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LittleGuy last won the day on October 16 2022

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    SkyUI Away
  • Diamond in the Rough
    SkyUI Away

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Community Answers

  1. DynDOLOD stalls several times during generation, often sitting at 0% with occasional spikes to 11% CPU utilization. Logs: https://mega.nz/file/l7JjiZCK#5kDMcC6u1HRrCmcAEG6DblecDGyTSfdz9_CLYgCmqDY This can last up to 20-30 minutes.
  2. These tweaks > These tweaks+20 increase to Direct/Ambient: StepENB > StepENB+20 increase to Direct/Ambient: I prefer the default ENB with the bumped up Direct/Ambient settings, the tweaked one blends better but looks worse. (Ignore the added moss on the second screenshots )
  3. The grass in the loaded cell is too bright compared to the grass LOD: Which settings for [ComplexGrass] would need to be tweaked to lessen this? Out of SpecularMultiplier, SubSurfaceScatteringAmount, BasicGrassSSSAmount, BasicGrassFakeLight, FakeLight, which would be the best to test around with? PS. I'd prefer a ENB solution since the loaded grass is a little too bright (But maybe we could brighten the LOD a little too?)
  4. This mod is being completely overwritten.
  5. Turns out college of winterhold and companions are masters for the CR patch, so either the patch needs updating or this mod needs a red bar.
  6. Instructions for this mod are out of date: Should be 1.6.640
  7. The mod has been updated to 1.6.640, but you need to create a Patreon account if you don't have one https://www.patreon.com/posts/racemenu-0-4-19-72519198 At least it isn't a paid tier (sounds like it was at one point) Also I haven't read anywhere that it would be uploaded to the Nexus, so maybe it will be Patreon exclusive now? at least for a good while anyway.
  8. Yeah sorry about that, I don't really know how patches work and I saw you guys talking about xEdit.
  9. Could this mod be safety skipped?, it just seems odd to me that this mod would exist since the base game is pretty good at being able to avoid main quests. Also the only quest delaying mod that I'd want to use is Thieves Guild Requirements SE, could I skip the other mods as well? (The Choice is Yours, Timing is Everything SE are the other mods I'm talking about)
  10. When following the guide, is the Step-CR patch all that is needed to generate grass LOD, or is NGIO still needed to create a CGID cache? (sorry if this was answered before)
  11. This mods instructions are out of date. Should we still use medium interiors/exteriors now that Luminosity is dropped?
  12. You'll want to make sure you have the correct version of Engine Fixes for your game, and make sure that you placed the .dll files from Part 2 into the root Skyrim SE directory
  13. The only thing wrong with this is the different update versions. Mod authors aren't forced to support all game versions, and a lot of mod users already get confused with mod/game update versions. I feel getting "disgusted" or angry over a game being available on multiple platforms is pretty weird.
  14. Maybe one of my mods are outdated or improperly installed. Radiant - Candles doesn't touch candleglow01.dds
  15. I think you should consider redoing the vanilla candle glow texture. I looked at this mod and thought it was much better than the vanilla glow, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of the lens flare effect. Vanilla >> Candle Glow - Smaller Flare
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