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Everything posted by Lonewolf

  1. Looking at Astien guide (I send him a PM, but then I noticed that he isn't active since April), could someone tell me why should we use the 306 version of Wrye Bash (which is 2 years old) instead of the 307?
  2. Is there a reason for installing only the core scarcity file and not the other two loot & merchant modifier files?
  3. Just wondering, is there an SSE alternative to trade and barter? The CK always messes with my skyrim folder, if possible I would like to not install it just to convert a small mod. I also noticed that the guide is missing a mod for potions, I would like to recommend Skyrim Alchemy Fixed. It has a patch for Ordinator and Summermyst, so it should be compatible. Speaking of Summermyst, it renders Animated Weapons Enchant redundant (according to the mod author compatibility list) so maybe add a note to uninstall it if using Summermyst.
  4. Nexus Link The Vanilla Vegetation Overhaul improves textures of trees, plants and grasses, but tries at the same time to keep a very vanilla-like look. This mod does change textures of tree branches, most plants and grasses and also adds new grasses for more variety. Since there is no "grass only" version of SFO for Skyrim SE, when i saw this mod i thought that it would be the perfect replacement in case of a STEP Special Edition. The only downside (for me at least) is that there is no Realistic Aspen Trees patch yet.
  5. I have set ORLoaderQuest.StayOnTarget to 0 (I really hate that lock on feature) and set ORLoaderQuest.DualWielding to 0 (Although it shouldn't matter, since Equipment Mode has already been set to 0 into the other ini file).
  6. Ok, thank you. I'll disable AO for the moment.
  7. I'm facing a little problem. OR Ambient Occlusion is making my weapons become "transparent". So far, the only way that i found to fix this is to either disable Oblivion Reloaded Ambient Occlusion, or to uninstall Enhanced Camera and reactivate OR Camera Mode, wich fixes the problem, but makes me sick while playing Any fix that doesn't involve disabling Ambient Occlusion or activating the horrible camera mode?
  8. I tried again, same results, both by downloading it normally and with a download manager. Guess i'll just play without this mod.
  9. I'd like to suggest this mod to the guide: EngineBugFixes It's recent, and includes into an OBSE plugin several fixes, including the floating weapon fix (so that you can remove "Elz - No Floating Weapon" and free an esp slot).
  10. It's two days that i'm tring to get this mod from the TES Alliance site: https://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/797-insanitys-improved-armoury-compilation/ After several attempts where i was able to download only 50-60mb before the server close the connection, I tried with a download manager as suggested in that page comments. After 2 hours (yes, i have a very slow internet connection) the download was finished, but I wasn't able to decompress the 7zip file because it was corrupted. I have tried (and waited) other 3 times, same result. Are there any other mirrors where to download this mod? Or is there someone charitable enough to mirror it for me?
  11. Hi! I recently decided to replay Oblivion after something like 10 years... hoping it will not be so messed up to mod like skyrim is at the moment. Though I have to admit that the timing is bad since this guide is under reconstruction. Anyway, I do not want to mod this game too much (I have no experience on modding oblivion, I used to play it on the xbox360), so I would like to play an almost vanilla game. Keyord here: "Almost" Since at the moment the guide has only fixes, I searched on the web for other guides or tips for what other mods should I install, and I found a recent reddit post that suggested this mods: • Unofficial Oblivion Patches• Better Vegetation (150% option)• Better Water• QTP3 Redimized Texture Pack• Bomret's Shivering Isles Texture Pack• Animated Window Lighting System• Realistic Leveling• Oblivion Character Overhaul• Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul I would like to know what you guys think of this list and if there are any other mods that I should add to it, like UI mods, or other fixes that are not present in the guide at the moment.
  12. I too have been recently "overwelmed" by modding skyrim... A few months ago I returned to the game after a year and found myself with too many mods to check, patch, test, merge... and after days spent modding the will to play the game just faded away This guide looks simple and complete enough and it actually makes me want to play the game again, thank you for sharing this.
  13. Seriously, someone who "appreciate the sheer number of activities and quests" in Dragon Age Inquisition... I didn't read the review, i decided to just read little sentences here and there to avoid spoilers, and the first that I read was this one (it was red glowing...). And then i decided that i didn't need to read any more of this.
  14. I'm feeling the same way. Plus, when the game is out, the first day i'm going to play it with some of my frends that are fan of the saga but do not have a PC or a console to play it. So I can't really focus on the "bad" of this game for the moment, i'm too exited.
  15. As Bethesda stated: "What’s important is that each of these Perks is actually a mini Perk tree*, with multiple ranks that also do new things. Gun Fu above allows even more damage the more targets you select, increasing to instant Critical Shots. Gunslinger has ranks that up the range of pistols, add a chance to disarm enemies, and even instant limb crippling shots." So it's not just a "more of the same" from each rank of a perk.
  16. Do not worry too much about the SPECIAL points. Each time you level you can choose to spend a point for a perk or for increase a SPECIAL. So even if you mess up at the beginning you shouldn't have problems fixing your character later in the game. And your overall distribution seems good, you only have strength at 1, meaning that if later you decide to specialize on something you don't have to start from the beginning.
  17. I do not know about Russel, but I played an entire playthorugh last year with an F&L setup and the Inheritance quest mod without problems. Then again, it was a year ago, I do not know if things have changed.
  18. I am going to make a mage playthorugh too, and I too was about to play with those two mods installed. Problem is, together they make winterhold a HUGE FPS drop zone. With SR:LE I generaly have 60 FPS interior, 55-45 exterior, depending on the weather, but in winterhold I have 25-30 FPS, depending if I look at the college from the town, or at the town from the college. So in the end, I just removed them. Still trying to find a good college mod, or at least one that makes the Archmage quarters a good player home, but so far nothing good. For the town I think i'll just wait Arthmoor to make a little expansion for it like he did for Ivarstead, Kynesgrove and Darkwater Crossing.
  19. This could be a good substitute for the Eotw Mage robes that are now disappeared. It has also an alternate version in case you do not like the different textures for different schools of magic.
  20. I just discovered that i still have the old Eotw Danguard textures, but i do not have the mage robes pack. I wonder what i was thinking when i deleted them a few moths back... and then i get angry.
  21. You can add them by yourself if you want. Usually i make a STEP install and then add some mods from the SRLE guide on top of it, or viceversa. Just check for any incompatibilities on TES5Edit and redundant textures or features between mods.
  22. Do not know if this was intended, but I noticed that Animated Clutter ovverides the SMIM mesh for the barrels, reverting them to the vanilla textures. This way, when you install Realistic Boat Bobbing with the SR options, you have barrels with SMIM textures on the ships and barrels with vanilla texture on land...
  23. I know this may sound stupid, but since you have tried everything... Maybe try to restore a clean STEP install and activate the FPS limiter of the ENB (Or even better, the Nvidia one from Nvidia Inspector) and limit the FPS to 55-59? Last time I solved my stuttering this way.
  24. I just remembered that there was a mod that implemented a sort of "muscle slider" by appling different body textures and normal maps to the character using the weight slider: basically if you select weight 10, your character body had a certain texture and normal map with no muscle (or even fat, i do not remember) at 50 weight had slightly muscle and at 100 even more muscle. The mod is very old, i t​hink it came out before the CK, still the idea is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13567/?
  25. Question: is extracting every .bsa neccesary? Can't we just extract the ones were we want to put our hands on the files, like for optimization or to hide files? ​
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