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Everything posted by LeetMiniWheat

  1. lol, BTW, author says he's working on project parallax compatibility too soon. looking forward to updates, this has a lot of potential here Edit: and it's a hot file on nexus
  2. I do have skyrim HD 2k, installed after the first SRO. and the SRO (again) landscapes and snowy roads (as instructed in the STEP pdf) doesn't replace anything except itself, according to MO so, my guess is that it was supposed to replace RCRN's landscapes and road textures. unless something is wrong here, but I don't think so, I've got all of SHD2K installed. (assuming this is how it was intended, why not have people delete the entire textues/landscapes folder from RCRN instead of reinstalling SRO and hand picking just landscapes and roads. we basically only want the sun/sunglare from RCRN right?)
  3. so, about installing SRO again, what exactly is it supposed to be replacing? because right now it only replaces itself (unless I installed something in the wrong order a few weeks ago). the guide says only to do the landscape and roads. I noticed RCRN has only landscapes and roads textures, was RCRN supposed to be listed before this in the guide so SRO landscapes/snowy roads would replace it?
  4. got a response from the author on the riverwood inn. he says the inns and other large village houses look like they're supposed to just have a fire pit so the smoke drifts to the ceiling, escaping through the thatch roof so that's why they don't have a chimney. so basically he added external chimneys to all the houses that actually had a chimney inside the house and nothing more. still adds a lot to the immersion, I wonder if bethesda really forgot to add the chimneys outside
  5. yeah steam backup only backs up the actual game files steam has a record for (not mods or any additional files). personally I don't trust that, I use winrar to archive the entire folder in steam\steamapps\common\
  6. no, you shouldn't use the launcher period. if you're using wrye bash, make sure to point it to the right location for your skyrim install. (if you copy/paste the install somewhere else and want to run it from the new location, just change wrye bash's paths) Edit: and by paths, i mean the path to SKSE (assuming you're using SKSE, if not then TESV.exe)
  7. @bitdman: you don't have to "run steam" per se, when you launch SKSE or TESV.exe from that other location, steam automatically kicks in from that location and it will run fine. but if you want to MOVE it so you can launch it from the steam library, then use steam mover as frihyland suggested Edit: and if you don't want to use any 3rd party utilities to have more than one skyrim, then just copy+paste the steam\steamapps\common\skyrim folder to a backup location and mod the main one right where it is. if you screw something up you can delete the entire folder and copy+paste the backup one back where it was
  8. true, but I just don't see that method frihyland posted being included in STEP due to the complexity of it. and aren't STEP users just taking your choices/work too? running a simple .bat file after extracting some archives would be a lot more user friendly and could also be adapted and customized (with our own .bat file) for STEP after more extensive testing and comparison (or as an optional step in the pdf). this should be no more complex than our current method of telling people to delete xx files and install SRO not once but twice while excluding certain files, we could do it all in one go. just my $0.02 anyways
  9. that may be so, but if you read his description it sounds like this guy did some actual work comparing the textures in-game too, not just comparing each image in a program
  10. wow that looks nice. I'll definitely have to try it this weekend. maybe someone could post some comparison images too, else maybe I will. (though I'm heavily modded, so it wouldn't be a vanilla STEP vs TPC) Edit: speaking of textures, I've seen some bad texture transitions with S.T.E.P. notable the snowy roads and some other dirt roads are very noticeable in some areas.
  11. you can just copy/paste the entire install to any location especially if you're using SKSE, but I wouldn't recommend using the launcher from that location. we were just discussing it a bit in this thread.
  12. yeah steam is really sneaky but I can be sneakier! I usually subscribe, run the launcher to download, then cut+paste the BSA/ESP's, and then unsubscribe.
  13. Radeon HD 5570 has 1GB I believe, unless he has a special model. so, yeah I would concur with the above post. try 1024* stuff
  14. hmm, how well is it working with frostfall? I imagine some weathers it doesn't detect properly. also, which parts of claralux did you have to disable for compatibility with lanterns all in one? I tried both separately but I liked lanterns more. that and claralux gave me a huge cart bug on a new game (spiraling off a cliff cart of doom)
  15. SIS looks interesting, I've been keeping multiple installs elsewhere using the Smart Mirror feature in Link Shell Extension to sync folders and/or switch installs.
  16. maybe too much vram usage? which resolution mods did you install? for 1GB vram I think 1024 with a little bit of 2048 is optimal, but it varies. you could also try disabling aero temporarily to free up vram. see my post here
  17. found it, try this thread here about screen tearing
  18. are you running in fullscreen mode? if you're in windowed, vsync can be tricky. (for windowed, have to force it in drivers and reboot to take effect so the aero desktop gets vsync'd) and if you're using window mode and not using aero, then there's no possible way of vsync that I know of without going fullscreen or enabling aero w/ it forced Edit: and with vsync off, there will always be tearing. just sometimes more noticeable than other times. no idea why, I guess depends on how the frames are syncing up or how sensitive the viewer is to it. personally I can't play anything with it off Edit2: I also remember someone else talking about getting more noticeable screen tearing in another thread due to something, but I forget... it was about 2 weeks ago
  19. Could also just copy the entire Skyrim folder to a different location and run/manage it from there. Let steam do whatever it wants to it's own install, and let us do whatever we want to our copied install :). And when you want a steam workshop mod, just copy(or cut) and paste the .bsa/.esp files from the steam install to the copied install. But for the most part I keep the steam install pretty barebones, or use as a testing ground sometimes.
  20. it isn't that bad, I didn't encounter many issues. just don't install the unofficial skyrim patch since it's for 1.5, or find the new 1.05c beta patch on their forums for patch 1.6
  21. since your card is probably not fast enough for SGSSAA (sparse grid super sampling anti-aliasing), I would recommend using SMAA or FXAA, assuming you mean the shimmering on lizard skins, leather helmets, doors, standing stones, etc. SMAA does a bit better of a job than FXAA but not entirely a replacement for real transparency antialiasing. there's a stand-alone SMAA injector here, but if you're using RCRN then that SMAA injector would replace RCRN's d3d9.dll file, so I would recommend uninstalling RCRN entirely else your contrast would be screwed up (or using an ENB that enhances contrast enough to replace RCRN's d3d9.dll). there's also a few ENB's that already include SMAA, like Vibrant ENB (though that ENB gave me a 10fps drop), but again these would replace RCRN. (though Vibrant ENB works very well with rcrnshaders.esp and textures) as for FXAA, RCRN includes it by default (you can use rcrnconfigurator.exe to make sure it's on) and most ENB's include it. and then there's the in-game one. it will reduce the shimmering maybe halfway at the cost of extra blur, but not entirely get rid of it. but if you really want to try SGSSAA, try 2x first. 4x will probably give you a massive drop in framerate. Edit: you could also try the recommended 2x TrSSAA (Transparency Supersampling) to reduce tree leaf flickering, but it wont' do anything for specular highlights and it comes at a performance hit, though not as much as SGSSAA. I still recommend SMAA/FXAA on a laptop though, as the framerate will be much more playable
  22. ENB's SSAO is pretty nice, there's no need for regular SSAO really, though it's good to know that it's broken. there's very vanilla-ish ENB's with minimal performance hit (2-3) like Enhanced Vanilla ENB. (just disable depth of field if you don't like that). it even works with RCRN as a dll proxy personally I'm using Vibrant ENB with the vibrancy turned off, combined with rcrnshaders.esp for darker nights
  23. I too am confused, but I saw no difference between off and on when using ENB. I think ENB uses it's own type of it, since it's definitely a lot better than regular. and it seems to switch off the regular when you enable it (I think, anyways) so I leave it off in nvidia inspector. if you find different results, let me know :D Edit: also, don't use 4x4 supersample. it doesn't work, and even if it did your framerate would be like a slideshow. especially with your res, it would be rendering at 23040x4320. the game's setting overrides nvidia inspector anyways, but I set 4x MSAA override with 4x in-game just for good measure. (I saw some kind of fps boost when doing so, but could have been within margin of error) Edit2: if your cards can handle it (which they should) I highly recommend 4x SGSSAA instead of 4x TrSSAA, it produces a much better image quality - gets rid of most of the shimmering from lizard skins, doors, leather helmets, standing stones, and other specular objects, etc etc Edit3: and I think the jury's still out on matching MSAA with TrSSAA/SGSSAA but I do it for good measure. (like 4x msaa + 4x trssaa/sgssaa, and 8x msaa + 8x trssaa/sgssaa). someone else had mentioned it only matters with supersample AA (2x2, 3x3, 4x4) and not MSAA but I'm not entirely sure. I don't usually like to use more than 4x MSAA anyways since 8x and above are a much bigger performance hit.
  24. FYI, author says he's releasing it stand-alone again on Nexus under a new name.
  25. this is odd, now I'm getting the same crashes on a new game that you got on the first post right before riverwood. google'd for "DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene (000954D9): attempting to start event scoped quest outside of story manager." and your post came up lol
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