DoubleYou Posted April 12, 2015 Posted April 12, 2015 Discussion thread: Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD by Sheson Wiki Link DynDOLOD creates dynamic LOD for Skyrim, and is developed by Sheson, to whom everyone has given their children as slaves. Please refer to Sheson's thread here for discussion. Accepted for Core
TechAngel85 Posted June 21, 2015 Posted June 21, 2015 Support and Tips 1) Be sure the following line is in your Skyrim.ini or DynDOLOD will not fully process:[Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa.2) When fully complete for STEP the size of the output folders will be:STEP:Core = ~1GBSTEP:Extended = ~1.4GB3) You can updated DynDOLOD in the middle of a playthrough. When do you need to update? DynDOLOD can be updated whenever a new structure is added, new trees from vurt are added or changed, whever changing textures that no long match the LODs, etc. The process is not hard; however, must be done correctly. To learn how to do this, watch GamerPoets video and click on the "Update" link on the right side of the video to skip to the proper section. @ModeratorsPlease feel free to add to this post as new issues surface which could help users solve issues without having to post Support Threads.
Silverpanther34 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 (edited) I completed the task but had these Notes show up in the right pane of TES5Edit. Reveal hidden contents Doing LOD for DeepwoodRedoubtWorld Generating tree LOD for DeepwoodRedoubtWorld with brightness set to 0 DeepwoodRedoubtWorld Generating LOD <Note: TreeDeadShrubSnow TREE:000A731D LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreeFloraSnowberry01Snow "Snowberry" TREE:000BCF34 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreePineShrub01Snow TREE:0009DAA2 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreePineShrub02Snow TREE:0009DAA1 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreePineShrub03 TREE:000A7312 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreePineShrub03Snow TREE:000A7313 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreeThicket01Snow TREE:000ABD65 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> <Note: TreeVineMaple01Snow TREE:0009DAA5 LOD not found Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\> TreePineForestSnow01 TREE:0005C072 using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ TreePineForestSnow02 TREE:0005C071 using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ TreePineForestSnow03 TREE:0005C070 using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ TreePineForestSnow04 TREE:0005C06F using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ TreePineForestSnow05 TREE:0005C06E using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ TreeTundraDriftWoodTree01 TREE:000B8F53 using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ 00:04:58.470 Scanning DeepwoodRedoubtWorld *.BTT files in C:\Users\Steve Nantt\Desktop\STEP Extended LOD Worlds Output 2\meshes\terrain\DeepwoodRedoubtWorld\trees\ to build a list of trees with LOD DeepwoodRedoubtWorld Trees LOD Done. 00:04:58.541 Found 43 trees with LOD 00:04:58.562 Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 3091 records for DeepwoodRedoubtWorld 00:04:58.582 1 of 3091 done The above is an example of several spots in the log. I assume this is normal behavior though and not indicative of a problem. I removed the Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards and Vurt SFO 1.87 Basic LOD Billboards prior to starting as mentioned by Tech. As stated earlier I have STEP Vanilla Optimized Textures - Standard Varsion <---(Note spelling) And STEP Texture Compilation 11.1.2 For Reference: System Info OS; Windows 8.1 Pro Processor; Intel i3-3220 @3.30GHz Ram; 16 GB System Type; 64-bit OS, 64-based processor Video Card; Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB Driver Version; 347.52 Native Resolution; 1920x1200, 59Hz I do not have a powerful nor very modern PC With Shift + OK: Background Load = 8 sec. Apply Script TexGen = 2:19 Min Apply Script World = 31:04 Min Additional 9 Min for LOD building to cease. STEP Extended LOD TexGen Output = 8.41MB STEP Extended LOD Worlds Output 2 = 1.09GB I also have several mods not on STEP Extended and as stated on the previous thread did not install BURN, Freeze & Shock, and Wet And Cold. Plus I saw that you mentioned on the other thread about not hidding some files anymore. I have all the that were required to be hidden, throughout the various Tex Mods, MO Hidden. Edited June 22, 2015 by Silverpanther34
Octopuss Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 (edited) Does this still apply? Quote Go to the Plugins tab in Mod Organizer's and temporarily enable the three High Resolution Texture Pack and Unofficial High Resolution Patch dummy ESPs. This is necessary for some LOD files to be created. I thought it was proven the output was identical if the files were installed somewhere. Also, are the steps describing that textgen thing something specific to STEP? I don't remember seeing this in the manual. What does this actually do? Edited June 22, 2015 by Octopuss
Judassem Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 On this mod's page, it says: Copy the output folder to the mods folder inside Mod Organizer. So, I created a "DynDOLOD Output" folder. When the process is finished, I just cut this folder and paste it in the mods folder? Without doing anything else? I don't know why but it feels like I'm missing something here.
Judassem Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 (edited) While creating textures for DynDOLOD through TES5Edit, the program gives an error: This is the bug report: Reveal hidden contents date/time : 2015-06-22, 13:06:09, 738mscomputer name : ARDA-PCuser name : Arda <admin>registered owner : Ardaoperating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601system language : Turkishsystem up time : 18 hours 9 minutesprogram up time : 9 minutes 24 secondsprocessors : 8x AMD FX-8150 Eight-Core Processorphysical memory : 9087/16365 MB (free/total)free disk space : (C:) 21,43 GBdisplay mode : 1920x1080, 32 bitprocess id : $1688allocated memory : 1,23 GBcommand line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\TES5Edit.exe" -o:"C:\TES5LODGenOutput"executable : TES5Edit.exeexec. date/time : 2015-05-19 11:41version : with : Delphi XEmadExcept version : 4.0.5callstack crc : $0827ec98, $bce4f884, $d9d12d1cexception number : 1exception class : Unknownexception message : Unknown. main thread ($24cc):0076d9f4 +0144 TES5Edit.exe Imaging 1550 +21 ResizeImage00a5384e +0326 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4901 +35 TfrmMain.wbBuildAtlasFromAtlasMap00a7ee81 +1349 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 14949 +305 TfrmMain.JvInterpreterProgram1GetValue009aa90b +00c7 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterExpression.GetValue009ab4d1 +009d TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.GetValue009af45c +001c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.GetValue009a9e9c +0164 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterExpression.InternalGetValue009ac30d +005d TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIdentifier009ab675 +00e5 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab6bc +012c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac504 +0054 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf009ab6c5 +0135 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab6bc +012c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009aca33 +01b3 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretFor009ab6e0 +0150 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab30e +0052 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InFunction009af853 +00c3 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.ExecFunction009afb01 +0145 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunctionEx009af982 +0062 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunction00a5e89e +0226 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 6899 +43 TfrmMain.ApplyScript00a5f27c +0104 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 6998 +13 TfrmMain.mniNavApplyScriptClick00525e97 +00a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenuItem.Click00527393 +0013 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenu.DispatchCommand00528572 +0082 TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.WndProc005284c1 +001d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.MainWndProc004c4e8c +0014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc775a7885 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW005b2133 +00f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage005b2176 +000a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage005b24a1 +00c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run00a8ffaf +005f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization76403378 +0010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $ea0:77c301a2 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1ed8 (TWorkerThread):77c2f916 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject756514a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx7640118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx76401143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk>> created by main thread ($24cc) at:005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create thread $27d8:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $2748:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $106c:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk If I just click on "Continue Application," would I have any problems? (If I do so, I get two folders in the Output folder; "DynDOLOD-temp" and "textures". The first is 269 mb and the latter is 1 mb. Is this normal?) Edited June 22, 2015 by Judassem
criswolf09 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 (edited) I also have this problem, but right now I am watching GamerPoets video. After taking a look at MO's conflict tab I discovered that the Billboard files from TES5Lod Gen for Vanilla Trees and Vurt's SFO 1.87 are already included in the STEP Texture Compilation. Edited June 22, 2015 by criswolf09
TechAngel85 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 9:21 AM, Octopuss said: Does this still apply? I thought it was proven the output was identical if the files were installed somewhere. Also, are the steps describing that textgen thing something specific to STEP? I don't remember seeing this in the manual. What does this actually do?Yes, still necessary for script to read the BSAs. On 6/22/2015 at 9:54 AM, Judassem said: On this mod's page, it says: Copy the output folder to the mods folder inside Mod Organizer. So, I created a "DynDOLOD Output" folder. When the process is finished, I just cut this folder and paste it in the mods folder? Without doing anything else? I don't know why but it feels like I'm missing something here.Yep...well, active the mod. On 6/22/2015 at 10:14 AM, Judassem said: While creating textures for DynDOLOD through TES5Edit, the program gives an error: This is the bug report: Reveal hidden contents date/time : 2015-06-22, 13:06:09, 738mscomputer name : ARDA-PCuser name : Arda registered owner : Ardaoperating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601system language : Turkishsystem up time : 18 hours 9 minutesprogram up time : 9 minutes 24 secondsprocessors : 8x AMD FX-8150 Eight-Core Processorphysical memory : 9087/16365 MB (free/total)free disk space : (C:) 21,43 GBdisplay mode : 1920x1080, 32 bitprocess id : $1688allocated memory : 1,23 GBcommand line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\TES5Edit.exe" -o:"C:\TES5LODGenOutput"executable : TES5Edit.exeexec. date/time : 2015-05-19 11:41version : with : Delphi XEmadExcept version : 4.0.5callstack crc : $0827ec98, $bce4f884, $d9d12d1cexception number : 1exception class : Unknownexception message : Unknown. main thread ($24cc):0076d9f4 +0144 TES5Edit.exe Imaging 1550 +21 ResizeImage00a5384e +0326 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4901 +35 TfrmMain.wbBuildAtlasFromAtlasMap00a7ee81 +1349 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 14949 +305 TfrmMain.JvInterpreterProgram1GetValue009aa90b +00c7 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterExpression.GetValue009ab4d1 +009d TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.GetValue009af45c +001c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.GetValue009a9e9c +0164 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterExpression.InternalGetValue009ac30d +005d TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIdentifier009ab675 +00e5 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab6bc +012c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac504 +0054 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf009ab6c5 +0135 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab6bc +012c TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009aca33 +01b3 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretFor009ab6e0 +0150 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement009ac445 +00b1 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin009ab30e +0052 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterFunction.InFunction009af853 +00c3 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.ExecFunction009afb01 +0145 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunctionEx009af982 +0062 TES5Edit.exe JvInterpreter TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunction00a5e89e +0226 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 6899 +43 TfrmMain.ApplyScript00a5f27c +0104 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 6998 +13 TfrmMain.mniNavApplyScriptClick00525e97 +00a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenuItem.Click00527393 +0013 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenu.DispatchCommand00528572 +0082 TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.WndProc005284c1 +001d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.MainWndProc004c4e8c +0014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc775a7885 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW005b2133 +00f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage005b2176 +000a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage005b24a1 +00c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run00a8ffaf +005f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization76403378 +0010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $ea0:77c301a2 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1ed8 (TWorkerThread):77c2f916 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject756514a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx7640118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx76401143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk>> created by main thread ($24cc) at:005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create thread $27d8:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $2748:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $106c:77c31f8b +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory76403378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk If I just click on "Continue Application," would I have any problems? (If I do so, I get two folders in the Output folder; "DynDOLOD-temp" and "textures". The first is 269 mb and the latter is 1 mb. Is this normal?) That's not right. Not sure what the issue is though. On 6/22/2015 at 12:36 PM, criswolf09 said: I also have this problem, but right now I am watching GamerPoets video. After taking a look at MO's conflict tab I discovered that the Billboard files from TES5Lod Gen for Vanilla Trees and Vurt's SFO 1.87 are already included in the STEP Texture Compilation.Yep, Billboards for STEP are included in that mod.
Judassem Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 1:48 PM, TechAngel85 said: That's not right. Not sure what the issue is though. OK, how can I start troubleshooting? And how big should the texture folder be?
Octopuss Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 1:48 PM, TechAngel85 said: Yes, still necessary for script to read the BSAs. Ah nevermind, I forgot you probably have everything packed in BSA in STEP. I have the optimized hires textures as loose files and DynDoLOD works just fine.
EssArrBee Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 On 6/22/2015 at 9:21 AM, Octopuss said: Does this still apply? I thought it was proven the output was identical if the files were installed somewhere. Also, are the steps describing that textgen thing something specific to STEP? I don't remember seeing this in the manual. What does this actually do?texgen is make custom LOD textures. If you look at all the textures that end with or they are made from the vanilla textures. That creates a mismatch between your replacers and the LODs. TexGen allows you to make the LOD textures from your replacers in about 10 minutes.
TechAngel85 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 SRB, Do we keep the TexGen files active and in the load order after DynDOLOD has ran and you're ready to play?
criswolf09 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 Guys I am unable to generate the files. Everytime I run the script in TES5Edit, I get this Unknown error. I have installed every mod in the STEP Core profile in MO.
TechAngel85 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 You guys have PapyrusUtil install in MO and the latest stable version of SKSE (not the beta), right?
criswolf09 Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 Oh? I have the beta build. I'll revert to the latest stable and see how it goes.
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