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Everything posted by LeetMiniWheat

  1. this mod also conflicts with all the wet rocks files from W.A.T.E.R. meshes/landscape/rocks/wetrocks/ not sure which to keep though
  2. Hey how'd you just get the cloud textures. I opened up the manual files, i couldn't find it, do you know what the cloud texture file is called because all i see in the texture folder is COTcirrus, sun, sunglare. I really like the cloud textures plz help.Sorry, I just checked back here and noticed this. I am using all of the files in the sky folder except for the two for sun. The clouds are great in this. I'm using these instead of Dramatic Clouds now. They are both really good but I like the PR clouds better personally. I assume you had to rename all the files in the sky folder? they are all prefixed with "CoT" File List of CoT\Textures\ Edit: nvm, appears they just work without renaming?
  3. Nice, any ETA on completion? I've been hunting for the perfect ENB lately and it's been very difficult, I ended up going back to RCRN again. but this looks fantastic Also, somewhat unrelated, but the Vibrancy ENB page mentions that weather mods shouldn't be used with RLwC, I assume that includes stuff like Real Rain and More Snow? Edit: also regarding RLwC not being compatible with more dynamic shadows and striping fixed, is there still a lot of striping with just RLwC or do they rehaul the lights too making MDS obsolete? Edit2: I'm also closely following Clmates of Tamriel, looks like a good contender in the future
  4. there's many alternatives to RCRN like RLwC, and the many many ENB series and post process injectors. you can read TheCompiler's article on lightning mods here: though it's a bit obsolete at this point. also, there are other remnant texture files from RCRN, but a lot are overwritten by other mods. it shouldn't cause an issue i think. but if you really want to get rid of all the files, I can give you a list minus the conflicted ones provided by other mods. Edit: I'm currently hunting for the best lighting mod myself, but none are perfect, every one of them seems to have some kind of flaw Edit2: the default lighting is really not that bad, Enhanced Vanilla ENB keeps the same lighting but just adds a few extra touches to it. might want to check it out. (shift+F12 to disable/enable on the fly instead of Pause/Break like RCRN)
  5. Ahh, interesting. I had suspected the compatibility flag was obsolete. I didn't see any VRAM increase with SGSSAA, even at 8x, which is very odd... but there is a difference between the amount of VRAM your card *actually* needs to render a scene, and the amount it uses anyways just because it's available. from what I understand, they will use extra as sort of a cache but can often get away with less. the only way to really tell is to see at what point it stutters at, but it's hard to tell since skyrm seems to stutter anyways But it does worry me seeing my VRAM at 1990MB-2030MB after walking around skyrim for awhile.
  6. I did some testing and TrSSAA/SGSSAA barely gives me a performance difference hit all. something else must be bottlenecking my system. (I'd prefer the fps to be >83 with my vsync @ 83Hz) tested outdoors right out of Helgen cave, with about 350+ mods. 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, no TrSSAA/SGSSAA = 63 FPS 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, 2x TrSSAA Â Â Â Â Â Â = 62 FPS 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, 4x TrSSAA Â Â Â Â Â Â = 58 FPS 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, 2x SGSSAA Â Â Â Â Â Â = 58 FPS 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, 4x SGSSAA Â Â Â Â Â Â = 58 FPS 4X MSAA, SSAO=Quality, 8x SGSSAA Â Â Â Â Â Â = 59 FPS very strange, most of this is within the margin for error. also this was without ENB, my ENB config gives about a 2-3 drop in fps. also, strangely enough FORCING 4x MSAA in Nvidia Inspector showed a GAIN of about 4-5 fps. but forcing it with it turned off in skyrim's .ini disabled MSAA entirely. video memory usage was consistent across the board between 1675MB and 1699MB with unoptomized textures, I couldn't get a very accurate reading between save reloads. Edit: tested with all textures resized to 1024, mem usage was around 1100 and fps was the same. Edit2: well it's probably not a CPU bottleneck, I tested my CPU at 5GHz and only gained about 2-3 fps on average. Edit3: both my GPU's seem to sit around 95%+ GPU usage, so i guess I've just somehow hit the maximum they can do. but it's still odd that TrSSAA and SGSSAA doesn't effect performance much - it hints at some kind of bottleneck elsewhere.
  7. source they also talk here about SGSSAA blurring skyrim without specifically forcing a compatibility flag and MSAA in Nvidia Inspector instead of in-game, but I haven't noticed that. also, FXAA reduces the aliasing on specular highlights and stuff too, but of course at the cost of blurring. SMAA didn't seem to do as good a job but it had next to zero blurring. I also read somewhere that SGSSAA increases VRAM uses since it has to supersample the entire scene, so it could increase stuttering. On another note, I'm considering getting a pair or triple 4GB 670's since the 690 I bought was apparently stolen. (long story, but I got a refund from eBay and have to send the card back to EVGA). 2GB per GPU is looking less and less appealing the more mods I add :-/ Edit: another quote *sigh*
  8. hmm that's really strange. I wonder if rcrnshaders.esp is still doing some funky lighting even with the effect off. can you try disabling rcrnshaders.esp? (when enabling it again, you should run BOSS to fix load order) other than that, like I said you could try removing More Dynamic Shadows and Striping Fixed. here's the files it adds: Folder PATH listing | alvor's house dynamic.bsa | alvor's house dynamic.bsl | alvor's house dynamic.ckm | More Dynamic Shadows.esp | \---Scripts | LightingBall.pex | LightingBallController.pex | \---Source Light.psc LightingBall.psc LightingBallController.psc again, make sure the .esp's are enabled again when you put them back and re-run BOSS after you enable it
  9. Are you using any kind of ENB series or FXAA injector? those can significantly alter contrast/colors/brightness Edit: also, the brightness slider in-game is at default right? Edit2: it could also be More Dynamic Shadows and Striping fixed, it adds/removes lights everywhere and while 99% of the time it's great, there might be a spot the guy missed
  10. it looks like RLwC will be doing an entire lightning/shadow overhaul for 4.0 release later this year, might be a good all-in-one replacement. (though personally I think RLwC currently looks a bit too blue and hazy). mods like this wouldn't be needed
  11. how's the rain and the snow with this? I really like Real Rain and More Snow, but would rather an all-in-one. I like that the nights are dark though, but is there a lot of blue hue like RLwC?
  12. I know this is about the stand-alone SMAA, but it's also fairly easy to add SMAA to an ENB series you just have to drop the d3d9_smaa.dll, SMAA.fx, and SMAA.h into the same folder with ENB and then edit enbseries.ini so the top looks like this: [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=true InitProxyFunctions=true ProxyLibrary=d3d9_smaa.dll(and of course remove any FXAA that might be with your ENB already)
  13. well no, I meant it occurs with just Lush Trees alone on vanilla install
  14. so, Shadow Striping Fix is gone too (hidden by author, and hadn't been updated in ages). wonder what everyone is gonna use now
  15. thanks for the info. still getting the z-fighting even on vanilla skyrim with lush trees, and USKP 1.5c doesn't fix it :/ I have no clue how to use the CK so I guess I need to disable Lush Trees :( BTW can anyone else confirm this Lush Trees bug? straight out of helgen caves there's some trees in the area that have their bottom branches flickering back and forth between textures. though I know Lush Trees isn't part of S.T.E.P., it should be!
  16. nevermind I think I found the culprit. Lush Trees was conflicting with Vurt's even with the compatibility patch, what gives? Edit: hmm, maybe it's not vurt's, it still flickers (but with different textures) with lush trees enabled and vurt's disabled Edit2: this is odd, i disabled all other tree mods and only disabling lush trees makes it go away. sigh... :/
  17. here i took pictures with tree shadows off. again just flip back and forth with arrow keys to see what it looks like in-game. Edit: and it's not related to optimized textures either. maybe it's one of my tree-related mods, but I never noticed it until recently
  18. it's not shadows at all, because it happens with shadows off. the textures just flash back and forth between two different types of branches and one is overlayed on top of the other Edit: it's like two different textures are fighting each other
  19. is this z-fighting? it even happens up-close. the bottom of certain tree textures rapidly switch between bright and dark. Edit: if you click on one and then rapidly press left and right arrow back and forth, that's what I'm seeing in-game Edit2: it's not related to tree shadows, cause I just tested that off. it seems as if the textures are rapidly switching from one to another, like even the branch/leaf shape is changing
  20. hmm, speaking of shadow bug. I wonder if this ENB setting would fix the shadows casted from flora? ShadowCastersFix=true or maybe ShadowObjectsFix=true does the job already well I'm gonna try them all here. [SHADOW] ShadowObjectsFix=true ShadowCastersFix=true UseBilateralShadowFilter=true ShadowQualityFix=true DetailedShadowQuality=1
  21. nice, my 690 only goes to about 1188 max, artifacts past 1200. and memory is stable around 3445 (3500 was artifacting) I tried Skyrim Enhanced Shaders, but it was way too bright for my taste, I'm really loving this new medieval fantasy ENB Edit: not loving it so much anymore, it blurs stuff too much
  22. yeah I've been looking for a good ENB replacement for RCRN and I think I finally found it - ENB Medieval Fantasy. It was taken down off nexus for supposedly copying and modifying someone else's ENB but it really is the best I've seen so far. plus it has SMAA too. (if anyone wants a copy, just PM me for a mediafire link, not sure about the forum rules of posting a link to it here)
  23. nice, I'm also using SkyMoMod. this is a great addition
  24. btw, regarding those shadow issues I was mentioning earlier; I'm semi-convinced it's another SLi bug. but I can't reproduce it by saving, exiting, and re-loading again - it just happens sometimes. (basically standing in a bright sun light somewhere with some flora or trees casting a shadow will occasionally make the shadows draw all over the place and move with you as you walk, instead of being stationary. often occurs in wooded paths, or dungeons with a light hole in the ceiling with shrubs) and this occured with a vanilla/no mods install too.
  25. that's from RCRN, you can press Pause/Break key to toggle the effect on/off or just uninstall it if you don't like it. it can be a bit excessive sometimes, but other times it makes things look great (especially outdoors) also, regarding .ini settings have a look over here at MadWizard25's INI tweak collection. (you can manually add them if you don't use Wrye Bash)
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