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Everything posted by LeetMiniWheat

  1. Thanks, sorry I missed that thread, I've been out of the loop for a few weeks. Any info on exactly what bugs? And have they been reported to PuuLoo? he's pretty good at bug fixing. Although that "Volrath Enhanced Lights and Fixes - VELF" looks very promising too.
  2. I thought the crashes were fixed awhile ago? Hmm, that's a shame because it's definitely a must-have mod in my book though I haven't tried Shadow Stripping Fix to see how it compares.
  3. I assume so because it's not listed under incompatibilities, but I know it's not compatible with RCRN due to their own little indoor lighting tweaks (which MDS does better, tbh). But the author is mainly supporting RLwC, so I'm not sure. (and there was a huge drama thread with RCRN vs RLwC I read earlier too...). But no mention of CoT, AFAIK. Edit: so... I believe as long as CoT doesn't add their own little lighting balls indoors like RCRN was doing, it should be fine. And yes ENB is fully compatible.
  4. not sure if this is in the latest beta STEP due to only being on steam workshop, but PuuLoo seems to be updating it on curseforge, so it has a reliable place to download now.
  5. Personally I wouldn't SLi unless you intend on running lots of transparency antialiasing, ambient occlusion, and ENB/lighting mods. but even then, there are some issues in skyrim like tormentor said. also, GPU's before kepler (GTX 6xx) had micro-stutter problems which sometimes made framerates feel like they were lower than single cards due to delays in syncing frames between the graphics cards. P.S. I wish i had two 4GB cards >.<
  6. What about Win NT, Win2k, server 2003, etc? Those weren't stable? Lot of servers and enterprise machines ran on those back in the day. Not sure about vista/win7 to be honest so I won't comment there. I meant consumer systems, Microsoft servers/workstations are actually quite good until you compare them to Linux. I think it really comes down to who is administrating the system.
  7. That article touches on a lot of controversial points (like climate change BS), not sure why the author decided to turn a science achievement into some massive political statement. I think you got caught up in the whole polarized politics and missed the point of the article, which is that massive achievements are still possible by concerted human effort no matter the odds (if you are able to check your individual politics and religion at the door and get to work).I agree, but it just seemed like the majority of the article was intended to push the author's political opinions and/or place blame on different political reasons for the lack of our progression in science. Either way, definitely a positive step for mankind. It amazes me how these types of projects get funded at all in our current state of economy.
  8. Feel free to Nitpick. It stops the directory thrashing.Well that's not entirely confirmed but I think you're right, I use that too.
  9. Could make a junction or symbolic link pointing to another drive. Is this true that anything in the main directory will be searched by oblivion/skyrim on launch? (and not just the data folder?) I keep mod organizer in my main installation folder.
  10. What about Win NT, Win2k, server 2003, etc? Those weren't stable? Lot of servers and enterprise machines ran on those back in the day. Not sure about vista/win7 to be honest so I won't comment there.
  11. That article touches on a lot of controversial points (like climate change BS), not sure why the author decided to turn a science achievement into some massive political statement.
  12. Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Settings > select Adjust For Best Performance > click smooth edges of screen fonts > Apply > EnjoyThat makes things ugly all the time though, not *just* when running the game. You can turn on transparent glass and shadows under windows as well if you like the bling all the time without much of a hit.  Windows 8 supposedly automatically clears all this stuff out of memory when  running a fullscreen directx app anyway.Transparent glass is the biggest vram hog, but just having the themes stuff running at all will suck up vram. That's good to hear that windows 8 has that fixed, unfortunately windows 8 is a piece of trash in general (like vista). I'll be waiting for windows 9.
  13. Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Settings > select Adjust For Best Performance > click smooth edges of screen fonts > Apply > EnjoyThat makes things ugly all the time though, not *just* when running the game.
  14. Yes, SKSE just launches TESV.exe anyways.
  15. Pretty sure it has to have some kind of desktop composition. Try this if the options exist:
  16. I would be running windows XP or win7-32bit on that machine, with Aero/Desktop composition disabled to save VRAM on Win7. running a 64bit OS on only 3GB ram is pointless, and it adds additional overhead and memory requirements since everything runs through a kind of 32bit emulation layer. Also consider manually tweaking running services, adjusting windows effects for max performance, and/or running Game Booster for some quick easy tweaks. P.S. thread title fail. "eight your old"
  17. I believe the dismount issue has something to do with the "meta key" whatever that is, that lets you pick herbs and talk to people while mounted. It's a relatively minor issue considering all the features this mod provides.
  18. Try disabling aero/desktop composition to save about 100MB VRAM too. And I would definitely not trade a 570 for a 630, you wouldn't have the GPU power to render high-res stuff even though you had the VRAM. I would carefully mix 1024 with 2048 res mods for 1.25GB, or go all 1024.
  19. Kind of looks a little fake (too sharp) and strays too far from vanilla, IMO, but it does look good.
  20. Coverkhajiits is pretty nice, I've been using it for weeks. I found it from PL's list of skyrim mods, who is a very talented modder (her DA:O mod collection was amazing too). Also, to clear something up with armors and clothing, it's not that they strictly aren't compatible, it's just that you won't get the proper body mesh so your body size will revert to the vanilla curves and stuff. But there's many mods that replace all the vanilla armors with proper proportions. I've been using UNP with a ton of armor replacers.
  21. Convenient Horses is pretty nice, I've been using it for awhile now except it can get annoying to dismount sometimes. (but may be strictly a gamepad issue - it takes a few tries usually)
  22. I've been in contact with OpticShooter about the z-fighting the bottoms of Lush Trees have (even up close). He says he has no clue how to fix it. (I believe tormentor said something about tweaking z-buffer values in the CK?) A lot of people have reported the issue on a vanilla install, so I'd like to see this fixed if anyone has information they can relay to him or to me so I can forward it. He seems to think a .esp is needed if the CK is required for a fix?
  23. Nice but gives me a back ache looking at it
  24. Both :D The message is too short, please enter a message longer than 10 characters <-wtf?
  25. Some of the BDR textures are too contrasty and dirty looking too (but I really love most of the walls and floors) Edit: In comparison 4, you can see how the textures under the dwemer statue thingy meet up better around the lips and edges with BDR too. Almost looks like it has parallax
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