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Everything posted by LeetMiniWheat

  1. Some mods don't get initialized until after the cart ride or after leaving helgen so they will cause some harmless script errors in papyrus since they have nothing to hook onto yet. Also, I've noticed some other mods that aren't initialized yet throw a ton of errors too. Like Imp's More Complex Needs throws a TON of errors if you don't have it activated yet. (Personally I'm waiting for chesko to make his version of hunger/thirst mod after he finishes frostfall, because Complex needs and Basic needs both are too buggy and annoying) Edit: so I'm guessing some vanilla scripts probably will throw out some errors too during the cart ride since the game isn't really fully initialized yet.
  2. There also appears to be a vanilla CTD bug in the path from the stones to riverwood that Tormentor and I have both discovered, so keep that in mind when stability testing those areas. Edit: something about "DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene" in logs. I don't think we've narrowed it down to exactly what causes it, since it doesn't always happen on every new save. Edit2: could actually be the lvlpredator script bug too
  3. Sorry I guess this was the wrong thread to post questions/issues about Mod Organizer, I found the other thread here Anyhow, the latest MO beta fixes the ASIS issues. The patcher runs great now :) (Thanks tannin42/Ethatron!)
  4. Also be careful, as this will also screw up a lot of mods that rely on time
  5. Nice, maybe I can now finally fix the glitchy tree bottoms in Lush Trees.
  6. Yeah and the official Nitpick thread is here, I just saw frihyland on that thread too. Hopefully the author keeps this updated for the major updates.
  7. More info on directory thrashing here. ShadeMe posted the first version of Nitpick in post #59 (before uploading to Nexus, I'm guessing). People were reporting that it reduces the tens of thousands of disk reads to nonexistent files and such. For those of us with 100+ mods, this is definitely hundreds of thousands of wasted disk reads when loading stuff.
  8. Hi PuuLoo, thanks for the update. I edited my posts to remove the name. Glad to hear you are still working hard on MDS - it's one of the must-have mods IMO :), I hope your appeal works out well. I don't think STEP will be going back to RLwC though (but I don't know honestly), so I hope you consider standalone compatibility with other mods like CoT too and not forget about us non-RLwC users once you get it merged.
  9. I'm not sure this can even be fixed for awhile with the current resources modders have. Maybe down the road... It bothers me too, though depth of field helps a lot. (unfortunately DoF gives me eyestrain)
  10. Hmm, interesting. I had a similar issue with some stone textures (or more accurately, the terrain) in that town southeast of the bard's college (I forget) at night. People with torches would be walking by and only those stones would light up, while the ground terrain wasn't.
  11. I'm guessing More Dynamic Shadows and Striping Fixed does a better job, however this mod might be a good bandaid if the next version of STEP includes a mod that is incompatible with MDS (like CoT and stuff). MDS will be included with RLwC 4.0 I believe, and I'm pretty sure STEP is not going back to RLwC so we may end up having to find an alternative like this. Edit: Also, this mod is under consideration for STEP's Post Processing Pack
  12. I know I said this in another thread, but I think combining RCRN (I prefer Classic) with ENB seems to give the best of both worlds (plus able to use SMAA). Though I haven't found the perfect ENB for it yet. Vibrant ENB is great with the oversaturation disabled (or toned down) but it's too performance heavy.
  13. Hmm... maybe try this: Vsync on, 58fps cap, 1 pre-rendered frame (unless you're using multi-gpu). you'll get no tearing, but you'll get some stuttering with the fps below 60hz all the time. unfortunately for lag reduction, it's always a trade-off - either tearing, or stuttering, pick your poison
  14. Bethesda really needs to implement a hardware mouse cursor. That would get rid of all the mouse lag regardless of your FPS/vsync, but personally I use a gamepad. I'm surprised that you still had to use the 58fps cap even with vsync off though, since vsync off should be minimal lag (Unless the pre-rendered frames thing was lagging it).
  15. Great... I've spent the last month perfecting my 1.6 mods, and now a new patch? /wrists
  16. I've been using OCCUPY SKYRIM - OCS which is very similar. It creates small clashes of 6 vs 6 stormcloaks/imperials along the roads and overhauls a lot of stormcloak/imperial events. Fits very well with WARZONES and Deadly Dragons. But Immersive Patrols sounds very minimal, clean, and well done. Especially since it uses no scripts. Looks like a great fit with STEP!
  17. Well I'm gonna stop speculating, I'm testing 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 right now (by itself) to see if it really does work.
  18. Hmm, interesting about the Anisotropic filtering... wonder what the difference is. Anisotropic 16x with 1x set in-game has been working for me (I think), else I would have noticed blurry roads. I still have my doubts about 4x4 supersampling, I just don't see how it could possibly be rendering a scene at your resolution TIMES FOUR. Was there a massive FPS hit after enabling it? In most games that it DID work in, I could barely even run 3x3 without a massive fps hit (even really old games). So, It could just be ignoring the setting... If it *is* working, you shouldn't need any TrSSAA/SGSSAA at all, or only 2x to get rid of the remaining minor jaggies on specular highlights. I still think for 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4 supersampling it's gonna need one of those generic compatibility flags that causes artifacts and other issues in most games. Did you have to change the "Antialiasing - Behavior Flags"? because mine is set differently and I haven't touched it. But I doubt that would enable 2x2/3x3/4x4 usage, though in some games it "just works". FXAA had major blurring last time I tried it. I believe the reason you didn't see a difference was because you had FXAA usage disallowed in nvidia inspector (but not totally sure here). And regarding FPS, I'm trying to stay at 60fps/vsync all the time, 30 feels too sluggish for me. I'm strongly considering trading my 690 for two 4GB 670's though after seeing my VRAM usage. (when EVGA releases the 4GB FTW)
  19. Regular AA: I think it's safe to say that 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 supersampling doesn't work (without a special comptibility flag). It also appears that forcing MSAA (like 4x) in nvidia inspector, while the in-game antialiasing is set to 0 or 1 doesn't work either. (though I only tried Override, not Enhance). So AA needs to be set in-game/INI. I set mine to 4x in-game and Override to 4x in nvidia inspector just for good measure. (I seemed to get a little more fps with override+4x too but unsure about that) Transparency AA: TrSSAA and SGSSAA both work, but I'm uncertain if 8x works as I got no performance hit over 4x. SGSSAA offers superior image quality since it reduces shimmering/flickering/aliasing on specular highlights like lizard skins, bumpy doors, and standing stones. LOD Bias: Clamp LOD bias shouldn't do anything over Allow really, since I don't think the game changes LOD bias natively (not 100% sure here), you'd only need Allow on if you intend to lower the LOD bias for sharpening. I just set Clamp for good measure since I don't want any sharpening (it can cause pixelation and further exacerbate aliasing). Plus, I believe the ENB's have a higher quality sharpening at the cost of a little performance (but don't quote me on that). Anisotropic Filtering: Definitely set to 16x in nvidia inspector or nvidia CP, it improves quality on water. Disable in-game/INI anisotropic for good measure and increased performance. This is from my own testing, but I think torminater will agree here. Please correct me if I'm wrong on anything though.
  20. Depends on how dirty the water is, like ones that hang off cars are never transparent. I'll try and get a screenshot of Transparent Watery Icicle next time I see one.
  21. Thanks, good to know I'm not missing out on anything so I don't spend a few hours comparing myself. By the way, exactly which icicle textures are you using from RIS? -Water icicle -Extremely Watery Icicle -Transparent Icicle -Transparent Watery Icicle I also like the transitions between the snow and roads, there's no obvious lines like there was on my S.T.E.P. install.
  22. Has anyone compared this to Real Ice ALL-IN-ONE? It seems more popular on Nexus and has been recently updated. I'm currently using That's Ice with the icicle textures from RIS - Real Ice and Snow as suggested by Skwareballz in another thread here.
  23. Yeah, I'm not a fan of that celtic knot style buckle but otherwise looks great. Edit: though the wings on the helmet look kinda cheesy compared to vanilla
  24. New update 1.1, adds support for (optionally) merging these too: Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt Lush Trees by OpticShooter Lush Grass by OpticShooter
  25. Sorry I just realized mod organizer was hiding the rest of the mods it was overwriting. (the "overwritten mods" section had commas with more next to it) /facepalm so, yeah it is supposed to be overwriting some HD2K stuff (and for good reason too I see because HD2K landscapes and roads are kinda bad). thanks for the info on RCRN though, this could be why I had bad texture transitions on roads (due to RCRN's road textures). I'll try removing them So, not a bug afterall just my mistake. sorry :D Edit: In addition to overwriting HD2K, I also see it also overwrites some HQ Riften textures too, specifically textures\landscapes\fallforest*.dds stuff.
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