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Everything posted by LeetMiniWheat

  1. Sorry I know you have better things to do than to help with non-standard configs, and this is probably getting off-topic. I really love what you guys did to the bloom and stuff, no other ENB has done it so tastefully and that's why i really want to use it while still keeping a vanilla color base. anyways, shaders version had the contrast/brightness boost I was looking for, and the no-shaders version had a much higher performance hit for some reason. all of those INI settings combined only raised my fps by about 3-5 (looking like cr@p of course), making this still about a 5-7 fps hit. and even the High Quality INI doesn't incur much of a hit over default-quality, so my GPU's have a strange bottleneck somewhere... there must be something else in the effects/injector files doing something. what else would be using so much resources even with ENB_FLIPTECHNIQUE enabled? my other ENB only incurs a 2 fps hit, but it doesn't have the nice bloom and contrast yours has. could the enbeffect.fx still be processing in the background even though it's not being used? I basically just want the slight contrast boost with a VERY mild bloom and minuscule color boost without too much oversaturation or haziness/blurriness. Thanks and keep up the great work :D and don't feel obligated to reply since this is very off-topic and I'm sure you guys have a lot of work to do still. Edit: also, I notice everything looks kinda "shinny" like it's made of plastic. animal fur and hairs for example, and skins look oiled down or sweaty. I'm guessing that's the bloom?
  2. I must say you guys did a really good job on this, however it's just a little too fake looking for my tastes. especially the bright red blood. but I understand the goal is to be "vibrant" however, this has some of the best bloom I've seen that doesn't overly blur things, so I modified it a bit. 1. disabled SMAA (via enbseries.ini) 2. disabled depth of field (via enbseries.ini, gives me a headache) 3. removed the "vibrant"ness of it by changing the top lines of enbeffect.fx like this: //#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION //use original game processing only, with vanilla bloom #define ENB_FLIPTECHNIQUEthis made it much more to my taste, while still adding a little bit more color and brightness with the fancy shadows. but this wasn't enough, the nights were still too bright especially with Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One. So I tried RCRN's shader/texture files and they work perfectly! (i.e. rcrnshaders.esp and textures\ folder). I didn't use RCRN's d3d9.dll via ENB proxy since it made things way too dark and contrasty. here's a comparison of nights without/with RCRN Edit: however, I still get about a 10fps performance hit with this ENB even with the "High Performance" settings, none of them really change my framerate at all. but it's definitely worth it.
  3. sounds like an awful lot of work. and @torminator: hope you had a backup of your skyrim install lol. i've got 3 mirror copies of my install on 3 different hard drives. (would suck to loose hundreds of hours worth of work modding it)
  4. my skyrim folder is about 38GB lol, i'm afraid to optimize...
  5. yeah my thoughts exactly, I don't need another potentially game-breaking script. though it does look very simple, it's probably not worth it just for a slab of stone you'll probably never notice unless you were specifically looking for it.
  6. interesting find, but why does it need a script just for a step? Edit: looks like the script puts the inscription on the step and switches the object into the specified state, and the script is only 10 lines long.
  7. A lot of people are saying they haven't noticed any save game bloat, so it may be only certain configs doing it. well snoring is easy to disable, but what does he mean by "dungeons' config menu"???. also, regarding civilization - the inn stuff may be a bit immersion breaking. link.
  8. maybe some .ini tweaks would help spread the load with more threads. but I dunno if it's a CPU issue, I only got 3-5 more fps with my CPU @ 5.0GHz
  9. yeah I will start running perf mon again, and I'll turn off papyrus debugging. i'm sure debug isn't good for performance either. as far as CPU usage went, i saw about 3 of my cores being used at 90%+ from windows performance monitor. I'll have to compare to a vanilla install
  10. sorry, I edited above post while you were reading (I think) ^^ Edit: also, OC Scanner in "heavy mode" is just like furmark was before they power limited it. in fact, i believe it was written by the same people that make furmark and then branded EVGA, just like EVGA Precision and MSI Afterburner are really rivatuner. and same goes for MSI kombuster, but I'm not sure if they have a "heavy mode" (i.e. disables power throttling). just don't run OC Scanner or Kombuster overnight or anything with heavy mode, or your cards might *really* combust :D
  11. you sure it's stable at that memory clock? I was getting artifacts at 500 and above in EVGA OC Scanner w/ "Heavy Mode" enabled after a few minutes of testing, though you could have some good cards. from my understanding most people are at 7GHz or lower. the artifacts don't always get detected by the artifact scanning in OC Scanner though, so you have to watch for visual anomalies. as for regular core artifacts, i found that watching Heaven run for a few minutes was enough. like around 1189-1202 and I get some green triangle things. (but 680's OC better than 690's). OC Scanner in "heavy mode" is an unrealistic core stress since it just makes the GPU's downclock due to reaching the power limit of 135% but it's fine for memory
  12. apparently not, because on vanilla + bethesda hi-res I get perfect 83fps vsync. but with my mods, it's all stuttery 60-75 in some areas. I guess I'll have to hunt down which mods are causing this. I've got everything set up in Mod Organizer so it shouldn't be too hard. guess this thread is really getting off-topic now, sorry lol, but thanks for the suggestions. Â anyway, here's a list of my plugins in case anyone has an idea of a resource hog here. I'm enabling/disabling stuff to see, but it may end up being a texture mod afterall (not listed below)
  13. well, technically 1202Mhz would be where it lands for a ~1200'ish OC, setting 1200 ends up at 1189. i'm sure you know keplers have multipliers of 13 basically. but that was just my guess for a safe 680 OC, how far have you pushed yours? my 690 only does about 1163 stable (though I'm testing lower memory to see if I can get to 1200)
  14. apparently this mod will be included in RLwC 4.0, as an optional part. author also claims there will be exclusive content and visual effects as well. source
  15. well you can add the batch file to startup :) but it doesn't look like nvidia inspector itself has a "set clocks at startup" type feature, and a lot of other stuff that is missing from the GUI anyways
  16. In your case, you'd need three nvidia inspector lines one for each card. well, technically you can run it all in one command but I find it easier to read when separate. so lets say you wanted a 1200mhz OC on each card (assuming it's stable) and 3400 mem, you'd do something like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\nvidia inspector\nvidiaInspector.exe" -setBaseClockOffset:0,0,500 -setMemoryClockOffset:0,0,500 -setpowertarget:0,135 -setVoltageOffset:0,0,187500 -setGPUClock:0,2,1200 -setMemoryClock:0,2,3400 -forcepstate:0,2 "C:\Program Files (x86)\nvidia inspector\nvidiaInspector.exe" -setBaseClockOffset:1,0,500 -setMemoryClockOffset:1,0,500 -setpowertarget:1,135 -setVoltageOffset:1,0,187500 -setGPUClock:1,2,1200 -setMemoryClock:1,2,3400 -forcepstate:1,2 "C:\Program Files (x86)\nvidia inspector\nvidiaInspector.exe" -setBaseClockOffset:2,0,500 -setMemoryClockOffset:2,0,500 -setpowertarget:2,135 -setVoltageOffset:2,0,187500 -setGPUClock:2,2,1200 -setMemoryClock:2,2,3400 -forcepstate:2,2 note: I set boost clock to +500 and mem to +500 just so there's headroom for the P2 power mode to go whereever you want it to. the P2 mode is limited by P0, so P0 has to be equal or greater Edit: also if you want to temporarily force the cards to power management mode (324MHz) I recommend pinning nvidia inspector to start menu or taskbar, the jumplist has "Multi Display Power Saver" on it for easy access. Edit2: and I wouldn't recommend running EVGA Precision X or MSI Afterburner, it may mess with the power modes and force it back into P0 again (unconfirmed though). if you want to monitor your stuff, nvidia inspector has some nice monitor graphs.
  17. you can run them full power mode all the time with this, that's the point. you just have to run the batch file at startup that forces the card(s) into P2 power mode and your specified clocks. I haven't really noticed a difference, but I imagine it is reducing stutter a little bit since the cards clocks aren't jumping all around Edit: Dayum! three 680's now i'm jealous :D I wish I could Tri-SLi a 680 with my 690
  18. Vurt's Skyrim Flora Overhaul now has the hi-res snowy pine included, no longer needed as a separate download. realistic weapon swing sounds is gone, need a replacement for this. (though I managed to find a copy of it through unofficial channels) new SMIM now includes clothing fix in the NMM as an option improved combat sounds doesn't need crash fix anymore with latest update. (and possibly Sounds of Skyrim doesn't need crashfix anymore either since it was a conflict with Improved Combat Sounds) and some others like Ruins Urn Retexture, but was already included in another mod. I will update this post if I remember more Edit: Nordic ruins objects retexture also gone Edit2: also, SMIM overwrites four whiterun files not three. should we not overwrite any of them? wrslate02.dds wrslate02_n.dds wrwoodbeam01.dds wrwoodbeam01_n.dds Edit3: "Tattered Banners" was really immersion-breaking, especially when 2 or 3 flags are lined up next to each other with the same exact rips and cuts in them. I liked the banners from "Worn Detailed Guard Shields and Banners" better, and Tattered Banners is still a work in progress anyways (isn't S.T.E.P. supposed to avoid WIP's?) Edit4: Burn Freeze Shock Effects might need "Forsworn Conspiracy quickfix" update.
  19. Enhanced Blood Textures was recently updated too (7/10/12) whereas Crimson Tide was lasted updated 3/17/12. (and there's a few reports of CT script errors in the comments.) I'd vote to replace CT with EBT, and move Blurry Screen Blood up to right after it since it makes sense to have them grouped one after another. Edit: also, I don't believe we'd need B3 - Better Decapitation Gore Texture (BeyondTom New Decap Gore) since it already includes pretty good decapitation textures.
  20. "Maximum Performance"? in nvidia inspector? yes, and I even went so far as to force consistent clocks so my GPU's are always at 1.16GHz/6.95GHz core/mem. but the fps still jumps around a lot between 60-83 w/ vsync
  21. Thanks! Glad you like it. :) I'm actually using everything in the sky textures folder except for the sun files. Looks great in game. so the files still work fine if you drop them in even though they're named like CoTHorizon03c.dds and stuff? wouldn't they need a .esp file to reference them in order to load? that's what I don't get. but either way, sorry for going off topic here, I love your work. keep it up :)
  22. hmm, regarding TrSSAA & SGSSAA performance - I think I found the cause of my bottleneck, I overloaded papyrus. (including occasional sound skips and stuttering). I get perfect fps with just the texture mods and no .esp's (though some are in .bsa format too). If I disable vsync, then I see a difference of TrSSAA and SGSSAA in the higher fps numbers but with my esp's the fps gets capped lower. Edit: or maybe not... looks like it was just minor differences in locations of the clean save vs dirty save. that and the fps seems to "settle" down a bit after fully loading an area
  23. Awesome work!!! one of the better ENB's I've seen lately. I'd also like to use CoT's clouds, how did you guys manage to use the cloud textures? they're all named something weird. I have a post here about the weirdly named files in CoT's Sky\ folder
  24. btw, @Torminator, regarding anisotropic filtering: are you using DDSopt? There's some staggering differences with certain textures that aren't done properly, and is only noticeable from afar. the post here shows before/after shots. the second one with the streets could be mistaken for lack of anisotropic filtering.
  25. btw for a very vanilla-ish ENB to use with RCRN proxy, I recommend Enhanced Vanilla ENB. I disabled DoF though, and it's almost the same as vanilla and works great with RCRN. It has native parallax support too already enabled for these parallax mods however, it still gives me a 3-5 fps drop just having ENB enabled but it's worth it for the shadow fixes and the parallax
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