you know what happens. So if I get this to work. Wouldn't this technically be a mod that I made? lol a mod of a mod, anyways. -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
With only the DLC, Alternate Start and Dawn of Windhelm is still doesn't work. -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I dont think so (patch). I'll try removing all of the mods after it to be certain and double check. Never used CK before but I have it installed. Will try disabling the other mods first to see if that's it. -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
Yeah. new game. There are 8 scathecraw records (i went through every record in the entire plugin to be sure) in xedit for Dawn of Windhelm (however in game I found 12) . I clicked on each of the 8 records in xEdit, went to Record Flags, set to "Initially Disable" for each one. Then I saved the .esp. Went into a fresh game and all the scathecraws are still there. REinstalled the backup file to try again. Second time I tried to mark them all with "deleted". Undeleted and disabled. Saved. Started a new game. Still all there. -
Permanently Disabling Objects in Skyrim
GamerPoets replied to GamerPoets's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I went in the first time set a record flag to "Initially Disabled". Saved the .esp. Went back in game and they were still there. Am I suppose to do anything after setting the initially disabled?