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ENB Guide


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NVIDIA AF is better than ENB's AF so turn that off in the ENB and force it in the drivers with Inspector to "16x". SMAA is clearer and EdgeAA in the ENB. The ENB AA makes the edges blurry. That's just a result of how Boris implemented it. So use SMAA or override the application settings in Inspector for your AA solution. If you override, your AA on the Launcher will have to be turned on as well.


The ENB SSAO is suppose to be better as it selectively applies the effect to textures (according to Boris); whereas, NVIDIA AO is applied to everything. But that's your choice. You have to have the AO set to "Enable" in Inspector regardless of which option you choose to use.

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Okay, so in enbseries.ini:












In Skyrimprefs.ini:






In nvidia inspector:



Posted Image




Did i do everything right?


And techangel, i read you use Skyrealism and RLO, so do I. But i think dungeons are not dark enough. Do you use anything else for darker dungeons / nights?

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ Ezekiel33


In ENB v0.149 and above Boris added this under the [FIX] section;




Set it to true and it will remove the water transparency when SSAO is enabled, you can have it set to true even if you have SSAO turned off.




Nice work on this guide Staind716, good to have such info available for ENB beginners :)


If you recall I do have a ENB Tweak Guide with some info on what all the settings does both in the enbseries.ini and enbeffect.fx and soon all the other .fx files as well. It includes before and after pictures of every setting in those files, usually the range goes from 0.0 to 2.0 or min and max values.


I think it would serve as a good extension to your guide and I am working on an updated version of the guide to cover settings up to ENB v0.155


Link to that guide -> Guide to ENB series mods



Also I have a weather mod which improves vanilla Skyrim weather and exterior lighting, it is meant to go along with all ENB presets a lot better but without altering the vanilla Skyrim look.


I'm working on a new version but here is the current released version of it -> ENB Weather Extended

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Nice work on this guide Staind716, good to have such info available for ENB beginners :)


If you recall I do have a ENB Tweak Guide with some info on what all the settings does both in the enbseries.ini and enbeffect.fx and soon all the other .fx files as well. It includes before and after pictures of every setting in those files, usually the range goes from 0.0 to 2.0 or min and max values.


I think it would serve as a good extension to your guide and I am working on an updated version of the guide to cover settings up to ENB v0.155


Link to that guide -> Guide to ENB series mods



Also I have a weather mod which improves vanilla Skyrim weather and exterior lighting, it is meant to go along with all ENB presets a lot better but without altering the vanilla Skyrim look.


I'm working on a new version but here is the current released version of it -> ENB Weather Extended


Most of the work on this guide is mine now... :P. I just left his name up to give him credit for the original thought. Though, now that the wiki is open to the public, that needs to be changed to "STEP Team and Wiki Editors".


I'll look into your guide and weather mod. I'm not as present on the forums as much as I would like to be right now due to my living situation. That will change in a few months though.

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Ah my mistake, then I know which ones I should give proper credit to in the future ;)


I have not yet uploaded my latest update to my ENB Guide parts, still working on it as I write this actually.


Some new guide features in the next update;


- Cover ENBSeries mods up to v0.155

- Images will have a link to 1920x1080 image on a online gallery, to make it easier to compare the before and after effects.

- External mini-guides and detailed notes on some effects and other stuff that I thought would otherwise clutter the guide.

- Updated the recommended mods list.


Which I have mentioned over at my Nexus mod thread.


Also the weather mod uploaded at that mod thread is not my latest work as I'm still working on it, but I can upload a WIP/BETA file that has 1 SkyrimClear, Cloudy and SkyrimFog weather almost completed if you want to test out the new improved EWE mod features, some of them atleast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just letting everyone know that I've gone through most of the guide making some text and description updates. I've also added some information and instruction to the SMAA tab and updated the Main Configuration (INI) tab to support v0.139 of the ENBSeries. I've focused that tab to be the "common and basic" edits to customize your ENB. I still need to read through the Troubleshooting tab for edits, and an Advanced Editing tab is planned which will help guide in completely customizing your ENB; making advanced edits to the effects and lighting within the enbseries.ini file.

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I just finished giving the Guide a freshening up. Advanced Editing is still to come. I'm splitting my time between this guide and a new one that Torminater and myself will start working on soon.


I do need one thing though. Can someone with an AMD card that knows a thing or two about ENBs please take a look at the Troubleshooting tab and review the AMD/ATI Users section? Please determine if this is still relevant and if it is, please update anything that needs to be updated. Z, you'd be the perfect candidate for this from your experience with your preset creations.


Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the ENB documentation:


"Do not set texture lod bias to negative values, it must be 0 only or not affected at all. "


Does mean in NVIDIA Control Panel I want Clamp for Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias setting?




Edit- Nevermind re: my 2nd question (which I deleted). Figured it out. The SkyRealism ESB presets replace those like files from Boris's ENB.




Also, although it doesn't appear so from reviewing the enbseries config file, does SkyRealism ENB use the right numpad keys for anything? I ask because I can no longer use some of these keys for movement, even though I have them assigned for such in the game. Now for example when I try to assign Numpad 5 for Favorites, I get a message "that key is reserved". I am a southpaw so I need these keys.


I did change the INPUT settings from default to as follows:










Also now that I realize it, using the key name instead of whatever numerical system is being used might create problems- will it?


Anyway, just wondering if anyone knows, since I want to regain use of righthand numpad keys. I checked the various mods in Mod Configurator and don't see any that appear to be using them. Thanks.







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SkyRealism ENB and the default ENB file from Boris use the same key bindings for the [iNPUT] section. So I don't know where that issue of yours would be coming from, but it shouldn't have anything do to with the ENB unless it has something to do with the new ENB GUI. Personally, I've never tried using anything other than a mouse for movement. Try uninstalling the ENB (removing the files) to see if you regain your movement back.


PS: You should use the numerical value and not the actual key "name".

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