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Everything posted by MadWizard25

  1. Yeah this sucks. Sometimes patches that are old will overwrite the newer updated mod. Especially bad for USKP forwards. The way I fix it is to create a new patch in tes5edit based on old patch plus the new updated mod. Hopefully the new mod has a good changelog. USKP has a good changelog so it takes a little trial and error to figure out which records to use etc. Basically I compare old and new mod, as well as old patch and USKP. Its a pain, but with really outdated patches it works.
  2. All those mods work fine. However, I run requiem which in some ways is similar to SPERG. There will probably be patches for SPERG and the mods you listed, as well as mods in SR:LE, google and skyrim nexus is your friend here :) You may need to create a conflict patch with the additional mods. If you followed the SR:LE conflict resolution guide you should be able to do this. And yeah, you can totally skip Better Males/ UNP, no issues at all. Just make sure you dont use armor meshes that are made for those mods. I know in SR:LE there are a lot of UNP armors, just skip those as well.
  3. You can always wait 31 days in a decoupled interior like a player house or testing hall. If you use SIC there is also an option to reset cells/ spawns.
  4. Maybe there is an issue with using the REGS patch without a full Explorer's guide install? I think the patches are modular but you never know. In most these cases its hard from just listing mods like this to discover the cause of the problem. The only way to know is to deactive mods selectively and see if crashes stop. Try uninstalling pack by pack. So first WALL, if that does not fix it, then try Explorers, and so on. Eventually you will figure out which pack it is, and then you can do the same for individual mods within that pack to find the mod causing the issue. Takes some time, but it works. Practically the only viable troubleshooting methods for random in game CTDs. Are you running SSME and/ or SKSE 1.7 alpha, as well as ENBoost?
  5. I have step extended, and yes LOOT puts the patch in an odd location, but its no issue to fix. Red is missing masters right? I never had that with step extended and LOOT. I only had to sort masters via tes5edit.
  6. Requiem does this i think. De-leveled. There are some very difficult enemies to fight at high levels. Vampires/ Vampire bosses? Dragons? Dwarven automatons, and some SIC creatures are really really hard, even at higher levels. High level mages of any type, dragon priests, etc. Additionally, I occasionally encounter wolf packs that are led by Red Wargs, pretty cool IMO. Too bad there is no way to tell whats inside a dungeon, you have to walk in and feel the pain. If you coupled Requiem with ASIS (for NPC potions etc) and NPC Enchantment Fix you would get a pretty interesting de-leveled mix. Too bad requiem changes so many other things, so you cant just use it for de-leveling. It does that part extremely well though.
  7. If using MO, just drag the IA archive below requiem archives in the installed mod list. I let mods that conflict with requiem textures overwrite requiem and I have had no issues. However, in the plugin list make sure requiem and its patches load last. I run a similar build, where i dropped RND for iNeed. Here is a guide to easily removing a plugin's records from a patch; https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4347-edit-out-plugin-from-step-patch-using-tes5edit/ This is what i did and it works flawlessly.
  8. I hit the 768 limit after 1 to 2h of play. I have mine set at 1024/ 256.
  9. Did you change the version of NMM used in MO? I think at the moment its 0.49.4 Its somewhere in MO settings. You can also try downgrading the NCC plugin for MO.
  10. What do you mean by NPC behavioral bugs, any examples? I only ran into NPC problems when adding too many NPC/ spawn mods, and i have pretty decent hardware. Using ugrids 7 just caused NPC behavior to bug out. Solved it by cutting out some NPC and spawn mods. It was that or drop ugrids.
  11. Stormlight series is epic. Just finished the 2nd book, and now have to wait for a few years for the next one. Hate that feeling. In any case, def one of the best fantasy series out in a while. If you like GoT give it a shot. I purged myself of memories related to the GoT books, just to keep the tv series fresh. I didnt find any one book memorable, just parts in each book. Does anyone here read the Second Apocalypse books by R. Scott Bakker? If you like dark gritty brutal mature fantasy this is about as crazy as it gets, miles ahead of others in the genre. Better than GoT or Malazan series, and far more intelligent as well.
  12. Savegame script scalpel - Disassembler - Diagnostic Tool - Papyrus Data Transfer (by flexcreator) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/? Here is another savegame tool. It seems similar to the last one mentioned on the forums (Save Game Script Cleaner). However it does have extra capabilities from what I can tell compared to other tools, and is far more detailed. Here is a quick copy/ paste of the features; Features: - Analyse the state of the savegame. - Show the script instances located in the savegame in readable format (with all the variable values, correct inherritance) - Bytecode Disassembler. Can disassemble all the compiled functions right from the savegame. - Change the values of script variables (including array elements) - Transfer variable values from one savegame to another - Cleaning options: * Remove Unattached script Instances * Remove Undefined (orphan) script instances * Terminate active threads WITHOUT removing script instances - Advanced filtering system (you can remove single instance, not the whole class) - Create NEW script instances inside your savegame Was not sure if i should post here or in other extenders support.
  13. Im not sure you will get the support you are looking for here. This forum is not so much about mod development as it is mod support, testing, and fact finding. You might have better luck on the actual skyrim bethesda forums under construction kit, or the dark creations forum. Not that im an expert or anything but I would say nay. You can create optimized scripts, but SSME and ENBoost work because the skyrim processes that they modify hook into external process such as OS memory managment. Scripts dont do this i think, so im not sure how possible it is patch it. If there is a precedent in Oblivion then maybe.
  14. I have no issues with LOOT either, but then again I always check with tes5edit for overwrites anyways. +1 to asking for more detail on algorithm.
  15. Im using enb 0.252 and skse 1.7 alpha. ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true really does CTD my game like a missing master. I have 8GB RAM and 4GB VRAM and 64 bit Win 8.1. So i should qualify for its use. The problem has persisted since 0.250 as well. 1.6 skse with SSME solves the issue and allows me to run with it set to true. However, I have mods that require 1.7 alpha skse. Ill live with setting it to false. Its not necessary anyways. And not big enough of an issue to post on ENB forums, especially since it s probably a compat issue with other software like anti virus or something.
  16. Ah. I thought we were referencing performance with Live Another Life start, which I assumed didnt mean border capture start. On the cart ride it takes quite a bit longer for me as well.
  17. Ouch. Thats a massive drop.
  18. Thanks! Ill go check the mods I merged for this.
  19. I merged it with all other AOS patches using tes5edit script add on. I have not had issues with it, as far as i can tell (emphasis on as far as i can tell). How can you tell if the patch uses unique formIDs?
  20. I had the Louis issue a long time ago, when i was using UFO. Skyrim has been updated since then, and Ive moved on to a totally new mod setup, so not sure how relevant this information is.
  21. In same cases thats certainly true, I agree. I think though, in regards to fps impact, the line at which an fps drop turns into a performance issue can be dependent on your system, and the users expectations. Im happy to work with 35 fps in whiterun with this mod. But only because my system can handle it and I dont need 60 fps in a city. Its a bit like using a ENB, if you can run it fine, if not, live without. FPS as a performance issue is a little fluid, like with SDO, compared to conflicts, bugs and CTDs caused by a mod. At least thats my opinion :: In context of REGS and STEP I fully understand why such a large fps drop is considered a performance issue, and therefore cause for dropping a mod. Edit: Didnt process the "unnatural" part of the FPS loss. I have a 10 fps drop in Whiterun with DoW, after Real Vision performance ENB is enabled. Would that qualify as unnatural? If so, ill retract the above statement
  22. The logging only takes 20s or so. Had it once when i started in the LAL cell, waited for it to be done, and since then its been fine. I dont understand how that is an issue? There is lots of other logging, like by IA when you start a new game as well.
  23. I think the patch your looking for is this; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50795/? The patch is not compatible with 1.61G as far as i know, only with 1.61C. Playing with 1.61C is fine though, so just use that version of OBIS. Alternatively, you could make a custom OBIS patch for 1.61G and requiem with tes5edit.
  24. Your pap logs look fine, certainly nothing that is CTD causing. Could be a bad mesh. Try uninstalling exterior landscape texture mods and see if it resolves it. If that does not, try uninstalling all texture mods as see what happens.
  25. Dawn of Whiterun has no performance issues for me. It does however impact fps quiet heavily. If its so beastly I can understand why it has been removed. Its probably the straw that breaks the camels back in a few cases.
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